What have I been missing

Dec 30, 2009
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Well you lot, pics on PC forum. What ever next, be very carefull that pc do not publish some of these like some of our comments!!!

Whats wrong with a few silly pics in the right Forum

Chit chat is the place for some silly stuff isnt it or am I mistaken.

I did miss alot of the photos (darn) but them being removed is only the same as the mods removing comments that are not acceptable isnt it?

Kevin H
Apr 11, 2005
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Hi Kevin

I have to disagree with you on the last remark, my two and four year old dont read the forum but some of the pictures I would not like them to see,as they where quite scattered they came on screen quite unexpected and they where not pictures I would like them to see!! HOWEVER I thought they where quite funny and would like to keep the facilty,but controlled to a section whereby I then could control what would be seen !!!!!

Tina x
Dec 30, 2009
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Cus I havnt got young kids anymore I did not think of that. I agree with you they could be put into a section and each user prahaps would need to sign in to view and comment.

Hope I didnt ofend you with my opinion

Kevin H
Mar 14, 2005
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Kevin there is not enough time or room to put into detail what you have missed - I made a simple posting about the negative side of photos being submitted and hey presto - all hell let loose. Had I known this I would have not made the posting - hindsight is a marvellous thing on times.
Jan 19, 2008
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Hi Kevin

I have to disagree with you on the last remark, my two and four year old dont read the forum but some of the pictures I would not like them to see,as they where quite scattered they came on screen quite unexpected and they where not pictures I would like them to see!! HOWEVER I thought they where quite funny and would like to keep the facilty,but controlled to a section whereby I then could control what would be seen !!!!!

Tina x
You voted an outright no Tina. You never added any comments regarding keeping the facility in a controlled section.
Jan 19, 2008
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Kevin it was an excellent opportunity to bring the site into this century and brighten it up a little. Unfortunately some dinosaurs would prefer to stay in 1995. We have gone backwards not forwards.
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B. This site can be up dated no problem but if photos are to be submitted there must be a strict code on the type of photo presented. I am typing this as I cry because I thought dinosaurs were of little inteelagence, extinct and disappeared many thousands of years ago. Now to be classed as one has hurt my pride and feelings - at present I am very much alive and kicking
Apr 11, 2005
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Hi Kevin

I have to disagree with you on the last remark, my two and four year old dont read the forum but some of the pictures I would not like them to see,as they where quite scattered they came on screen quite unexpected and they where not pictures I would like them to see!! HOWEVER I thought they where quite funny and would like to keep the facilty,but controlled to a section whereby I then could control what would be seen !!!!!

Tina x
Sorry slap my wrist !! I did say I looked at them and thought them funny !!! ! just dont want me babies seein it !
Apr 11, 2005
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Cus I havnt got young kids anymore I did not think of that. I agree with you they could be put into a section and each user prahaps would need to sign in to view and comment.

Hope I didnt ofend you with my opinion

Kevin H
Hi Kevin, absolutely not at all have you offended me,my response was not meant antagonistically, hope I did'nt offend you !! x
Jan 19, 2008
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Lord B. This site can be up dated no problem but if photos are to be submitted there must be a strict code on the type of photo presented. I am typing this as I cry because I thought dinosaurs were of little inteelagence, extinct and disappeared many thousands of years ago. Now to be classed as one has hurt my pride and feelings - at present I am very much alive and kicking
They are only crocodile tears Colin :O)
Dec 30, 2009
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Healthy debate is great. Loads of passion from all is nice to see, nearly as divided as the dreaded (dare I say it) 4x4 debates lol.

Keep it up everyone, life wood be sooooooo boring if we all felt the same about everything.

On with the photos hoora

Kevin H
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B. This site can be up dated no problem but if photos are to be submitted there must be a strict code on the type of photo presented. I am typing this as I cry because I thought dinosaurs were of little inteelagence, extinct and disappeared many thousands of years ago. Now to be classed as one has hurt my pride and feelings - at present I am very much alive and kicking
Caught you napping Lord B. You have not spotted the deliberate mistake of the day. Incidently they were not crocodile tears as I do not pretend anything. I was well and truely hurt - cut to the bone with pain.
Jan 19, 2008
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Healthy debate is great. Loads of passion from all is nice to see, nearly as divided as the dreaded (dare I say it) 4x4 debates lol.

Keep it up everyone, life wood be sooooooo boring if we all felt the same about everything.

On with the photos hoora

Kevin H
I agree Kevin. I've never been able to get all hyperactive just talking metric bolts or spring washers, I need a bit more ooooomph to keep me interested. Just as long as we can control our temper while putting type to monitor.


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