Tyre Inflaters

Feb 4, 2014
Hi folks, I'm hoping with the wealth of experience the forum members have, that someone could recommend to me a reasonable quality, reliable and accurate tyre inflator, please? The one I have at the moment makes a noise like a flatulent cow but doesn't seem to do much to pump up the tyres! Am I doing something wrong? (Before you ask the obvious question, yes, I do remember to plug it into the cars 12v socket!) It farts away merrily ( - I just hope the neighbours don't think it's me!) but no matter how long I leave it running, the pressure in the tyres doesn't seem to change even a squiggly bit. I suppose the answer is to go to the local filling station and use their pump. Oh, that's just too easy.

Any suggestions would be welcome, however, I'm off in my 'van to Wareham tomorrow, (yippee!) and it doesn't say in the sites book whether Corfe Castle C&CC site has WiFi access, so I may be incommunicado for a few days.
Mar 14, 2005
How much pressure do your caravan tyres need ?
Some of the pumps intended for car use struggle to get to the pressures needed in some caravan tyres. I got one allegedly capable of up to 300 psi from Machine Mart which gets to the 65 psi I need given time, and you may have to let it cool down before doing the other wheel.
Recently I got so fed up with the waiting and also because I have other vehicles at home also needing tyres inflating, I boght a small air compressor from Toolstation for under £100 complete with all the fittings so no problems any more (although I still carry the Machine Mart device while travelling).
The pressure gauges on the inflators are not necessarily very accurate and it's best to have a hand held one. Try Halfords etc. but again make sure it can go as high as you need to for the caravan tyres.
Nov 11, 2009
Any bought for me have rapidly found themselves at the charity shop. Noisy and slow. Neighbour leaves one running for ages but if he checked his tyres more often it would cause less hassle I still use a Hella footpump which looks after three cars and the van. Although am thinking of a Vair pump for the Pajero when off road but even then land rover owners all seem to have them to pump up their tyres and air reservoirs!!!!
Jan 15, 2011
Hi Cybercynth.
I've got a twelve volt air compressor made by "RING Automotive"
its called " an automatic digital with led light"
i use it each time I take the van out firstly to increase the tyre pressures on the car to the fully loaded level then again when arriving at site to reduce the pressures again. And obviously start again when returning home and on arrival.

ive had it three years and it works a treat each time.
yes it is noisy but it doesn't appear to my mind to take too long inflating tyres. (My wife tells me that it is noisy because I'm deaf and only hear it as a buzz)
With regards to the accuracy of the gauge. I periodically check it against the one at the local petrol station and the old pencil type I've had for years and I believe it compares favourably. (Not scientific by any means but I'm quite satisfied)
So I have no hesitation in recommending this to you.
I believe it cost around £35 when I got it.
the amount of times it has been used I consider it has been great value and so convenient.
My caravan pressure is 42 psi.
Jan 15, 2011
John Griffiths said:
I can also recommend the RING ones. There are quite a range on Amazon but this one has been OK for me and my tyres are kept at 63psi.
Thats the one I have John.
also your link shows a better price than I paid three years ago
i haven't sussed how to put links into posts yet.
cheers Brian
Aug 23, 2009
I have the ring 900 which I have found to be more than up to the job of car and van.


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