User pay load

Feb 16, 2009
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I have an Ace Firestar with MIRO of 1290kg and MTPLM of 1500kg which l assume leaves a userpay load of 210kg.

I have a truma S motor mover fitted which weighs 35kg leaving me 175kg for the awning and all the other essentials ie Awning, Aqarole, Wast Hogg, Cooking Appliances Plate's, Pans, Cloths Bed Linen and Food.

The Awning weighs the most it's an Harrington Awning weighing l Guess 50kg,l would normally put the awning pole's and the food in the car which is a 2.5V6 Rover 75 Auto with Kerb weight of 1610kg, do you think l could keep below the MTPLM of 1500, say too 1425kg.

At the moment with 1500kg l am at 93% of the car, l have towed trailers of all types and l am not worried by 93% but l would like to keep the load in the caravan to a minimum.

I have read in the forum that you should stick to 85% of the tow car, but we towed with it last October just after we bought the caravan with the Rover and it behaved superbley.

Our other car is a 1998 2.8 Shogun which we don't have weight problem with but this will not be changed until the end of the year and towing with an auto is a dream, your thoughts would be appreciated.

Nige H
Feb 16, 2009
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Yes ,as their are only two of us and two little Yorkies the second Adult is only 58kg, bet you can guess who that would be not me for sure, not telling you my correct weight but it is under 89.4kg, how much l wont say.

The Rover can carry 2000kg and the limit for towing is 1600kg.

l am looking for the best balance for this outfit

Thanks for the reply so soon.

Nigel H
Mar 10, 2006
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Chap i worked with always bought his food when he arrive at the site. It may be worth considering?

We don't use a awning anymore, but i suppose with the dogs, you will want to retain it?.

I only take a single lightweight gas bottle, for emergencies only, could you do without it.

Finally we always take too many cloths, for that just in case senorio, can you cut back on cloths. Don't travel with water in any of the tanks.
Mar 14, 2005
Your best bet is to load the car up as much as possible so long as you stay within its permissible GVW (always allowing for the noseweight, as well).
Feb 16, 2009
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Ray we do the same, only take food for the night we arrive, buy in the next day help the local traders, so to speak, apart from the the milk, salt, pepper, braed and the usual you need for hearty meal at night.

The better half has said maybe be better for me to lose weight, never mentioned herself, don't know why.

Nigel H
Feb 16, 2009
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Lutz that's not a problem the nose weight of the Rover is 100Kg and the the carvan hitch l assume is around that, l had nose weight of 85kg on the trip in October and has l said was very stable, maybe l am looking for reassurance that l am legal.

Mar 14, 2005
If the car's kerbweight is 1610kg and its GVW 2000kg, then you've got ample margin for payload, even taking into account your own weight and the noseweight.
Feb 16, 2009
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Thanks for your advise

We have just come back to caravaning after a 15 year lay off, the caravan we had then was a Abbey Westminster towed by a Rover 2000.

We purchased an Ace brightstar 18 months ago and towed it with the Shogun.

We couldn't believed how we enjoyed caravaning again, so when l was offered early retirement in June out came the cheque book, after l may had had scoured every dealer in the North West and bought the Ace firestar from Discover Leisure in Warrington "only went for caravan steps".

l intended to tow with the Shogun but thought l would give the Rover try, it was brilliant, could not believe the difference towing with a Auto, so next Shogun must be an Auto, once again thankyou for your advice.




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