travel in Europe,use of Aires

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Dec 16, 2003
Evans it is about time some accepted an "each to their own" attitude to some of the questions.

As said it is very ACCEPTABLE to very many, the only advice re shoud be about using a little common sense and parking in well lit and well frequented stops.

La'croc your post beggars belief, firstly to imply that people who use service stops and aires to "save a few bob" is quite rude. I and no doubt Val and many others stop because it suits us and how we want to travel, nothing to do with money pal. Or are you tryng to belittle those who are asking about the practice into people thinking they are poor if they use a road side stop!

My bought and paid for tow car costs a lot of money as do two Brits with vans I parked by yesterday and are on a 6 month trip around France, Spain and Italy etc. One couple with a new Bessacarr and an X5 the other with matching Van and new M Class.

Again your comment re "risky" again misses the point that the risk is considered "minimal" by very many. You again seem to dismiss the risks of overnight stops that many do on route that can be in municipal sites where some have reputatitons for theft and other problems due to location near urban areas!

Last night I booked into my Hotel after delivering to my place of work for three days. Nice "quality" hotel, yet when I booked in some people had had their rooms broken into and an attempt to steal a car and another car had a window smashed at the same time. So with my load I was probably a hell of a lot safer the night before!
Mar 14, 2005
'Evans it is about time some accepted an "each to their own" attitude to some of the questions.'

I just hope that you will not come on here complaining, how you have just been mugged in some neglected aire in some part of the continent!

And why get personal in the first place! We're all trying to help each other aren't we?
Dec 16, 2003
It is some what personal to judge that others stop at Aires or Service stops due to their financial status. Or even to imply that it is somehow for "poor" people.

I tend not to jump out of planes with a giant silk hankie tied to me, very many of others do. I wouldn't tell others not to do it because my friend actually has had to clear up bodies of a few who have had the chutes fail.

As it is now over 31 years since my very first "forced" overnight stop at a Belgium service area and I have lost count of how many times we as a family and I when working have stopped if I was subject to some crime it is more likely to be down to chance and odds and on a camp site. Often speaking with others that frequently do the same as Val said I have yet to hear of anything really to worry about!

On the other hand I know for fact of theft on campsites in Europe and here when we have been on site, and I know via close friends and a two neighbours of theft from cars, caravans and other illegal acts on continental sites. And as posted before my ex bosses son and friends had all their expensive well locked bikes stolen on a nice "safe campsite" in France. Theives also attempted to take mine and my wife and daughters well locked cycles in La Palmyre two years ago. No point moaning, it happens and I've been back since and will go again.

The only worry is that some trot out scare stories, again and again . REMOTE stops are a NO NO for me. Well lit well frequented stops and with 24 hour staff are OK in my and many others true life experience.
Jul 20, 2005
Well said cris.

Just for the record, my family and I once stopped at the municipal site in Calais before an early morning ferry. It was very scary.
Jul 31, 2010
I do feel that some people take a delight in spreading scare stories about traveling in Europe. I have just returned from a trip to Rome, listening to the tour manager talk, you would think that everyone who was not British, was a pick pocket or mugger just waiting for the unsuspecting tourist to fall within their clutches.

I myself have had my car broken into in Spain, but I have also had it stolen three times from outside my own house. I have had many holidays in Europe both with and without the caravan and I find that if you are sensible and watch what the locals do you will survive relatively unscathed.

Steve W
Mar 14, 2005
"12:02 PM It is some what personal to judge that others stop at Aires or Service stops due to their financial status. Or even to imply that it is somehow for "poor" people."

I have never said that, or anything like that.

So there! Sticks out tongue at accusatory person.


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