I have a question and all answer and opinions welcome.
So. If someone hit your car by accident do you have to tell your ins co that you have had an accident???
Why (as i've been told ) is it illegal no to tell them when YOU DID NOT HAVE THE ACCIDENT the other driver did?
I may not have worded this the right way so forginess. But if you did nothing wrong or wern't in your car etc,, why have youhad an accident??
how can you have an accident if your not htere??
do let me know, just interested in all views..
So. If someone hit your car by accident do you have to tell your ins co that you have had an accident???
Why (as i've been told ) is it illegal no to tell them when YOU DID NOT HAVE THE ACCIDENT the other driver did?
I may not have worded this the right way so forginess. But if you did nothing wrong or wern't in your car etc,, why have youhad an accident??
how can you have an accident if your not htere??
do let me know, just interested in all views..