otherclive said:
... I was thinking of fitting Alko dampers when I have the new axle fitted but Bath University study showed them not to be very effective due to the relatively low level of movement when the suspension bushes flex. ..
Hello Clive,
Don't just take headline from the research project at face value. Its important to look at the specific question the project was trying to resolve and the methods used to obtain results. I am in no way disputing the UoB's findings after all they have the evidence, but they may well have been trying to resolve a different question to your own needs.
In a very simplified view, the caravan has the freedom articulate around the ball coupling, so it can bounce with both trailer wheels trying to leave the road, or it can roll when one or the other wheel is lifted. Neither of these trailer motions will impart sustained unidirectional forces on the tow car, so the difference from the drivers perspective for when dampers are fitted may be less obvious, leading to the conclusion that dampers have limited effect.
But the bouncing of a trailer like a caravan, does more than just affect the towing characteristics, it can also radically increase the wear and tear on the fabric of the caravan and of course its content. I have previously reported that I was involved with a series of tests to establish some of the stress that appliances fitted into caravans undergo at MIRA. The results were to say the least quite alarming. So anything that an stop the comparatively undamped bouncing is likely to extend the useful life of the products.
Alko do claim the compressed rubber in the torsion bar provides natural damping, but why then do they market and sell external dampers for their products? That's a bit of quandry.
I would normally question the validity of claims where people have decided to fit an additional item to a vehicle which takes it beyond the manufactures design spec, becasue they want to believe their expenditure has made a difference. But in this case I think there is enough anecdotal evidence to believe there is a good reason for it.
I have lost count of the number of different caravans I have towed (It was part of one of my jobs), and there can be many reasons for differences in towing characteristics, but in my view there was a perceptible improvement where external dampers had been fitted, in a nut shell I would describe the outfits as less fidgety and consequently the towing felt more relaxed and controlled.