Wind speeds when towing

Jan 25, 2008
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I'm new to this lark and have heard the odd horror story about caravans getting blown over on motorways etc..

I have a lightweight 5 berth behind a Zafira - at what point roughly shoudl I be getting worried about the wind speeds.

I'm due to go away for my first proper jaunt next week and it's pretty gusty at the minute round here!!
Nov 6, 2005
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Slow down! The destabilising effects of high wind are much more at 60 than 50, for example.

If the weather or traffic reports include warning for "high-sided vehicles" take heed and follow the advice. This will involve lengthy diversions in some cases.

It's gusts that cause the damage, not the average wind speed - gusts are higher on exposed stretches of road eg river crossings, high ground and motorway embankments.

I have towed our old (97%) outfit on the M6 over Shap in a Force 7 (Near Gale 32-38 mph average winds) - not for the faint-hearted. Despite now having an 80% outfit I'd defer my towing journey if similar conditions were forecast.
Mar 26, 2008
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Look out for other vehicles such as lorries and large vans slowing down in windy conditions or as they come to exposed sections of road ahead of you.

When your car and caravan start to get moved around by high winds a good driver will know when to slow down and an idiot carries on at the same speed.
Nov 6, 2005
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It's never quite as black-white as that - if high winds are forecast check your route on a map - high ground and river crossings should be obvious but motorway embankments won't be - you may able to use a more sheltered route or alter your journey timing to avoid the worst of the weather.

Common sense is probably the best principle.
Mar 13, 2007
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hi all

to be honest I dont realy bother too much about high winds as sometimes you have to travel in them anyway after all would you delay comming home after a break because it is windy? I can't see the boss accepting that one as an excuse for missing work for an extra week can you.

providing the unit is stable to begin with and a good match and you put most of the weight on the floor and empty the top cupboards it should be fine at a push change your route to aviod high ground and bridges.

and slow down a bit,if nessasary pull over to let follwing traffic by,thats it really.

Jul 3, 2007
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hi there went to loch lomond during the easter break was very windy pulling my coachman caravan at 23ft in windy conditions is not for the faint hearted stupid me decided to go over the erskin bridge frightning thought the van with me and the kids in the car was going over the side if you are not sure either slow down or put it of till another day which i am doing in future good luck scot


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