Watchout there's a thief about.

May 21, 2008
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Yesterday crime in Redditch Worcestershire stooped to an all time low!!

My wife was in the Oxfam charity shop (yes a charity shop)and some "low life's" stole her purse from her hand bag.

All she can recall is someone bumping into her with a hand full of clothes and the coat hangers bodging into her hard.

She has a bag with a strong clip to it, so I guess the barging was to conseal the extra force needed to get the bag open.

To add insult to her injury I'd just been to the cash point and had given her £70 to top up her cash.

We rushed round to the police station to report the incident only to be told that they'd already had 4-5 reports that day. Funny thing though there were no coppers to be seen in the town.

Then the next thing was ringing round to cancel all the cards. Some of which were her own and not shared accounts which meant that we had to drive 50 miles home PDQ to get to phone numbers on statements.

That brought new frustration too. You ring the stolen card number and you would expect to speak to a rep pronto. Oh no, Barclays for instance make you listen to five option choices before you can speak to a real person. Only a couple were direct lines and these were both pure internet accounting companies.

Now after all that on reflection a charity shop is a sitting duck!!

They can ill-afford CCTV or employment of a security guard.

Cash is the main source of payment.

Most shops are staffed by elderly volunteers who rightfully so, would not want to get involved with the thugs.

It's so easy to be wise after the event and quite honestly if these scum bags are stooping so low as to steal in a charity shop then they are equally as likely to be "tooled up" and able to fight off any resistance.

Finally. Trying to track the buggers down! One of the cards had been used three times that day and we know it wasn't us, as it was blocked because we'd forgotten to pay the account.

But the card company (the black horse) couldn't or wouldn't tell us either the time or Location or type of sale (ie internet or shop). Instead they have told us to wait until the end of the week for the answers as their system take that long to update its self.

Of coarse we had insurance cover which is fine, but just look at the added agro we had to endure following the distress of the initial loss.

The answer is to only keep your debit card plus one credit card in your purse and also only have say £20 of cash. Take your 6foot rugby player hubby with you at all times. Then you might just be a little safer. But of coarse, don't try to defend your self or you will be the one nicked for assault!!!

Sweet little charity shops are the home made wasp traps of the low life's luck, mess with the jam in the jar and you'll get stung by the hornets hovering!!

Aug 25, 2006
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We had our car broken into on Bastille Night in France some years ago and my wife had her bag stolen(I know, don`t go there it`s a VERY sore point). Due to a stupendous thunderstorm which set off hundreds of car alarms it was several hours before we got back to the car.

Trying to cancel the card took over two and a half hours (at two in the morning!) because they were "experiencing an unusually high number of call at this time" and their system kept cutting me off.

Not happy! Gave them a right b**llocking and told them they should man the phones and not be feeding the horses, and they refunded the price of the calls.
Jul 12, 2005
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I will get the wife to raise this issue at the next management meeting in the center. I am ashamed this has happened but its true of any town in the UK at the moment.

I often have to go to the wifes shop in the center at cashing up time due to the number of questionable people who seem to appear and hang around at cashing up time.

Crime here is fairly low except for the center of town. We get a lot of visitors and unfortunately have our share of home grown "idiots" as well as attracting them from out of town.

Tell the wife that the next time she visits I will take you both for lunch, that way, I get to say hello and you get to see a better side of the town

May 21, 2008
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Hi Steve.

Many thanks for your kind words and offer, but my wife at the moment is too traumatised to contemplate going back to Redditch town center. She is going to her GP today as she feels that her confidence (she wasn't one of the strongest at best) has been shattered.

You see, several years ago we had a brass turned parts business which was raided twicw on a fortnight and several ten's of thousands of pounds worth stolen. As a consequence security at work was close to bank standard. Our insurance advisor then asked about security at home. When I asked why, he proceeded to explain that the burglars would be more likely to find us and use us to open the factory forcably than to try to overcome security. As you can imagine that put us all on tender hooks and soon afterwards we closed the business down for that and financial reasons, plus the stress of robbery all got to us.

What realy hurt me about Monday was that I'd introduced my wife to Redditch as I was born and bread in Alvechurch. I realy did think that good old town Redditch and St Stephens square was an ok sort of place. But I suppose it's like anywhere these days corrupted by a minority. Even sleepy Leominster has changed since a Bristol based plastics firm too up residence.



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