Top Gear last night

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Nov 12, 2009
I agree that Top Gear in it's present format is escapism which can sometimes make us all laugh. I've no particular problem with the social backgrounds of at least two of the presenters BUT...........

I do have a problem with the presenters constantly deriding us caravanners to the point where some morons actually jeered at Brian when he had an accident on the M5 which resulted in his newly acquired caravan being overturned. (See 'Overturned Caravan)

Those who have had the advantages that they have had should think before they open their mouths, if they don't like caravans that's fine because with their money they can afford to stay in the best hotels in exotic locations so they should just shut up and stop trying to marginalise and demonise the rest of us who do own caravans.

It's a proven fact that caravans are not the cause of traffic congestion and those of us who tow caravans have a much lower than average accident rate than the rest of the motoring population.

Nevertheless Clarkson and his overpaid cohorts continue to promote the idea that caravans are a 'menace' they said on last weeks programme that they were trying to rid Britain's roads of 'the caravan menace' by constructing their own motorhomes.

A current MOT certificate is no guarantee of the road worthiness of a vehicle, the vehicle was roadworthy at the time of inspection is all that is proven. To my mind at least one of the vehicles would have fallen foul of the 'construction and use' legislation that applies to motor vehicles driven on a public highway.

The show was obviously a put up job from start to finish but the idea is firmly planted in the minds of some of the idiots who we are unfortunate enough to have to share the roads with that caravanners are to be despised and the roads and motorways are some sort of playground for overgrown schoolboys.


Nov 12, 2009
I forgot to add, Clarkson must have decided that discretion was the better part of valour when he abstained from giving Andy Garcia a hard time because he owns an Airstream.

Andy Garcia looked as though he would have been more than capable of sticking one on Clarkson good style if he'd been tempted to sneer at Garcia's caravan ownership.

As for the BBC sticking up the V's and waving them about,I wouldn't mind so much if the V's were not being waved continually in our direction, caravanners pay for tv licences the same as everybody else!
Jun 28, 2010
I used to love Top gear. ie the first few series of the current format. I remember a feature on buying an old porsche for banger money which was extremely funny to watch.

The reason it had big veiwing figures is that it wasnt about cars in detail but more about enjoying cars amd motoring or escapism as some posters have put. That attracted viewers not normally attracted to car programmes, eg women. It became an entertainment show, not a car show.

However, i remember an article after the end of the last series quoting the series producers that said the current format wouldnt last much longer. The presenters had become 'cartoon characters' and basicaly just messed about. Theres only so many times they can crush a caravan/classic car/piano before it becomes boring and repetitive.

expect it to change.

"'Top Gear's James May says that the stunts will be toned down on the new series of the popular motoring show.

The presenter told Radio Times that there would be subtle changes including less "tomfoolery" when it returns at the weekend.

He said: "It's easy to get carried away. It's like drinking - you start to believe you're funny and other people might not. Everybody wants their programme to be the biggest in the world. But it opens you to accusations of dumbing down.

"The keen observer will see a subtle change - a slight retreat from the 'Last of the Summer Wine' tomfoolery."

The move comes after the show was criticised for featuring increasingly OTT stunts in the previous series. These included blowing up a caravan, pretending to crash-land an airship and firing a car off the docks in Belfast.

Despite the controversy, 'Top Gear' is BBC Two's most-watched programme with more than five million viewers."
Dec 16, 2003
So, if i'm correct the Top Gear lads have offended


Motorhome Drivers,


The Morris Marina Owners club

Truck Drivers,

The French

The Coastguard and


Whilst in general the vast majority of people who watch the show can't afford anything they 'review'.

YET, it's still one of the BBCs most successful shows.

I think people here need to lighten up, accept that it's simply light entertainment and is no more offensive than Men Behaving Badly or the Young Ones.

And as for the suggestion that Top Gear has a negative influence on motorists who see overturned caravans and Jeremy being scared to slag Andy Garvia's caravan, do you really believe that Parksy? Really?


Nov 12, 2009
'And as for the suggestion that Top Gear has a negative influence on motorists who see overturned caravans and Jeremy being scared to slag Andy Garvia's caravan, do you really believe that Parksy? Really?'

Never underestimate the power of television Ricey.

Admittedly my observation about Andy Garcia was slightly tongue in cheek so maybe it's you who needs to 'lighten up' but I would maintain that the constant drip feed of negative comments from Clarkson and other broadcasters but most especially the BBC which we are forced to pay for helps to reinforce outdated stereotypes where caravans and those of us who use them are concerned.

I suggest that you read what happened to Brian in his 'Overturned Caravan' topic on this forum, this sort of behaviour from other road users is not uncommon.

If television had no impact on public conciousness why would tv advertising be so successful?
Dec 16, 2003
If television had no impact on public conciousness why would tv advertising be so successful?

Top Gear can't be compared to advertising. A 1hr show on a Sunday night on BBC2 which has 6 episodes per series and at best 2 series a year bears absolutely no resemblance to advertising and marketing.

And I have read the Overturned Caravan post. Whilst dreadful I disagree that Top Gear had any influence on these halfwits reactions. However, we'll never know for sure. The only thing we can be sure of is that there were halfwits around before 2002 when Top Gear started in it's current format.

And I reckon Clarkson could take Garcia ;-)
Jun 28, 2010
To be fair, i dont think top gear can be blamed for peoples opinions or even reinforcing those opinions on caravans.

hatred of caravans by other road users has been present for decades and i think it always will be. Just like tractors. I hate tractors on the road at rush hour or when lorries overtake on a dual carriageway yet sit side by side for a few miles while one creeps past the other.

Just facts of motoring life that will always be here.


Nov 12, 2009
One must suppose that these days the measure of talent amongst television presenters is their ability to polarise popular opinion. Clarkson does this, he's hugely popular but has been the subject of well founded complaints because of ill advised comments that he makes from time to time.

Jonathan Ross is another mediocre talent who was overpaid by the BBC using our money, thankfully he's gone now but unfortunately his replacement is another overpaid no talent loudmouth.

I'd agree that Top Gear isn't responsible for starting anti caravan feelings amongst some motorists but in my opinion the programme certainly reinforces it to some extent.

This 'hatred' of caravans has been around for a long time, part of it may have been based on envy but when people like Clarkson devote an entire programme to negatively stereotyping caravans and those of us who use them some of the mud is bound to stick.

The celebrated 'caravan' programme was uproariously funny and extremely well staged but the trouble with Clarkson is that he had to go just that little bit too far. He quite seriously 'reminded' viewers that caravanners 'held everybody up just so that they could do this' which besides being completely inaccurate in every respect was offensive.

He'd demonised us and tried to make us scapegoats for every traffic hold up on the roads and motorways of Britain.

What right does he have to try to set one section of the British motoring population against another?

It doesn't matter whether he succeeded in doing so or not he's doing it on our money.

I think that we'll have to agree to disagree on this one, perhaps it's a generational thing.

Like him or loath him the guy should grow up and think before he opens his mouth.
Sep 19, 2008
Two way radios are specifically exempt from the mobile phone legislation, CB radios etc are still legal, unless the device can be used as a mobile phone aswell. You can still be prosecuted if it can be demonstrated that you are not in full control of the vehicle.

I find it hard to believe that items like this on top gear aren't planned in minute detail, such as talking to local police,councils, highways etc. I would have thought that they would have had a fire crew waiting when they set fire to hammonds 'thing'. They had a motorsport rescue truck on hand on the beach. Plus they would have had to get special permission to take the vehicles onto the beach and also drop JCs citroen of the cliff, and even then it would have been drained of fuel, oil and other fluids plus all glass removed etc. If not then they do need prosecuting.

Top gear is an entertainment program which happens to have some cars in it.

On the point of fifth gear, it is back but it now seems to only on for 30 mins at some odd time during the week, which would sugest it is no where near as popular as top gear.

I think the fact that they do only seem to test exotic sports cars is why it is so popular, why else would so many people flock to the goodwood festival of speed each year.

Doesn't make it any less stupid though.


might as well add radio two to the group of caravan hater,s! as they are always having a pop. You have to take it as tonque in cheek.

Top gear also in the past has made comments about diesel cars and there dislike, but car sales of diesels have not gone down because of it, indeed there market share seems to be going higher and higher!

And of course JC loves ALFA,s but there sales aren't exactly going through the roof.

Dont forget he also detests bikes and bikers!

Infact is there not a group that the show does not have a go at?

Its entertainment and should not be taken literally...I hope
Dec 30, 2009
Parksy wrote

I do have a problem with the presenters constantly deriding us caravanners to the point where some morons actually jeered at Brian when he had an accident on the M5 which resulted in his newly acquired caravan being overturned. (See 'Overturned Caravan)

What proof have you got that the morons who jeered at Brian got the idea off Top Gear, thats just taking the whole thing too far.

It is what it is, if you dont like watching it or dont find it funny dont watch. Some of us have a difference sence of humour than others and thank god were not all the same.

If you cant see that all these stunts are a complete set up go to spec savers
Aug 12, 2007
Parksy did say (several times) he found it funny - as do I.....I still think they're idiots though. It is possible to enjoy something whilst not totally agreeing with it - hence the fact that we laugh when someone falls over (or is that just me?? pmsl).

And yes, it's blatantly obvious that their stunts are put up jobs.


Nov 12, 2009
If Trucker had read my posts properly he'd have noticed that I mentioned that the stunts were set up and that I did find the caravan programme funny so perhaps he'd like to join me at Spec Savers.

It's very true that any of us can easily opt out of watching programmes that we dislike or which we don't find funny.

If only we had the same set of choices when it comes to paying the licence fee for the BBC.
Dec 30, 2009
Parksy YOU wrote

I do have a problem with the presenters constantly deriding us caravanners to the point where some morons actually jeered at Brian when he had an accident on the M5 which resulted in his newly acquired caravan being overturned. (See 'Overturned Caravan)

I wrote

IF you dont like watching it or dont find it funny dont watch

See you didnt answer my Question about proof, just picking up a generic point re not liking the program

Oh and its not just the BBC which dont give much choise, we often switch off these days as there is nothing on which interest us on any of the 100+ channels we have, progress they call it, cheep tv I call it.



Nov 12, 2009
So can YOU prove that the morons who jeered at Brian's misfortune were NOT influenced in any way shape or form by the Top Gear anti caravan rhetoric Kevin?

I didn't actually write that I 'didn't like the programme' so once again you are putting words into my mouth Kevin.

There are things about Top Gear that I like and things that I dislike which would be obvious to you if you had read what I had written.

The thing that I dislike most of all is the anti caravan stance adopted by the programme makers.

You are right when you say that it's not just the BBC who don't give us much choice but my point was directed at the fact that the licence payer has no choice other than to buy a tv licence.

I wasn't referring to programme content.

Viewers have the choice whether or not to subscribe to the other 100+ channels but absolutely zero choice about subscribing to the BBC because if they own a tv set they pay for the BBC.
Jul 28, 2010
I must admit, I watched it too and was in hysterics.. But had I of been faced with a 'block of flats' swerving into my Motorway lane, I wouldn't of found it so amusing.. I think it's all camera work..!!
Dec 10, 2008
Top Gear's great! If you don't like some of Clarkson's assinine comments, then it's easy - grab the remote and change channels!

As for the comments about the wealthy TV presenters being able to stay in smart hotels etc., well 'vanning's hardly a cheap hobby is it?

Since 1986, I've had 4 caravans, which in today's prices have cost me the equivalent of over
Jan 3, 2010
Top Gear is the only programme I watch on the BBC, it's a ritual to watch it on Sunday night and then we all laugh about it at work on Monday morning, it's funny, it's a laugh and it's full of cars we all dream about driving, it's proper entertainment that we don't seem to get anymore.

We all know what's going to happen on it so if people don't like it then don't watch it, it's as simple as that.

Having just watched a re-run on Dave, the one where they went on a caravan holiday, it just goes to show why people don't get caravanning.

Jezza asked a woman what they do on a caravan holiday, and what did she say "well you can empty your toilet" unbelieveable!!!

I would also like to ask how many people on hear listen to Ken Bruce on radio2 in a morning, very popular show, very popular with the older generation aswell, he hates caravanners, hates them with a passion, even more so than Top Gear and he says it pretty much every day at this time of year and always on a Friday.



Nov 12, 2009
That's my entire point!

I don't dislike Top Gear in fact most of it is extremely funny.

I also firmly believe that caravanning contributes a great deal to the UK economy in terms of jobs in the caravan manufacturing, sales, tourism and leisure industries.

What really annoys me is that the Jeremy Clarkson's and Ken Bruce's of this world are allowed to spout ill considered and ill founded remarks which reinforce negative stereotypes of caravans. I will concede that the old woman with her toilet emptying remark didn't help matters but BBC programme makers who are paid by us should think carefully before providing a platform for the mis information about and the general denigration of caravanners by media types who are far removed from everyday realities.

Caravanners are licence payers too!
Feb 27, 2010
do you honestly think that anyone who watched that program and is not a caravanner can even remember it or even discusses it on a forum anywhere. Do you think they give damn.

its a bit like newspapers, todays story is tomorrows fish and chip paper.
Mar 14, 2005
Well i join the ranks of people who thought the whole thing was hilarious, reminded me of the good old black and white comedys they used to show over christmas, keystone cops what stunts they performed without editing.
Oct 22, 2009
They are only playing and having some fun whilst trying to get a rise out of ANYBODY who will indulge them.It is a favourite prog of

my son and granddaughter aged 41 and 14 respectively.That tells us all something in itself!!!

Thursdays Child
Jan 17, 2005
I never believe a word JC or the others say - it is all entertainment. And if anyone is stupid enough to be swayed by their opinions then I wouldn't want to be pitched next to them anyway, so no loss to the caravanning world.

And would people stop going on about Jonathan Ross being talent-less? Have you tried standing up in front of an audience of 100s and talking? And making it intereting or funny? And then doing that in front of a TV camera with millions watching? And then with a Hollywood megastar next to you?

That is not easy and I think he does a good job of it and deserves whatever his employers are prepared to pay - good on him. I can't stand Graham Norton BUT he has got more talent in his little finger than any of us will ever have. Personally, I'm happy to pay
Mar 14, 2005
I certainly don't agree with all the anti-caravan views and stunts that are portrayed on Top Gear, and it is very unfortunate that they do seem to have a real death wish for caravans, but to condemn a person or a programme because they hold one particular view that is contrary to your own is rather draconian.

As others have said Top Gear is primarily an entertainment show, but it does sometimes carry some useful information, the trick is to be able to differentiate between the tongue in mouth antics, and the more serious and often thought provoking material they deal with.

Do you also complain about your favourite newspaper if it so happens the editorial policy is to support one particular political party?

If the programme really offends you then by all means relate your views here, but more importantly complain to the BBC.

Ultimately you are not forced to watch the programme; you can always turn it off or turn over to a different programme.

Or do you watch it so you can find something to complain about!


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