Young vanners

Oct 13, 2006
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Im mid 30's and my partner 40, weve been caravanning for about a year now, we haven't any children and choose not to, but have a dog (Jake, a STB) who comes everywhere with us. Now I dont know if its the kind of places were going but I dont see many other vanners our age! Dont get me wrong im not being ageist, but it would be nice to see more people our age. Are there any of you out there, and if so where abouts do you go?

Kay n Steve
Aug 13, 2007
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Hi Kay,

Have you thought about rallying.

If you are a member of one of the big clubs, they each have a rally section in your area.

The idea of rallies is to meet like minded people, do your own thing in the day time & meet up for a social on the evenings if you want to.

I am sure that you will meet people of all ages & make new friends.

Also there are the owners clubs by that I mean if you owned a Swift, join the Swift owners club (I think there is a club for most makes) give it a try you might be supprised.

Graham W.
May 22, 2006
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hi we r in our mid 30's and go to an adults only site in meridan (somers wood - highly recommendable) anyway we have 3 dogs and there is a mixed age group that go to the site, we have made many friends there young and old. hope this will help?
Oct 13, 2006
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hi we r in our mid 30's and go to an adults only site in meridan (somers wood - highly recommendable) anyway we have 3 dogs and there is a mixed age group that go to the site, we have made many friends there young and old. hope this will help?
Hi Craig

Were from Glos'shire not been to Warwickshire before, the website for Somers Wood looks nice, might give it a try next year. We have been to a few adult only sites, Cheddar is a nice friendly one
May 22, 2006
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Hi Craig

Were from Glos'shire not been to Warwickshire before, the website for Somers Wood looks nice, might give it a try next year. We have been to a few adult only sites, Cheddar is a nice friendly one
hi kay thanks for mentioning cheddar, we love it there we go to weston every year with the kids and they love a day trip to cheddar, i didnt realise there was an adults only site there. i think somers wood is part of a group called tranquil parks or sites, i do know there is a website but dont know address im afraid. have fun and hope u find more yung uns like us lol
Jan 2, 2006
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Craig I live not a million miles from Somers Wood and have heard it is good what facilities does it have as it would suit us for a weekend even though it is close by.
May 22, 2006
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Craig I live not a million miles from Somers Wood and have heard it is good what facilities does it have as it would suit us for a weekend even though it is close by.
hi, somers wood has electric, internet now on some pitches, great shower block which is cleaned daily and angie the owner asks people to mop out the showers after use which being adults every 1 does willingly. we only live in nuneaton which is about 10 miles away and we go about once a month for a chill and have even spent a 10 days there. it is so peaceful and tranquil and everyone is so friendly too. hope this helps? ne more needed just ask away

Jan 2, 2006
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hi, somers wood has electric, internet now on some pitches, great shower block which is cleaned daily and angie the owner asks people to mop out the showers after use which being adults every 1 does willingly. we only live in nuneaton which is about 10 miles away and we go about once a month for a chill and have even spent a 10 days there. it is so peaceful and tranquil and everyone is so friendly too. hope this helps? ne more needed just ask away

Thanks yes handy for Nuneaton,spent a lot of time there over last 18months at the Eliot as wife was ill but ok now.
May 22, 2006
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Thanks yes handy for Nuneaton,spent a lot of time there over last 18months at the Eliot as wife was ill but ok now.
glad to hear she is ok. i am certain you will enjoy yr stay if you get to go. Angie the owner is fantastic very helpful and obliging. there is also a info cabin / summerhouse which has books in you can read on your stay and buy if you want to. there are leaflets for all the local attractions and even the indian / chinese deliver to the campsite if you can't be bothered to cook lol.
Aug 18, 2007
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Kay you must be going to the wrong sites, we see plenty of 20-30 somethings caravanning mainly with young children, some using parents outfits.

In Spain with us there were two Brit couples with babies and todler towing Ranger's with Pickups and jet skis on the back and they were only 25 - 27 .
Jun 20, 2005
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Hi Kay

We started caravanning in our late 20s and have never looked back. Done all the ususal world tours in our 40s but now with two new springers the caravan is for us. In fairness to your observation I only notice younger people away during the school kids hols. That said there is no shortage of the younger generation on most of the sites I have visited. I agree Rallying may be well up your street. For us the great weekends away have been fantastic, some barely 20 miles from our home.

Enjoy it!!


Oct 13, 2006
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As we dont have children we tend to avoid term times, so I guesss that could be why? Will look at the rally scene, sounds fun :)
Sep 19, 2007
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I'm 37, my wife is 29 (no comments please!) and we have a 2 year old boy. We've just bought our first caravan and went away last weekend. Saw other young families and kids but must say there were more older people than young families.

We absolutely loved it. My parents used to have caravans when I was little and from what I remember there did seem to be more families caravanning then (but that could just be because that's who we made friends with).

We just need to spread the word to young people!
Apr 5, 2006
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My wife is 34 and i 43 we have no children as yet but we have 4 working newfoundland dogs that we travel the country with attending dog club events ,we stay at many sites during the year and we find most people are more interested in the dogs than us ,caravaning is great at any age but this year we have met more young couples trying out vanning for the first time and i think this is great we are now on are 4th van and when we are too old to tow a van we will get a motor home.
Sep 13, 2006
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I do not know whereabouts in Gloucestershire you live but if you do not find the company you are after in the Glos area CC try the Avon centre.

We do a lot of rallies and there are a lot of people in this age group and slightly above and there is also a very good social atmosphere.
Jun 28, 2007
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Hi Kay

I'm 41 and the wife is (nearly) 37 and we have a 2 year old.

We've had a motorhome for years and changed to a caravan this year.

I cant say I've ever noticed what age groups are out there , I tend to take everyone as they come, young or old

All I can say is enjoy caravanning for yourself get to plenty of places and see who you come across , age is a state of mind. I know people in their 60s & 70s who you'd think we're half their age by the way they lead their lives.
May 25, 2005
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Hello Craig

Thanks for the details of Somers Wood. I have looked on the internet, and it certainly looks OK. I am considering booking for next year.

Jan 2, 2006
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Well thanks one and all now I am getting depresed with all you youngsters and us being old fogies! We bought our first van when I was 25 and SWMBO was 23 that seems a long time ago now but what great memories!
Dec 10, 2005
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As Eric got a plug in for his site, I'll do one as well (LOL!)

Its a great friendly forum, and we have regular meets. There's a big meet on the 19th of this month in Lincolnshire if your interested. The more the merrier!
Mar 7, 2006
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im 35 and hubby 37. We have had our van for 2 years. I agree that there arent many people "our age" on most sites but I kind of prefer it that way as we like to go to quiet, friendly peaceful sites (to relax after working hard)and we find the older generation friendlier and quieter!! :)


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