25 Ways to Improve Caravan Security

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Mar 14, 2005
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Yes I have seen something similar, with a woman kicking the remains of the hitch lock, but it was a promotional film, and there are several versions with differnt clips included. The ones I have seen didn't mention recovery rates or times.

Despite this discrepancy I am sure trackers when they work correctly do help, and there will be some very quick resolutions, but most will take longer and some may never be recovered. As with all things on the internet its worth being sceptical until you can find an authoritative source.
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Jul 18, 2017
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i also look on the you tube and a caravan had a phantom tacker and it got stolen from Glossop Caravan the woman owner just kick the hitch lock and wheelclamp
Many dealers do not have a clue about which tracker is fitted into a caravan and unfortunately we have to rely on them for information correct or incorrect. Not many caravans are fitted with the Phantom tracker as most have the Tracker Retrieve fitted which is as much good as a wet paper bag. No on eis saying you are telling prokies as you are only relaying on what was told toyou by the dealer. Pity you do not know the make and model of caravan.
Jan 3, 2012
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Many dealers do not have a clue about which tracker is fitted into a caravan and unfortunately we have to rely on them for information correct or incorrect. Not many caravans are fitted with the Phantom tracker as most have the Tracker Retrieve fitted which is as much good as a wet paper bag. No on eis saying you are telling prokies as you are only relaying on what was told toyou by the dealer. Pity you do not know the make and model of caravan.
Phantom Tracker caravan Theft video 2005 Glossop Caravan You Tube i expect i am going see what make it was at night time ..
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Jul 18, 2017
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Phantom Tracker caravan Theft video 2005 Glossop Caravan You Tube i expect i am going see what make it was at night time ..
The video on the caravan being removed from a compound was in 1995 long before Phantom even existed. Phantom was only created in 2002 and to the best fo my knowledge the tracker units were not fitted into caravans until about 2010.
The demo part of the video is well over 8 years old as towing vehicle has a W reg and Swift Fairways were never fitted with the Phantom tracker unless the customer had it fitted.
Jan 3, 2012
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i am saying what is online they can get stolen the people who steals them have all the tools to do it As my wife says you have your opinion i have mine
Jan 3, 2012
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The video on the caravan being removed from a compound was in 1995 long before Phantom even existed. Phantom was only created in 2002 and to the best fo my knowledge the tracker units were not fitted into caravans until about 2010.
The demo part of the video is well over 8 years old as towing vehicle has a W reg and Swift Fairways were never fitted with the Phantom tracker unless the customer had it fitted.
Yes but no matter what you say it says it online so i wasn"t telling porkies
Jan 3, 2012
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I was very surprised at the % figure you quoted being recovered in less than 70Min, and 85% being found in the possession of the criminals. These seem an incredible clear up rates especially as we have traditionally told caravan theft is a low priority for police time. Can you tell me where you found that information?

I have tried to verify the figures you have given, but after half an hour of looking all I could find was the fasted recovery of 13Min and recovery times on average being 70Min with percentages quoted. Crucially It didn't say how many caravans were not recovered!

I am certain the use of a GPS tracker is a good idea, but it's only effective after the caravan has been stolen. It might be effective to place notices on the caravan to say a tracker is fitted, but that might backfire as it would alert the would be thieves to use some means of blocking or even locating the tracker and disabling it.
Hi Prof . Google in Caravan phantom Tracker can they be stolen first line says (Phantom.uk. net) Caravan and Motorhome Tracking Systems Phantom Ltd it says exactly what i have put
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Jul 18, 2017
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Hi Prof . Google in Caravan phantom Tracker can they be stolen first line says (Phantom.uk. net) Caravan and Motorhome Tracking Systems Phantom Ltd it says exactly what i have put
No one is saying you are telling porkies as you are only using the info that you have obtained. I doubt if there would have been a comprehensive and reliable database on recoveries for stolen caravans over 8 years ago if they only started fitting them into caravans around 2010 so only 2 years for a very limited number of thefts of caravans with a Phantom Tracker fitted.
We are very happy with our Phantom Tracker and can check it Online and see the location of the caravan, status of battery and also mileage done by caravan. If we were lucky enough to afford another caravan we would certainly have another Phantom Tracker installed for peace of mind.
Jan 3, 2012
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No one is saying you are telling porkies as you are only using the info that you have obtained. I doubt if there would have been a comprehensive and reliable database on recoveries for stolen caravans over 8 years ago if they only started fitting them into caravans around 2010 so only 2 years for a very limited number of thefts of caravans with a Phantom Tracker fitted.
We are very happy with our Phantom Tracker and can check it Online and see the location of the caravan, status of battery and also mileage done by caravan. If we were lucky enough to afford another caravan we would certainly have another Phantom Tracker installed for peace of mind.
If my budget would run to i would have tracker on ours Prevention is always a better cure Ian
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Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Prof . Google in Caravan phantom Tracker can they be stolen first line says (Phantom.uk. net) Caravan and Motorhome Tracking Systems Phantom Ltd it says exactly what i have put
Hello Beachball,
Thank you for the more detailed link detail

As you say, this page does make the claims you have repeated. I cannot confirm or deny the specific details, but I do have to point out the page is the manufacturers own website, and they like all manufacturers will push the limits of accuracy of figures they publish. This is typical advertising hype. But for the reasons I have outlined previously I do find the suggested success rates and times to seem incredibly optimistic.

Don't get me wrong, I do believe the use of trackers are a good thing, and they will definitely help locate stolen vehicles.
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Mar 17, 2007
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We have a tracker on ours but TBH, if it is stolen, I’m not sure that I want it back. 🤔
Mar 14, 2005
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One of key selling points of Phantom, is (according to their publicity) when a caravan with one of their trackers is stolen, 99% of Stolen Vehicles fitted with a Phantom Tracking system are recovered in less than 70 minutes 85% of these Recoveries catch the thief en-route to there destination

It's unlikely the thieves have had time to wreck the caravan.

Make your own minds up about that. o_O
Jul 28, 2008
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Don’t be fooled into thinking that a tracker will protect your caravan 100%. Last week I was contacted by a good friend who keeps their caravan in storage. Their caravan is a 2018 Swift Challenger twin-axle model with both factory fitted alarm and the Swift Command tracker (both operating). It appears that lower forms of life broke into the storage yard and attacked their caravan and the single-axle caravan next to theirs. They started by ripping the alarm out and then the tracking unit, causing significant damage in the process. Neither the alarm or tracker was activated. They obviously knew where the manufacturers put the devices.

The Al-Ko secure wheel-locks fitted were cut off.

The single-axle caravan was stolen, but our friend’s was left behind, badly damaged (to the extent that the insurance company look like writing it off).

Of course, the lower forms of lifes’ Transit van was on false plates (CCTV) and they used gloves so that no finger prints were left.

The tracker unit was left in the caravan, and our friend took it home and sent photographs of it working in his living room!

In the past we’ve had caravans with the Phantom units fitted, and on occasions the alarms was activated (either by accident or for an unknown reason), and Phantom ALWAYS were very quick off the mark in contacting us, and knew exactly where the caravan (or tracker unit was), plus I could see it on their App.
Jul 18, 2017
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Don’t be fooled into thinking that a tracker will protect your caravan 100%. Last week I was contacted by a good friend who keeps their caravan in storage. Their caravan is a 2018 Swift Challenger twin-axle model with both factory fitted alarm and the Swift Command tracker (both operating). It appears that lower forms of life broke into the storage yard and attacked their caravan and the single-axle caravan next to theirs. They started by ripping the alarm out and then the tracking unit, causing significant damage in the process. Neither the alarm or tracker was activated. They obviously knew where the manufacturers put the devices.

The Al-Ko secure wheel-locks fitted were cut off.

The single-axle caravan was stolen, but our friend’s was left behind, badly damaged (to the extent that the insurance company look like writing it off).

Of course, the lower forms of lifes’ Transit van was on false plates (CCTV) and they used gloves so that no finger prints were left.

The tracker unit was left in the caravan, and our friend took it home and sent photographs of it working in his living room!

In the past we’ve had caravans with the Phantom units fitted, and on occasions the alarms was activated (either by accident or for an unknown reason), and Phantom ALWAYS were very quick off the mark in contacting us, and knew exactly where the caravan (or tracker unit was), plus I could see it on their App.
If I remember correctly the Tracker fitted into late model Swift caravan is reactive and not proactive. This means that in the event of someone interfering with the caravan the first they will know of it is when they visited the storage yard. BTW what is the point in having an alarm and tracker fitted if you do not activate it? Was the storage site CASSOA or not, if not then your friends were inviting trouble and if they declared they had an alarm and a tracker when insuring the caravan and neither were activated, the insurance company quite rightly may refuse to pay out.

If some interferes with our caravan, the alarm will sound and notify the Phantom call centre straight away. If our Phantom Tracker or the battery is removed the call centre are notified straight away as the Phantom Tracker is proactive.

Reading the above posts it seems that all Trackers are being lumped under one banner of the Tracker when there is a HUGE different between the different trackers as some are reactive and others are Proactive. If our caravan was stolen and recovered within a couple of hours we would want it back. Anyway if a caravan is stolen and recovered within a few days you will have no alternative accept tpo take it back from the insurance company.
May 7, 2012
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This is the work of very determined professionals and very little will stop them. They must have identified the caravan and its security level before the theft and came prepared. That is a level of attack that is the exception. Possibly the best way to prevent this is the simple act of removing all the soft furnishings as it then becomes far less valuable and unfit for living in whichever way they were going. If you do this leave the blinds up to show what you have done.
If you do not want to remove them lock them in the toilet out of sight which should have the same effect.
Trackers do work, but again the determined thief may have the knowledge to deal with them, but it is not a good reason to condemn them.
Jul 28, 2008
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If I remember correctly the Tracker fitted into late model Swift caravan is reactive and not proactive. This means that in the event of someone interfering with the caravan the first they will know of it is when they visited the storage yard. BTW what is the point in having an alarm and tracker fitted if you do not activate it? Was the storage site CASSOA or not, if not then your friends were inviting trouble and if they declared they had an alarm and a tracker when insuring the caravan and neither were activated, the insurance company quite rightly may refuse to pay out.

If some interferes with our caravan, the alarm will sound and notify the Phantom call centre straight away. If our Phantom Tracker or the battery is removed the call centre are notified straight away as the Phantom Tracker is proactive.

Reading the above posts it seems that all Trackers are being lumped under one banner of the Tracker when there is a HUGE different between the different trackers as some are reactive and others are Proactive. If our caravan was stolen and recovered within a couple of hours we would want it back. Anyway if a caravan is stolen and recovered within a few days you will have no alternative accept tpo take it back from the insurance company.

I’m not sure how the Swift Command tracker works to be honest, the only experience that I have is of the Phantom system (plus a small unit that I was sent that I have on the car - both of which have been excellent at alerting me if either the caravan or the car have been moved at all). Having said that, checking on the Swift website, the Swift Command tracker is advertised as being “pro-active” and Thatcham Category S7, so..... When I said that the alarm and tracker weren’t activated, I meant in terms of them being alerted - either the alarm going off or the tracker notifying them if that’s how it works. Putting it another way, both the alarm and tracker were “armed”, but neither made a noise or alerted anyone.

Somehow the thieves have obviously worked out how to remove both the alarm and tracker without them raising alarms anywhere (as they also did on the caravan that WAS stolen). Plus the fact that they’d gone armed with facility to remove the wheel locks successfully means that they’re obviously pros.

I do not know whether the storage is CASSOA or not, but knowing them I would suggest that it is. As I said in the previous post, everything was caught on CCTV too, but........ There are no issues with the insurance as all possible precautions and conditions had been met.

Our previous two caravans came with the Phantom system as standard (plus the first year’s subscription, which we kept paid up), but it was an option on our current caravan which we didn’t tick. The cost of the option and the annual subscription against the insurance discounts offered just don’t make financial sense in our case (annual subscription if paid for for five years = £100 per year (ish) against an £80 discount on the insurance).
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Mar 14, 2005
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I really don't know how an alarm manufacturer can claim their product is proactive! Being proactive is to take action to control the outcome of an event.

These devices are all reactive and will only alert when the theft has actually occurred or is in progress. It won't alert when the thieves are planning the theft. If only they could.
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Jul 18, 2017
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I really don't know how an alarm manufacturer can claim their product is proactive! Being proactive is to take action to control the outcome of an event.

These devices are all reactive and will only alert when the theft has actually occurred or is in progress. It won't alert when the thieves are planning the theft. If only they could.
Please explain how you can be proactive against criminal activity? There is no crime until it is actually committed.

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Personal attacks on a poster are not allowed, even with a "smiley" icon !!!
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Sam Vimes

Sep 7, 2020
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I suppose putting a big sticker on your van stating "Tracker Fitted" could be construed as being pro-active in that the hope would be that any villians might decide not to knick yours but the one next to it without a sticker.

Similar in a way to dummy burglar alarms and fake cctv cameras.
May 12, 2019
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I used to sell Horse Trailers. I advised one buyer to get a wheel clamp, she asked if it would stop it being stolen and I replied "No but it will mean that your insurance will pay out"
The wheel clamp she bought was the cheapest one you could buy
A week later the horse trailer was stolen.
She did get paid out.
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May 7, 2012
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You may need to watch the point about the wheel clamp now. The insurance companies often ask for the one involved or define the type needed. The cheapest one might not now be acceptable.
Not sure there is any point about worrying as to trackers being pro active, it makes absolutely no difference to its security value.
May 12, 2019
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I once read that most caravan dealers have one key which fits all the caravans of a particular make and perhaps other makes which use the same lock manufacturer and that one caravan dealer had his (called Key to Pass) stolen, which meant that the thief had a key which would open every caravan of that make in the UK.
Nov 16, 2015
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I once read that most caravan dealers have one key which fits all the caravans of a particular make and perhaps other makes which use the same lock manufacturer and that one caravan dealer had his (called Key to Pass) stolen, which meant that the thief had a key which would open every caravan of that make in the UK.
It is called a crowbar. And damages the door.
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