Woosie Club

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Mar 17, 2007
I will pass the menu onto Sir Aleman. He suffers from M.I.S ( menu indecision syndrome). He might have chosen by September :cheer:
Jun 20, 2005
Well at first glance it's got to be Yorkshire pud dish :)
Strange no Lancashire Hotpot :p
I chased Louise again this afternoon . So should hear soon.
Nov 16, 2015
Ok DD, you got it , I have had a couple of Sherbert's on a differnt, thread, the reason, Valentines Day, said to SWMBLAO, Wahat do yo want to do now!!! OH Lets go and have a look at rhe new Coachmans, :( . Well luckily the were closed on Sundays. GT towing Hatfield. , so went today. Miss Lainey, thankfully was not impressed with the new range so our old (3 year) will being staying with us . So DD I walked the dogs to the local for a couple of pints to celebrate the fact I hav'nt spent up on a new Van.
Sir Were-Rabbit. :p
Jun 20, 2005
EH52ARH said:
Ok DD, you got it , I have had a couple of Sherbert's on a differnt, thread, the reason, Valentines Day, said to SWMBLAO, Wahat do yo want to do now!!! OH Lets go and have a look at rhe new Coachmans, :( . Well luckily the were closed on Sundays. GT towing Hatfield. , so went today. Miss Lainey, thankfully was not impressed with the new range so our old (3 year) will being staying with us . So DD I walked the dogs to the local for a couple of pints to celebrate the fact I hav'nt spent up on a new Van.
Sir Were-Rabbit. :p
Oh no Sir Were- Rabbit.
Surely Valentines Day is the one day a year to stay Complas Mentas. :unsure: And there's this old dog thinking you were on a promise, well something beginning with P. :kiss:
This threw me! Red Pennent 450 I guess you meant £50.00 :)
Now the dogs. Well the old Springers are still with Pet Plan at £300 each with that for life extension. What gets me is the premiums rise every year and as the dogs get older they apply a self co insurance %.
Over 20 dog years only one claim last year for open surgery following stuck stones £1700. We have thought about self insuring but 10 years on you kind of feel you want something back!!
The good news is The Black Bull Inn is right next door to the Woosiefest site. So not too far to walk :cheer:
Nov 16, 2015
Dusty, Red Pennent, 45 day annual multi trip, breakdown, caravan and personel cover. £362 std or £485 std plus. Its not cheap, but I will need it from july, for a year. Pity it doesnt cover you in the UK.
And I can stagger, with the best of folk. :blink:
Apr 7, 2008
Dustydog said:
Now the dogs. Well the old Springers are still with Pet Plan at £300 each with that for life extension. What gets me is the premiums rise every year and as the dogs get older they apply a self co insurance %.
Over 20 dog years only one claim last year for open surgery following stuck stones £1700. We have thought about self insuring but 10 years on you kind of feel you want something back!!

Good pet insurance is just like good caravan insurance. ...
You only know how good it is when you have to claim....
£1637.00 three weeks ago for various tests only to find out that our little one has bladder cancer ... she goes back in for her chemotherapy tomorrow and this is £650.00 a time.... as said many times on this forum you only get back what you pay for .....so do check the small print. ...
Jun 20, 2005
It would be very remiss of me if I did not say how fantastic Pet Plan Insurers were with Kizzy's claim. All paid swiftly direct to our vet with absolutely no question. Excellent service.
Apr 7, 2008
Dustydog said:
It would be very remiss of me if I did not say how fantastic Pet Plan Insurers were with Kizzy's claim. All paid swiftly direct to our vet with absolutely no question. Excellent service.

We too are with Pet Plan ;) and have been for more years than i can remember :huh:
Jun 20, 2005
Sproket said:
Dustydog said:
It would be very remiss of me if I did not say how fantastic Pet Plan Insurers were with Kizzy's claim. All paid swiftly direct to our vet with absolutely no question. Excellent service.

We too are with Pet Plan ;) and have been for more years than i can remember :huh:
Not the cheapest but from experience I can say their cover is wide and their claims attitude admirable. :)
Aug 23, 2009
Pet plan all the way with us. Excellent 9/10 years ago when our greyhound needed investigations and on going treatment. Still excellent with the ongoing treatment for the last three years with our poodle.

Sproket, good luck with the chemo, I hope all goes well and according to plan. Here's to a speedy recovery.

Oh and for the woosie fest staggerers I could hire out SHM and my wheelchair after I've been safely delivered. I'm only looking to raise £13500 for my new 4x4 wheelchair.
Jun 20, 2005
Congratulations !
A woosie has won a set of Milencos in the April PCv mag.
According to what I read the lucky Woosie was a blonde seven year old enjoying a caravan holiday.
It must be in the blood!
Nov 16, 2015
Hopefully a future caravanner, what type of van will she have by the time she is out in her own van. ?

Well just booked the Ferries for July returning in September 7th. Worked out most our route to see friends, Vermenton, near Avalon, across to Besecon , near Mulhouse, Swiss border, down to Bezier, Across to Nebius for Sister in laws 70th birthday then, homewards, avoiding Rouen, to stay the last week in Montreuil, les clercs des Fontains. Anybody know if Monsier Micheal is still running Les clercs. Just love that area, got snowed in there for 3 weeks 3 years ago in March.
But of course, totally flexible.
My very best regards to all Woosies,
And yes DD, I have had a Sherbert, Thia curry cooking slowly.
Jun 20, 2005
My fingers are crossed I have a reprobate to join me for a glass or two at The Black Bull later in the year.
Is it you
Nov 16, 2015
Most probably, we could probably have a mini Scufts with all the hounds, as the BB has a dog walk. Could be a bit of fun. We are really looking forward to it.
Nov 16, 2015
My work mates used to say, that the younger lads, would follow me , not always for my knoledge, but to see what happened next. One of the last farewell parties, ended up, gokarting and a pig roast. And the company picked up the bill for about 25 of us.
i still dont know what Imwant to do when Imgrow up. He He.
Jun 20, 2005
Dustydog said:
Congratulations !
A woosie has won a set of Milencos in the April PCv mag.
According to what I read the lucky Woosie was a blonde seven year old enjoying a caravan holiday.
It must be in the blood!
Jun 20, 2005
Obviously you were not brought up as a Roman Candle.
I'll stick to bowing. The old knee doesn't bend as well as it did.
Still Genuflect does have a certain ring :)


Mar 17, 2007
Perhaps our King would prefer us to be Prostrate.

(Please note gentlemen, that is Prostrate not Postate)



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