Hi restaurantgoose,
Size for size a TA is no more difficult to tow or reverse than a SA caravan.
As others have said, TA's are far more difficult to manouver by hand, as one pair of wheels will always drag when you try to turn the caravan, you will find that either you need to be good at reversing the outfit or have a motor mover fitted.
Mike must be lucky as he finds his jockeywheel can lift the front pair of wheel off the ground. Perhapse he has a shorter than average TA van, but Most TA owners find the jockey wheel cannot completely lift the wheels, so they drag making hand manouvering difficult.
In the UK TA caravans do tend to be larger, but there are some quite big SA caravans, so do look around to see whats available.
TA vans tend to be more expensive, because of the cost of the second axle and the extra tyres, so if running costs are a concern, then lean towards a SA caravan.
Rounours do run about some sites refucing to accept TA vans, strangely no one that I can recall has actually posted about being refused entry on the basis of the number of axles, but there are definately some sites that do have restricted access on the basis of overall size, which would apply to TA and SA caravans. Its best to phone ahead to check for any access limitations.