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Dec 16, 2003
I have received email from our "Mod" explaining that my post was removed for suggesting that another user may be needy, hence suggesting that the person maybe ill.

"Sorry, cris, but I don't think we should discuss another user in this way "needy of attention", they could take inference that he is ill in some way"

Mod 1 quotes my post to me that said "I tried hard to be polite and offer sensible reason as to why this/these person/s may be needy of attention.

"may" and "person" infers no gender and only offers a possibility not a diagnosis, if a PERSON takes offense at such an open ended comment surely we are lost here.

Mod1 attributes a gender to the person / persons in his/her email to me, something I was not prepared to do in an effort to promote peace.

Mod1 I respectfully have to question your reasoning and arguement re this debacle.

I am not offended or hurt in any way, just a little mystified by your logic and actions!

Kindest respect and regards

Jan 19, 2008
Everytime I see the word Troll posted I think of the Billy Goats Gruff. In my mind I even tranferred them to Billy Goat Lol, Brian and Clive. Billy Goats Lol and Brian persuaded the Troll to let them tow their caravans over his bridge without insulting them because Billy Goat Clive had a shorter temper. When Billy Goat Clive approached the bridge towing his van in his (whispers 4x4) the Troll jumped out and said "I'm going to insult you for pollution". Clive replied "On ya bike my son" and butted the Troll right up his Ring of Uranus. The Troll fell into the river and drowned (all together) HOORAYYYYY and was swept out to sea and never seen again. :O)
Dec 16, 2003
I'm with Janey on this one (but who's counting?) the site has to be moderated, it has a set standard and we should try to remain within that standard. If we stray then we deserve what's coming to us, through past experience I know we get given a long rope to choke ourselves with. We agree to the terms and conditions when we sign up, it's just unfortunate that at the moment enforcement of the rules means catching up with the culprits after the evil deed has been done. To my mind all these problems have emanated from one person and his multi personalities, not from the regular contributors, the thing is, it's hard to ignore someone intent on causing trouble. Think "disruptive child" and deal with it that way.

As I have said, the rules are open to the level of understanding by individuals.

We are all different and can interpret what is acceptable based on many different factors. If Haymarket are really concerned why have they not changed the forum engine.

They have obviously calculated the "benefits" of running forums within the group but seem reluctant to solve the security problems that only they can do.
Dec 16, 2003
Lord B.

You could do a Lord of the rings sequel! Such a touching tale.

I was gripped!

A liitle violent may be!

Could he not have given him a good talking to leading to him steppimg back falling onto a punt and floating to the land of fairy's and all things good a long long long way a way.
Jan 19, 2008
Lord B.

You could do a Lord of the rings sequel! Such a touching tale.

I was gripped!

A liitle violent may be!

Could he not have given him a good talking to leading to him steppimg back falling onto a punt and floating to the land of fairy's and all things good a long long long way a way.
That was my ending cris, you have to make up your own ending and I didn't want to take chances on him coming back ;O)
Dec 16, 2003
Mod Mod Mod Mod.

Tina's being naughty, Tina's being naughty, Tina's being naughty!!!!!!!!

I'm not saying what though coz it might not be nice and what I say gets misinterptreted by mistook sometimes and I really really really am wery wery nice and goodly.

An Me, CliveV, Lordypops Braykypants and even the nice Trolls will give her our lastest malteezer.

Well MAYBE!!!! ;-)
Mar 14, 2005
If you are hurt by having your postings removed (as you obvously are) then stick to the forum rules.
Apr 11, 2005
Mod Mod Mod Mod.

Tina's being naughty, Tina's being naughty, Tina's being naughty!!!!!!!!

I'm not saying what though coz it might not be nice and what I say gets misinterptreted by mistook sometimes and I really really really am wery wery nice and goodly.

An Me, CliveV, Lordypops Braykypants and even the nice Trolls will give her our lastest malteezer.

Well MAYBE!!!! ;-)
Yay !! If I'm really really bad can I have the whole bag????!!!!!
Mar 14, 2005
If you are hurt by having your postings removed (as you obvously are) then stick to the forum rules.
Haaaaaa Haaaaaaa Haaaaaaaa!

Best entertainment ever!

Well done LB!
Mar 14, 2005
M'Lord, you seem to have Brian and myself confused with other more sedate types. While I can relate to your Billy goat story, I think at the same time you miss our subtle workings when it comes to trolls.

Unlike you, Clive and Cris, we approach this mater at a tangent and believe we get better results for it. It amazes me that while there is obviously a lot of intelligence floating around this forum along with some quick wit and problem solving abilities, that I would never be able to match, confronting trolls head on isn't going to work long term. You're in their comfort zone when going at it "hammer and tongue" and if you read Pete's replies, you would begin to understand what I mean. Sometimes a subtle approach works best; we don't ignore the problem (after all it's entertainment) but try to catch out any deviations from their stories. Once the trolls find out the game is up, they go quiet. For example Kanga said he would be turning up at the Easter meet, I now know that he wont be, by just using a few simple questions, in fact he ignored me after that. Ultimately whatever we do wont make the problem go away, but if you can achieve your target without having all the messages wiped because of bad form, wouldn't that be better?
Jan 19, 2008
M'Lord, you seem to have Brian and myself confused with other more sedate types. While I can relate to your Billy goat story, I think at the same time you miss our subtle workings when it comes to trolls.

Unlike you, Clive and Cris, we approach this mater at a tangent and believe we get better results for it. It amazes me that while there is obviously a lot of intelligence floating around this forum along with some quick wit and problem solving abilities, that I would never be able to match, confronting trolls head on isn't going to work long term. You're in their comfort zone when going at it "hammer and tongue" and if you read Pete's replies, you would begin to understand what I mean. Sometimes a subtle approach works best; we don't ignore the problem (after all it's entertainment) but try to catch out any deviations from their stories. Once the trolls find out the game is up, they go quiet. For example Kanga said he would be turning up at the Easter meet, I now know that he wont be, by just using a few simple questions, in fact he ignored me after that. Ultimately whatever we do wont make the problem go away, but if you can achieve your target without having all the messages wiped because of bad form, wouldn't that be better?
Sheesh, I just picked 3 names for no reason, I think this Pete/Kanga thing is making everyone touchy.

Everytime I see the word Troll posted I think of the Billy Goats Gruff. In my mind I even tranferred them to Billy Goat Braykey, cris and Clive. Billy Goats Braykey and cris persuaded the Troll to let them tow their caravans over his bridge without insulting them because Billy Goat Clive had a shorter temper. When Billy Goat Clive approached the bridge towing his van in his (whispers 4x4) the Troll jumped out and said "I'm going to insult you for pollution". Clive replied "On ya bike my son" and butted the Troll right up his Ring of Uranus. The Troll fell into the river and drowned (all together) HOORAYYYYY and was swept out to sea and never seen again. :O)

There is that better?
Mar 28, 2005
M'Lord, you seem to have Brian and myself confused with other more sedate types. While I can relate to your Billy goat story, I think at the same time you miss our subtle workings when it comes to trolls.

Unlike you, Clive and Cris, we approach this mater at a tangent and believe we get better results for it. It amazes me that while there is obviously a lot of intelligence floating around this forum along with some quick wit and problem solving abilities, that I would never be able to match, confronting trolls head on isn't going to work long term. You're in their comfort zone when going at it "hammer and tongue" and if you read Pete's replies, you would begin to understand what I mean. Sometimes a subtle approach works best; we don't ignore the problem (after all it's entertainment) but try to catch out any deviations from their stories. Once the trolls find out the game is up, they go quiet. For example Kanga said he would be turning up at the Easter meet, I now know that he wont be, by just using a few simple questions, in fact he ignored me after that. Ultimately whatever we do wont make the problem go away, but if you can achieve your target without having all the messages wiped because of bad form, wouldn't that be better?
I agree 100% Lol, it's the confrontation that they thrive on
Mar 14, 2005
Sheesh, I just picked 3 names for no reason, I think this Pete/Kanga thing is making everyone touchy.

Everytime I see the word Troll posted I think of the Billy Goats Gruff. In my mind I even tranferred them to Billy Goat Braykey, cris and Clive. Billy Goats Braykey and cris persuaded the Troll to let them tow their caravans over his bridge without insulting them because Billy Goat Clive had a shorter temper. When Billy Goat Clive approached the bridge towing his van in his (whispers 4x4) the Troll jumped out and said "I'm going to insult you for pollution". Clive replied "On ya bike my son" and butted the Troll right up his Ring of Uranus. The Troll fell into the river and drowned (all together) HOORAYYYYY and was swept out to sea and never seen again. :O)

There is that better?
Oh, I see, now your just patronising me! You think that just because I spat my dummy out and stuck up for all the honest, decent, hard working surfs on this forum, I have to be the next target. Well I have news for you LB, we the great unwashed have a secret weapon. So secret that even we don't know of it, but be rest assured, now that I have had my rant, we can put the secret thingy away, ready for the next time. Just think yourself lucky today!
Dec 16, 2003

I have been the voice of reason and offering help and advice to those involved in what some take as conflict.


I could be hurt, but I am above that and I believe that you are trying to be a calming influence.

We can learn from each other, surely turning conflict to open debate and mutual understanding is what most of us are looking for.

peace n love

Chris ;-)
Jan 19, 2008
I like it LB !!

More of the same please!

You don't get laughs like this on other Forums!
Sorry Clive, wont be anymore m8. I bet Stinky is laffin his a** off. I just picked 3 regs names for that post but seems like Lol thought I was having ago at him and Brian, I guess Stinky is making people nervous. There was no hidden agenda and I re-read it and couldn't see anything wrong or offensive but obviously I was wrong. In a nutshell I've had a guts full today so I wont be posting again. Nice to know you Clive and dont let the bu**ers get you down ;O)
Dec 16, 2003
Always one to offer help and accept rejection.

I stand firm and brush off any blows, us West Country boys are made that way.

I do counselling as well !!!!!!!!!!

Mar 14, 2005
Crikey cris - I meant no offence!

As caravanners we have far more in common than any differences.

Look at LB and I - he is very anti hunting - I am not, but despite this we can still have a laugh!
May 4, 2005
Trolls are like children and should be treated in the same way.

A child with not learn by being constantly shouted at and criticised ,infact it will only make it worse.

They should be encouraged when they do something right, guided gently when they stray,and given a hug when things aren't going as they should.

And then,and only then, after a lot of hard work the trolls will grow into mature, responsible adults.

And just like children...

...will p**? off and leave us in peace.

Brian (",)


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