Touring Cheques - Torre del Sol, Cambrils, Spain

Mar 21, 2007
Anyone had any problems when presenting touring cheques at this site? Site management(The Director)claims they have cancelled the contract with Touring Cheques and will no longer accept them. The Touring Cheques website still shows this site as one of theirs.

Feb 3, 2005
Peter - I am not familiar with Touring Cheques (generally use Camping Cheques or ACCI) but you need to speak to them. I had this problem with Camping Cheques and a site in Switzerland this year - I got to the site and there was a notice (in German) saying they no longer accepted the cheques, yet they were in the 2009 book. I contacted the Camping Cheque organisation in France the next day and they said the site had withdrawn its membership mid term (after the books had been sent out). They said they had found a replacement site 3 miles away and would have told me about it if I had phoned at the time. Unfortunately the incident happened on a Sunday and I hadn't been able to do this and ended up paying about
Mar 14, 2005
Whilst I have no experience of this particular site, I have noticed that there are a few sites in France which are listed on the Touring Cheques website which no longer accept them e.g. La Citadelle in Loches. I raised this with them and they suggested that the book was up to date and please refer to that. They apologised and said that they would amend the website as soon as possible.

So beware and double check.

Mar 14, 2005
Have just checked TC's website and true to their word they have amended the entries. Well done.
Oct 23, 2008
We used this site earlier this year and used Camping Cheques without any problems.

When arriving at a site that has not been pre booked we always ask what they accept in terms of ACSI, CC or whatever. We have yet to find a site that does not accept cash!
Mar 21, 2007
Thank you all for your replies.

The Touring Cheques (TC'S) brochure (if you can call it that as its not as good as the Camping Cheques' one)was sent with the cheques about 3 weeks before our journey here and clearly includes this site. We have some Camping Cheques left over from last year and will use these, but have to admit we chose Touring Cheques because they were cheaper - though not by much. I think unless we are able to get a refund on our return to the UK we will never use TC's again. They are valid for the season 2009/2010 and while we like this site at this time of the season we would have to find another site that accepts them.

Mar 14, 2005

Obn a similar vein I attempted to get the C&CC to tell me (either verbally or in writing) which sites participated in their 'Freedom Camping' scheme.

Their rep seemed surprised that I wished to have that information prior to buying the book and thought it perfectly correct to buy the book without the information. I suppose it was the ultimate 'Pig in a Poke'

Perhaps, not surprisingly, the C&CC are stopping Freedom Camping at the end of the year and have formed a new association with ACSI.


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