Who says the Police don't care?


Mar 14, 2005
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Thought I'd share this with you.....

Yesterday I was driving along in a dodgy area and got a puncture. I didn't have my mobile on me (I usually do). Anyway, saw a police station and thought I'd park there.

Parked up, got the jack out and the spare tyre. Jacked up the car, then out comes pc plod. Sorry Madam, you can't park there, you'll have to move it three feet or I'll have to give you a parking ticket he says. But I've just jacked the car up I pleaded. Sorry, he says, move it now or get a ticket. So I unjacked (if that's the correct word). Drove three feet further up the road.

Jacked it up again and tried to get the nuts undone. No way, as much as I tried, couldn't get them undone. So I locked up the car, went to the police station. It closed at 4pm, this was 4.05 pm. I knocked on the door, please could I use your phone? I asked, a stroppy looking police officer shouted through the door, sorry, we're closed now. (A closed police station!?).

So I knocked on the nearest door and a very kind lady let me use her phone to ring a colleague.

Happily, two colleagues came out and got the trye off and put the spare on.

Merry Christmas Notts Police from Lisa.
Mar 14, 2005
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Tip of the day ! Next time you need to change a wheel, unscrew the wheel nuts before you jack the car off the ground.... you can use your weight to unscrew the nuts by standing in the wheel brace.Had you got that far I'm sure you would have been allowed to carry on changing the wheel although I presume it was illegal to park there for good reason. Dave
Oct 13, 2005
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if I was you I would write to the chief constable explaining how disgusted you are at being forced to move a car with a flat tyre and not being able to get any assistance despite there being an officer on site, I'm sorry but as a police officer they have to accept its not a 9 to 5 type job and sometimes you have to work a little past your finish time


Mar 14, 2005
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if I was you I would write to the chief constable explaining how disgusted you are at being forced to move a car with a flat tyre and not being able to get any assistance despite there being an officer on site, I'm sorry but as a police officer they have to accept its not a 9 to 5 type job and sometimes you have to work a little past your finish time
Thanks for the advice but I'll decline.




Mar 14, 2005
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Tip of the day ! Next time you need to change a wheel, unscrew the wheel nuts before you jack the car off the ground.... you can use your weight to unscrew the nuts by standing in the wheel brace.Had you got that far I'm sure you would have been allowed to carry on changing the wheel although I presume it was illegal to park there for good reason. Dave
Thanks for the tip. It was the first time I've attempted to change a tyre. Must make sure I have some flat shoes/boots in the car as standing on the brace in high heels could be promlematic!


Dec 16, 2003
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Police don't even attend house break in atound where I live.

And Devon and Cornwall Police didn't even come out for car being broken into and vandalised.

Civilian operative gave me crime number for the insurance company who would not believe that I had no name for the "reporting officer"/ After a morning on the phone I got a person my insureres could speak to and confirm my doubted story.

I don't really understand what you expect from the police, things have improved so much under Mr Blair :)
Jan 21, 2014
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Police don't even attend house break in atound where I live.

And Devon and Cornwall Police didn't even come out for car being broken into and vandalised.

Civilian operative gave me crime number for the insurance company who would not believe that I had no name for the "reporting officer"/ After a morning on the phone I got a person my insureres could speak to and confirm my doubted story.

I don't really understand what you expect from the police, things have improved so much under Mr Blair :)
You should have asked the officer for his name in that case, it doesn't matter who you are dealing with - if they do not volunteer their name - then ask!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Nothing but praise for our local Hampshire police we have had a problem with a few lads throwing stones, eggs fireworks etc. and one of our windows got broken. Within a couple of hours a PC was round and took the details.

That was on Monday. Today a letter arrived telling me what action they are taking and giving me a "crime number" so I can claim on my insurance.

According to the PC they know who it is and it is a group of 12/13 year olds whose parents think the sun shines out of their childrens bottoms and that they would never do any wrong.

The PC said they can't wait to slap an ASBO on the ringleaders who currently act as if they are immune due to the attitude of the parents. So my incident is now added to the list!

I agree with the others Lisa - to be treated as you were was wrong. I really do not think that behaviour is representative of the "boys in blue" as a whole.
Aug 28, 2005
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Don't just stop at the Chief Constable (you probably get the stock reply letter) get hold of the editor of your local paper.. This is a public issue you deserve better as a law abiding tax paying customer. If this is the response you get its sadly no wonder that Nottingham has turned into the gun crime capital of the the UK. Lisa you deserve better go get em!!


Mar 14, 2005
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Thanks Monkey - I'm chilled about it now as myself and my colleagues have had rather a laugh about it this afternoon. I shouldn't have parked in a no parking zone in the first place I suppose.

As I say, I was in a rough area (using my own car for a work related visit) so I suppose if the police station front desk is closed at 4pm, it's closed. I bet for each genuine (nice person like me), there must be 99 undesirables in the area.

It's taught me a few things:

*always have a mobile on me

*have suitable footwear in the vehicle

*keep a warm jacket or similar in the vehicle

*Beware of driving over a police officers foot when you are asked to move your car (and you're not happy about it!).

*I certainly work with some good people who can assist in a crisis

Lisa x
Mar 14, 2005
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One point I forgot to mention is these excellent foam canister things you can but from most motor accessory shops. I make sure my wife has one in her Freelander. Just connect them to the flat tyres valve - turn them on and it inflates the tyre with a sealing foam that allows you to get home/get somewhere safe at least.

Not expensive - less than


Mar 14, 2005
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Thanks Clive, that's a good idea. When I started reading your first paragraph, I thought you were going to say that they were useful for aiming and spraying at obnoxious police officers (joke!!!).

Mar 14, 2005
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They probably thought you were nicking the wheel Lisa, so their response of not wanting to know about it would have been standard practice.
Mar 14, 2005
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There's no way I can fit a horse in a cage in the shed. I'm not going to be able to teach a horse to run up my arm, nibble on my ear (in a highly provocative way) and then search and destroy all spiders in the house. However I will be on the lookout for a ferret-sized saddle.


Mar 14, 2005
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Now if you had asked me about a ferret sized saddle a few months ago I could have helped you out - my daughter got rid of all her barbie toys (thank god).

Just trying a nice Cava - buy one get one free, normally
Mar 14, 2005
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Just run out of brandy, looking at the possibility of Stella while watching "Lost" on the TV. Just know I'm going to get the munchies if I open a can though!


Mar 14, 2005
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I'll let you go watch the tv now. You should have diluted the brandy with babycham (not macho I know but very nice). Go easy on the old 'wife beaters/falling down water'.

Got another big night out tomorrow after my sign language training.



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