Woosie Club

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Apr 20, 2009
WoodlandsCamper said:
Sirs DD & Gagkev appear to have bestowed a title on Emmerson. ;) Shouldn;t that be the perogative of our Queen? :eek:hmy:

I have not bestowed the title it reads SHOULD THAT NOT BE....................... ;)

EDIT... Just read the post above yours Our Queen Mel welcomes Sir Emmo The Royale :p

Welcome Sir Emmo The Royale :woohoo:
Jun 20, 2005
My Dearest and Cherished Royal Woosieness Queen Mel

I've fought wars , wrestled bears.quelled revolutions flown test rockets and enlightened virgins.
Never in the field of Woosie land have I had to prostitute myself so much in the quest for the October 2015 Woosiefest, but battered and torn here I am with some good news.

I have indulged in social and verbal intercourse with Anita . She understands our desires and in her wish to fulfill our needs has agreed a nightly charge per caravan of £16.00 on hardstanding with EHU. Crazy guider may have to offer a few pence more for her bairns.

Each one of us now needs to send a cheque or cash deposit for £5.00 payable to
" Anita's Touring Caravan Park"
at the address below. Mark your envelope fao Anita Jefferies and say who you are eg Sir Dustydog of The Woosie Round Table plus your real name and address of course with the dates of your stay.

Anita’s Touring Caravan Park
The Yews
OX17 1AZ

Meanwhile Lady Anita is working on a venue for our Woosiefest. There is a village Hall plus some other establishments within two miles of her site. Lady Villa doesn't drink so we can transport a lot of us to and from the venue where ever it is.

More to follow.



Nov 12, 2009
Dustydog said:
Thanks Parksy
Please will you include Lord Braykewynde in your enquiries

No replies so far from either Sir Brian WC or Sir Kopite.
I have a busy afternoon and evening ahead but I'll look for contact details for Lord Braykewynde and try to get in touch tomorrow.
As far as I know he used the Caravan Club forum now but I've not heard from him for ages.
Well done on charming the fair Anita into knocking a few groats off the pitch price, I'll send my fiver today.
Mar 8, 2009
Agree with Parksy, - thanks Dusty, our groats will be on there way today also.
(Ps. if Lady Gab never had another drink it wouldn't bother her, so she's a volunteer driver too. )
Jun 20, 2005
Woosiefest From October 1st 2015

Please add names below.

Sir Gagakev ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun
Sir WC ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun
Sir Sprocket ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun
Sir Gab (at least 4 nights)
Sir Dustydog ( Booked 24.9 - 07.10 )
Queen Mel and Sir Aleman
Dame Crazyguider (2 nights Fri to Sun)
(Sir) Baldrick ..........not decided yet.
Baroness Barmy (Probably 5 nights, Thurs to Mon)
Sir Deli Dave (4 nights possibly more)
The Lightpole Man (5 nights Weds to Monday)
Sir Muckypup ( 4 nights)
Sir Emmo The Royale ( TBA)


Mar 17, 2007
Plaudits and Congratulations to our Worthy Knight, Sir Dustydog. Another triumph of negotiation and fraternisation. 2 miles to the Woosie Feast is barely an hours stagger. Contrary to rumour I am also happy to go tee total: although I doubt Sir. Aleman will let me drive his car.
Aug 9, 2010
Dustydog said:
Woosiefest From October 1st 2015

Please add names below.

Sir Gagakev ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun
Sir WC ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun
Sir Sprocket ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun
Sir Gab (at least 4 nights)
Sir Dustydog ( Booked 24.9 - 07.10 )
Queen Mel and Sir Aleman
Dame Crazyguider (2 nights Fri to Sun)
(Sir) Baldrick ..........not decided yet.
Baroness Barmy (Probably 5 nights, Thurs to Mon)
Sir Deli Dave (4 nights possibly more)
The Lightpole Man (5 nights Weds to Monday)
Sir Muckypup ( 4 nights)
Sir Emmo The Royale ( TBA)

'Tis with much regret that the Lady Anne and my humble self must decline their gracious majesties invitation to the Woosie-fest. September/October is extremely busy for us this year, and unfortunately, for that weekend we are already committed to attend the AGM of ACCEO (the assoc of camping and caravan exempted organisations, first w/e in October every year), to continue our missionary work in converting more people to the benefits of moderate quantities of whisky and food, and large helpings of FUN.
I would also like to express my gratitude to their majesties for allowing me to use the title of sir Emmo the Royale. Most appropriate, thank you!
We wish you well in your pursuit of FUN.
Apr 20, 2009
To Sir Dusty Dog

Dec 30, 2013
Well done with your excellent negotiations! I will be sending a cheque asap (when I can find the chequebook), and also asking how much more for the staff, sorry, kids! What a bargain.
Apr 20, 2009
crazyguider said:
Well done with your excellent negotiations! I will be sending a cheque asap (when I can find the chequebook), and also asking how much more for the staff, sorry, kids! What a bargain.

Thats a classic Crazyguider.....havent/couldnt find ours, so sent off a fiver wrapped up in a bit of A4 paper :silly:
Apr 20, 2009
Parksy said:
We sent our deposit last weekend Kev

Just me and you then Parksy :lol:

Sir Gagakev ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun Booked
Sir WC ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun
Sir Sprocket ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun Booked
Sir Gab (at least 4 nights)
Sir Dustydog ( Booked 24.9 - 07.10 )
Queen Mel and Sir Aleman
Dame Crazyguider (2 nights Fri to Sun)
(Sir) Baldrick ..........not decided yet.
Baroness Barmy (Probably 5 nights, Thurs to Mon)
Sir Deli Dave (4 nights possibly more)
The Lightpole Man (5 nights Weds to Monday) Booked
Sir Muckypup ( 4 nights)

Psst.... just had an email from another possibility..they are already ordained into our society.... will let them break the news who they are when they have finalised ;) keep guessing.
Feb 3, 2008
Gagakev said:
Anyone else booked yet?

I will try and find a few quite moments over the next couple of days to write a cheque and send off. Daughter says she can complete on a house next week so we will be busy moving her out of our house. :woohoo:
Jun 20, 2005
Gagakev said:
Parksy said:
We sent our deposit last weekend Kev

Just me and you then Parksy :lol:

Sir Gagakev ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun Booked
Sir WC ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun
Sir Sprocket ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun Booked
Sir Gab (at least 4 nights)
Sir Dustydog ( Booked 24.9 - 07.10 )
Queen Mel and Sir Aleman
Dame Crazyguider (2 nights Fri to Sun)
(Sir) Baldrick ..........not decided yet.
Baroness Barmy (Probably 5 nights, Thurs to Mon)
Sir Deli Dave (4 nights possibly more)
The Lightpole Man (5 nights Weds to Monday) Booked
Sir Muckypup ( 4 nights)

Psst.... just had an email from another possibility..they are already ordained into our society.... will let them break the news who they are when they have finalised ;) keep guessing.

Lord Braykewynde :p :unsure:
Apr 7, 2008
Gagakev said:
Psst.... just had an email from another possibility..they are already ordained into our society.... will let them break the news who they are when they have finalised ;) keep guessing.

Could it be the gallant knight :eek:hmy: Sir Roger ( WM ) :silly: :huh: :p
Mar 8, 2009
Sir Gagakev ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun Booked
Sir WC ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun
Sir Sprocket ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun Booked
Sir Gab (at least 4 nights) Booked
Sir Dustydog ( Booked 24.9 - 07.10 )
Queen Mel and Sir Aleman
Dame Crazyguider (2 nights Fri to Sun)
(Sir) Baldrick ..........not decided yet.
Baroness Barmy (Probably 5 nights, Thurs to Mon)
Sir Deli Dave (4 nights possibly more)
The Lightpole Man (5 nights Weds to Monday) Booked
Sir Muckypup ( 4 nights)

Does anyone know if you get any sort of notification of the booking being received?
Jul 15, 2008
.......not booked yet as busy getting ready for trip to Spain with the caravan setting off next Monday :cheer: :cheer: ....... will book when we get back.

Kevin I think Sprocket is right........is it that Toff from Buggram Hall Daventry?
If so, we could have all pitched up in the grounds of his stately pile and had drinks and canapés in the great hall ;)
Apr 20, 2009
As a wee nipper growing up I was taught a secret was never to be told...but I never kept them ;)
But as a growing man I have supposed to have learned to restrain myself.
It is...................................

Gosh I hate keeping secrets............. :p
Jun 20, 2005
Gabsgrandad said:
Sir Gagakev ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun Booked
Sir WC ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun
Sir Sprocket ( 4 nights ) Thurs to Sun Booked
Sir Gab (at least 4 nights) Booked
Sir Dustydog ( Booked 24.9 - 07.10 )
Queen Mel and Sir Aleman
Dame Crazyguider (2 nights Fri to Sun)
(Sir) Baldrick ..........not decided yet.
Baroness Barmy (Probably 5 nights, Thurs to Mon)
Sir Deli Dave (4 nights possibly more)
The Lightpole Man (5 nights Weds to Monday) Booked
Sir Muckypup ( 4 nights)

Does anyone know if you get any sort of notification of the booking being received?

Sir Gab
Anita is fully aware of us Woosies.
I don't expect a reply. Postage etc is really expensive.
It is my intention to e-mail Anita once we have all paid our deposits. She will then let me know more about the local hostelries so we can see if there is anywhere suitable for the Woosiefest.
I'll check my bank statement next month to see if the cheque has cleared..

Mar 2, 2010
Gagakev said:
As a wee nipper growing up I was taught a secret was never to be told...but I never kept them ;)
But as a growing man I have supposed to have learned to restrain myself.
It is...................................

Gosh I hate keeping secrets............. :p



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