M'Lord, you seem to have Brian and myself confused with other more sedate types. While I can relate to your Billy goat story, I think at the same time you miss our subtle workings when it comes to trolls.
Unlike you, Clive and Cris, we approach this mater at a tangent and believe we get better results for it. It amazes me that while there is obviously a lot of intelligence floating around this forum along with some quick wit and problem solving abilities, that I would never be able to match, confronting trolls head on isn't going to work long term. You're in their comfort zone when going at it "hammer and tongue" and if you read Pete's replies, you would begin to understand what I mean. Sometimes a subtle approach works best; we don't ignore the problem (after all it's entertainment) but try to catch out any deviations from their stories. Once the trolls find out the game is up, they go quiet. For example Kanga said he would be turning up at the Easter meet, I now know that he wont be, by just using a few simple questions, in fact he ignored me after that. Ultimately whatever we do wont make the problem go away, but if you can achieve your target without having all the messages wiped because of bad form, wouldn't that be better?