Wastemaster, barrels, awning and poles.

May 24, 2014
Wastemaster, barrels, awning and poles.

quite simply, where do your travel. With us everything in the car except the wastemaster. Just never really found a good spot for that thing, which by the way, after the khazi is the one piece of equipment i really hate. My wife suggests in the shower, but I have visions of it moving around and doing damage.
Oct 5, 2004
I turn it on its side and it fits in the front locker. Then in front of it goes the mains lead holder and a couple of small plastic boxes for waste pipe connections and pump hose etc. Usually keep the aquaroll in the back of the car.
Nov 11, 2009
Aquaroll and waste container in shower area, with some other stuff to keep them tight. Sold the waste master ages ago as its too large and wastes payload. Anyway carrying the grey water container is good exercise and helps keep bones strong. Awning and poles in car, although when there are grandkids they go on top of the car as I fit the roof box then. (Awning and poles not grandkids.)
May 7, 2012
The wastemaster, aquaroll and a lot more fit under the fixed bed. It is near enough the centre for the weight not to affect the balance. Before that they were usually carried in the body of the caravan at the front wedged into position so they could not move at the start of a trip, but if we moved sites in the car boot. I have never used the shower for anything other than soft items as I do nor want to risk damage.
Jun 26, 2017
The aquaroll sits nicely under the rear dinette.
Wastemaster in front locker.
Awning sits on the floor, centrally above the axle. No poles (Air awnings).

Hookup lead goes either in the boot, or under the boot floor inside the spare wheel.

Putting the aquaroll and hookup lead in the front locker would increase the noseweight to beyond the limit. Edit: That’s if the aquaroll would fit in the front locker - I haven’t even tried it, but I have weighed it !

Like Thingy and Ray, I too would be concerned about the potential damage that could be caused by storing the water containers in the shower tray. The only things I ever store in the shower are used towels and the kids polystyrene boogie boards.
May 24, 2014
We have no chance of wastemaster in the front locker, Swift for some reason have made these vans with quite a small access door. It normally lays in its protective bag just forward of the axle, wedged by the caravans loose cushions. Barrels, awning and poles (never again an air awning) travel in the car.

The front locker itself isnt overly big as added to the door, Swift moved the internal bulkhead forward, giving 4 inches less depth in the front locker. Swings and roundabouts, we gain that 4 inches inside the caravan.
Feb 23, 2018
With a fixed bed layout, I put the Wastemaster under the bed, in it's protective bag. The EHU cable also lives under there by the external hatch, along with our outdoor chairs.

The 2 Aquarolls become moving ballast to tune the noseweight. But they are in a protective bag and don't seem to move about too much when blocked by a plastic tub with odds and ends in.

Don't have a proper awning per se; a legacy Vango driveaway Air awning (Sorry Thingy!) which was used with our last caravan but so far has stayed at home. Our new Sunncamp porch canopy purchased at the NEC, is only 5kg with one pole and compact enough to put anywhere. That will probably live under the front lounge.
Oct 17, 2010
Awning and poles and Aqua-roll and clothing in car, levelling ramps, corner steady blocks, watering can, toilet fluids and hook up lead in locker. Wheel Clamp, waste master and steps middle of van. Only a few tea towels and bath/hand towels in wardrobe
Plus draws all full of bits & bobs.
Nov 16, 2015
Awning and cadac in the car with the Hook up cable, only the two aqua rolls in between the front bench seats and then the wastemater in its cover, spare wheel under the bed, removed the Alko wheel carrier, after attempting to remove the wheel once. . Spare pipes and other stuff under fwd left hand seat, nothing under right hand seat as Heater and electrics under there. Pillows and Duvet pulled fwd to the bulkead near the axle, Water heated drained unless travelling less than 50 miles to next site. Caravan all nicley balanced, nose weight between 75 to 90 kg, heavier the better.
Jul 31, 2010
Like Thingy and Ray, I too would be concerned about the potential damage that could be caused by storing the water containers in the shower tray.

I have travelled nearly 10000 miles with 1 waste carrier 2 aquarolls and 2 buckets in the shower of my Eccles Moonstone.
No sign of any damage what so ever.
Nov 16, 2015
SteveW77 said:
Like Thingy and Ray, I too would be concerned about the potential damage that could be caused by storing the water containers in the shower tray.

I have travelled nearly 10000 miles with 1 waste carrier 2 aquarolls and 2 buckets in the shower of my Eccles Moonstone.
No sign of any damage what so ever.

Same here, we used to put Wastemaster and Aquaroll in rear shower until. Change of caravan then needed more noseweight..
Mar 14, 2005
SteveW77 said:
Like Thingy and Ray, I too would be concerned about the potential damage that could be caused by storing the water containers in the shower tray.

I have travelled nearly 10000 miles with 1 waste carrier 2 aquarolls and 2 buckets in the shower of my Eccles Moonstone.
No sign of any damage what so ever.
Why should having empty or even partly filled water containers do any damage, as long as they stowed so they can't move, and the surfaces are protected with a mat. Logically when you thing about it, most of will weigh considerably more than a even a full water barrel, and we put all our weight down on two small areas. A water barrel has a much greater contact area and weighs much less especially if only part filled or empty, so why would it damage the shower?

The weight is far less than my own, and its distributed over a larger area, so considerably less pressure than standing in the shower tray. I have always left a shower mat down to prevent scratchingLike wise have done countless trips just the same.
May 24, 2014
Too large to lay down in the shower, and unstable upright. The damage I foresee is rubbing the inside of the shower cubicle. If you start packing stuff in to keep it still, you either have more weight than you want or a lot of small light items.
May 7, 2012
My position is why take risks with the shower when there is a better and safer option.
Mar 14, 2005
Interesting thread. I have the problem with all the kit mentioned but 4 night long haul to Spain when we need to be able to use the caravan eat/drink/wash/bed each night often in winter weather so with as little moving things in and out as possible.
The big 'offenders' are aquaroll and wastemaster and then the folding steps needed to access the roof box and roll up the Fiamma caravanstore. I am tempted to put the spare wheel under the bed and then fit these two things onto the Alko spare wheel carrier. Another problem is the poles for the Jormax windbreak - 12 x 1.6m with sharp pointed ends. This year I've made a tube from 4" underground plastic drainpipe with ends of inspection overs from the same range. This takes all 12 poles easily. It clamps onto the transverse bars of the roof rack with two big U bolts with locknuts to deter the casual pilferer. Since there is a roof box as well the aerodynamics can't get much worse. Interesting to see whether dockside security take and interest.
Mar 14, 2005
Raywood said:
My position is why take risks with the shower when there is a better and safer option.

Whether a "better" option is available will depend on individual circumstances. I'm really not sure why you think safety is involved. the safety of what or whom?

I will presume you are relating it to the possibility of damaging the shower tray/walls etc. But if as I suggested its properly loaded so it can't move or if there is a possibility of movement arrange protection such as a mat or towel, the risk of damage is managed.

Its entirely up to the individual to decide if to use the shower cubicle in that way or not , but there is no bar why such uses can't be made of the space.
Oct 12, 2013
Waste master and aqua roll sit comfortably on top of each other to the left of my front locker with my awning pegs & poles in the rear locker under bunk , the awning itself sits inside over the axle ( twitch all of my awning stuff has been taken out today until after feb now ) . Hook up cable also in rear locker
Nov 6, 2006
The Wastemaster really needs a re-think. It came out years ago when the majority of pitches were still grass, and hard standing almost unheard of. Then, it was good because the wide track kept it stable over bumpy grass. Today the sticky out wheels simply make it bulky, and volume that forms the step never fills with waste, so is consumes space to no purpose. I switched waste and fresh to Aquapro containers which are basically boxes, both of which will fit in a Swift front locker, so no bags, no traipsing through the van to store and no risk to the shower.
May 7, 2012
I have access to the underbed area using an external door and the Wastemaster will go in that way, although the Aquaroll has to go in from inside the caravan. Before we had this option they were wedged in the body of the caravan at the front and never caused a problem. If you have the option the under bed area seems to be the best bet to me.
Aug 26, 2014
I take the wastemaster wheels off - then it fits in the front locker. Awning in the car, Aquarolls in the shower room (not the shower)
Nov 16, 2015
I renewed myWoosie Club membership once by not securing the end cap on the Wastemaster and propping it up in the end bathroom, horrible smell, :sick: SWMBO was not happy, so luckily out came the vax cleaner when we got home
Feb 6, 2009
It looks like I'm late with my response (as usual I hear you murmer!)

Both my waste water container ( black polythene type..see below) and the polythene fresh water carrier stow neatly in the front locker of the caravan alongside the calor gas bottle, spare wheel, electric cable, the steady winding handle, nose weight gauge (please don't start on me!) and the caravan storm strap and awning pegs.

I have no problem with maintaining a reasonable "noseweight" of a tad under 12 stone ( approx 75 kilogrammes) measured the " proper way!"

The fresh water and waste water containers weigh less than a pound each ( around half a kilo or so) but obviously quite a bit more when nearly full, I have a cheap fold up trolley for moving them when full and it's no problem even for a decrepit old codger like me.
The waste and fresh water container (and the cheap trolley) cost me around £12 for the lot as far as I can remember although I see they have gone up in price recently!

I know some folks will think that 4 gallons or so ( a tad less than 20 litres) is not a lot, and that clear polythene can encourage algae and the like, but we have never experienced any problems.

Ok (there are only the two of us (plus our dog) but it provides a good hot shower for myself and Mrs paws ( the dog, fortunately, is not too keen on showering in the morning !) and it does both of us with plenty of water left over for making the tea, washing up etc.

My caravan is quite elderly now about 22 or 23 years old and is equipped simply and inexpensively
(no expensive Aqua roll and Waste hogs for us!)

Just my two pennyworth,
and as always
Happy Caravanning
Regards to all


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