Wireless Broadband on site

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What happened?? my post was submitted before I had even finished writing it. To continue, as Frankie Howard used to say....

at 2 am to look at the stars. Yes, even SL can get worked up over such things especially when neither of us had ever seen so many in a sky. They were almost touching each other as the sky was so clear.

However, I also do recognise that in the modern world a laptop could be useful to make bookings etc and the ability to log on anywhere in Europe, without using the mobile phone may have some advantages. But it will never replace a good book for enjoyment.
Oct 17, 2006
Scotch Lad, but would you carry a laptop with you if more sites had broadband available, lots of guests have stayed here, and did not realise the site had broadband, they wished they had packed their laptop. Liz



Possibly yes, but only for the comment mentioned regarding bookings etc. I do e mail every day for work, and the ability to ignore it is a pleasure not to be missed. I also suspect computers will follow mobile phones in that nearly 90% of all messages/calls are garbage in terms of content. The most often quoted phrase on the mobile has got to be 'I am on the bus', or at least it is here in Edinburgh. To use e mail to tell someone, who is probably not interested, in the fact that i am in the Dordogne/Algarve/Costa whatever does not hold much allure I am afraid.

Is there anyone out there who ties their e mails in a red ribbon bundle and keeps them in their own personal drawer?? Yet letters.... Does that not tell you something?

Information is important if it is important because it has meaning, not merely because it is there. Ok, I am old fashioned and admit it freely.
Oct 17, 2006
I understand, but it has come in handy for some of our guests who need to email urgently for what ever reason rather than use mobile phone or even awaiting an urgent email, and have booked their holiday prior, but their again I can understand if your on holiday, your on holiday to get away from phones,computers etc,etc. Liz
May 20, 2006
I agree with you totally Liz (Cornwall).

I dont need broadband access when away, it would be nice, thats all. i want it because i am a teckno junkie, i love toys and gadgets. I would go as far as to say that if a site i was looking at had wirelss access it would sway me into trying the site.

All of the sites that have broadband should be commended for bringing themselves into the 21st century.

It would also be good for making contact via my email as i dont always want to get drawn into a long discussion with my family or friends about what we did today or where we are going tonight, an email, much like a text is quick and emotionless leaving me more time to enjoy my holiday.
Mar 13, 2007
hi all.

unlike most of the posters on this thread I allways take the laptop when I go away anywhere I would not be with out it

as many things are that we take away in the van it's a versatile tool with many uses and broadband on every site would be a dream for me, its a matter of choice (that old nugget)the widespread easy access to the internet phone and works data base while away would be fantanstic as well as internet poker which I play a lot,

but of course its not everyones cup of tea (each to there own I say) as I would not for instance ever think of taking a bike or a barbe or a microwave in the van but others do so good luck to them.

to me my laptop is like my left arm perminantly attached if you see what I mean, its a tool, a tv, a radio, a dvd player,

a phone, a mp3 player, a games machine, ect,ect, but without a internet connection a bit like a car with no engine nice to look at and sit in but can't go anywere.

one can get access on some sites allready as well as public service wireless broadband but it is very patchy around the country if liz has broadband on site and lets me know were she's at without advertising of course we will probably visit next time were in cornwall.

Oct 17, 2006
Hi Colin-yorkshire, I am glad to hear your in agreement with broadband, it's guest choice whether they use the facility, like all facilities available on sites, full service, hard standing,grass pitches etc,etc. I think I am safe in saying the site which I am site warden is just outside Truro, Cornwall Private Site. More sites should have this facility if only to keep in touch with this forum. Liz
Mar 13, 2007
Hi Colin-yorkshire, I am glad to hear your in agreement with broadband, it's guest choice whether they use the facility, like all facilities available on sites, full service, hard standing,grass pitches etc,etc. I think I am safe in saying the site which I am site warden is just outside Truro, Cornwall Private Site. More sites should have this facility if only to keep in touch with this forum. Liz
thanks liz see you later colin
Mar 13, 2007
Hi Colin-yorkshire, I am glad to hear your in agreement with broadband, it's guest choice whether they use the facility, like all facilities available on sites, full service, hard standing,grass pitches etc,etc. I think I am safe in saying the site which I am site warden is just outside Truro, Cornwall Private Site. More sites should have this facility if only to keep in touch with this forum. Liz
thanks liz see you later colin
Feb 3, 2006
I irritate myself by spending too much time on the internet. Maybe I should be grateful it is not provided every where.There is a logic that says instead of talking caravan matters on this forum,when you have the opportunity , talk to real people. On the other hand real people are often a disappointment !

My laptop goes on site as it is my TV and DVD player.Also handy to download and edit photo's and send picture postcards.

I can do without internet access whilst away, you can always find somewhere that does provide a link if you need it. On the other hand it is a little frustrating to be sat in the van knowing the laptop has connected to a wireless network nearby and you can't use it !
Nov 19, 2006
We mostly caravan abroad and always take the laptop. On it we can look for other sites from ACSI while off line and also plan a route from autoroute. When we find a site with wifi we can then e-mail our family and send them boring details of our holiday.
Mar 13, 2007
you are quite right liz it would be more expensive to install wifi on site I dont know all the jargon or equipment specs that might be needed, others more technicaly endowed probably will be able to do this but on a biggish site it would undoubtebly require a series of booster points around the site and a very large wireless hub, I suppose similar to the system used in big warehouses where all the equipment is connected to one central wireless hub.

but for far sighted site owners it would probably re-pay for its self in a couple of seasons and bring in new business.
May 20, 2007
i use a data card for my laptop, cost 20pounds on ebay, then use a sim card from t mobile, unlimited access for 1 pound a day, works a treat.

agree more sites need wireless tho.


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