When will they open?

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Jul 18, 2017
In February we booked for June and paid a deposit, then we have to move the booking and then moved it again to 6th July. If the opening date is changed again, we will need to cancel the booking as our follow on booking clashes with school holidays and peak prices. No objection though as long as the campsite allow us to use our deposit for another booking which will need to be in 2022.
Jan 3, 2012
Insulting comment deleted.
Unsure how this is supposed to be taken..............but I have been unwell with physical issues for the past twenty eight years starting with a stroke. Hoping you never have to deal with this and have unwarranted comments like this.
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Nov 11, 2009
Read this morning that campsites in England will not be authorised to open on 4 July on account of the risks of shared facilities. Seems a strange decision as there’s the halfway house of opening for those customers who have their own facilities. It would at least gives sites some income and allow them to develop further protocols too. Presumably pubs cinemas and museums will provide toilet facilities

But it may just be fake news. 🤭
Jan 3, 2012
Read this morning that campsites in England will not be authorised to open on 4 July on account of the risks of shared facilities. Seems a strange decision as there’s the halfway house of opening for those customers who have their own facilities. It would at least gives sites some income and allow them to develop further protocols too. Presumably pubs cinemas and museums will provide toilet facilities

But it may just be fake news. 🤭
Hi Clive i hope it is :)
May 7, 2012
This was on TV this morning. It seems that those making the decisions have not realised we carry our own facilities so that opening with the shared facilities closed, except for water and waste disposal, is not a problem.
Mar 14, 2005
It’s fine that people are booking for the 4th and I don’t blame them for doing so, as long as they realise, and I’m sure they do realise that there is nothing guaranteed for the 4th, I don’t see that they are doing anything different to what you, me and thousands of others are doing, its no different if someone books the 4th July or the 4th August neither of them has a guaranteed holiday booked, why do you think they should wait until the government makes a decision, if my memory is correct you yourself BB have a trip booked for sometime in July mid/late July I think but is that any different to what people booking the 4th is doing?


EDIT Just for reference this was posted at 12:09 on Tuesday 23rd June, before the Governments announcement

It is helpful for morale to be hopeful and to that end planning can be therapeutic.

It is often very difficult for organisations to switch on instantaneously so having a re-start plan is really important. Planning usually needs a target date, but one of the negatives of this governments approach has been the frequent leaks of tantalising information which many have interpreted as suggesting the 4th July was going to be the date caravanning (and other activities) would be partially given the green light. For that reason re-start plans should remain flexible until relevant lockdown regulations are relaxed.

Presently, I don't think you will find any Government documentation that has solidly pointed to the 4th, its all been driven by the media's preoccupation with second guessing the Governments intentions.

The same constraints should also apply to personal goals regards booking camping sites etc, By all means be prepared, but also be prepared for the official re-start to be delayed. Sites that take deposits for dates that turn out to precede the official re-start must offer a full refund , after all they are pre-selling a service which they cannot supply, but it should be up to the customer to decide if a refund or to ask if the fund can be used secure a pitch at a later date.

When the government does approve the re-start of caravanning, do not assume all caravan sites will automatically open. Some sites may be prevented from reopening if they haven't met all the necessary criteria set nationally or indeed locally. Also the sites owners may take the view that they cannot risk opening, either because they feel its unsafe, or they cannot get the necessary staff to manage the site. It is also possible the infrastructure they need to operate (such as waste collections) may not be available.

Don't assume a site is open just becasue you have notional booking, check before you travel.
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Jan 3, 2012
Looks like caravan parks will be reopening on the July 4th
Just heard Boris give the green light
Jun 2, 2017
It's Official-Caravan sites can open on July4th in England. I don't think this applies to Wales or Sctland as yet but more news to follow. Bars can also re-open but only for table service indoors and terraces/beer gardens etc.
More importantly Hairdressers can open too but not Nail Bars! Mind your fingers when hitching up!
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Mar 17, 2007
Yes, Boris gave the green light to 4th July in England. A contact who runs a site in Wales has been given the 13th July as an opening date, subject to confirmation from the Welsh government. Their source is via the BH&HPA.
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Nov 6, 2005
Goody! :)

Apparently bookings for foreign holidays are going through the roof today, just what we need to leave some space here for us ;)
Nov 16, 2015
Looks like booking in the UK are the same , good luck for the folk who want to get away, peronally I am waiting another couple of months, now i can get to a B&Q or Wickes to get some paint I can finish the jobs from 3 months ago.
May 7, 2012
Personally I am fed up with doing the jobs I should have done and cannot wait to do something new like going out.
Jan 3, 2012
Can not go aboard our passport need renewing but it depends if i allowed to go so stuck in Uk :)


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