In most cases, although it says it may inhibit other apps, its cobblers, just as when you install a thrid party app that states it needs access to your contacts and pictures. Personally I would turn the app off and see if it caused an issue.
Remember, that when you buy/rent a smartphone from a major company, they have been paid to bundle that garbage in with the operating system, but buying the phone direct from say Samsung or Apple cuts a lot of that out, not all, but a lot. I am always stunned, my parents included, that have a contract phone, and at the end of two years, carry on paying the same price because they like and are comforatble with the phone. In two years, you have bought the phone and then some, so why not then go sim only and cut the price to a fraction.
In our case, we both have Samsung, my wife has the Galaxy, I have the Note 10+ 5G. Having bought the phones, with a discount from BT with broadband, we pay £15 for unlimited calls and texts with 200gb data. £20 for my phone with unlimited texts and calls, and UNLIMITED data. This I use in the caravan for wifi, simply creating a hotspot and everything else feeds off it. It would cost me that for a sim only to put in a caravan wifi unit with far less data.
I know many of you are elderly, have an illness or a disability. A smartphone should be of real use:
You can use Google Maps to track you, so that your relatives can find you if taken ill.
You can bring in the emergency services using THREE LIITLE WORDS
Instant access to your prescriptions and medical records
Prove you have been double jabbed
Log into the Covid system at venues easily via the barcode
Send digital copies of documents when needed
Convert virtualy anything in size weight or distance
Find the best TV signal for you Grocklebox
Buy every bit of caravan related garbage that you dont need from the Amazon app.