- Oct 30, 2009
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- 0
- 19,680
whilest I would normally echo the sentiments in your last post it must be understood that as an open forum there are forced to be differing views on just about any topic posted, the problems arise when a topic gets polarised between two camps with different views and the meaning of the original post is lost as each side brings in new arguments to support their views not helped by the few posters who deliberatly try to wind up one side or the other.
the moderators then step in to calm things down and get jumped on for interfering in free debate or are accused bias. this is what happend to the above topic it started as someones opinion on a emotive subject and then left to run. it should have been pulled right at the start but was not, it happens on every open forum and is the reason I no longer post on most of the forums I belong to, the exeptions being this one and the renault owners club. both forums have by enlarge a wealth of knowlege in their members that can be called upon to solve almost any problem or question.
however because the membership is so diverse both in experience and economic status it does become clear that polarisation is inevitable on certain subjects like politics and climate change any topic on a subject like 4x4s will bring to the surface the opposing views of the pros and antis quicker than anything else. thats why the mods have tried to stop these debates with I am sorry to say little effect, perhaps it is more to do with the fact that the forum engine is still powered by steam, but it must be said IMO only they still allow posts and topics to run as long as a one sided view is maintained and step in only when a argument starts or a set of posts goes off topic leading to a bias claim. for instance the post that kicked off all this global warming stuff was as you say.
"this guy posts asking about 4x4s and look where its led, incredible, and it could give good reason for other visitors giving the forum a wide berth."
the post was not a guy asking about 4x4s at all but rod one voicing his opinion (which he has every right to do) on the virtues of one particular type of vehicle and how maligned the owners are with a quick political dig at the PM and others who differ in opinion please read it again.
" Rod one 4 X 4's popular again!
28 Dec 2009 10:51 AM
Though I do not drive a 4 x 4 ( A CR-V is not a real one!), I have always sympathised with the owners of them, when they keep getting slagged off by all and sundry. I noticed with interest that with the recent bad weather, many local authorities were grateful for help from 4 x 4's. I've also observed much the same when saloon type car driver's get stuck on site and seek help from the much maligned 4 x 4 owner. Let's hope Brown and Co ( and some of the tree hugger's) remember this in the future !!"
It ws obvious from the next 5 posts that the pros would jump on the bandwaggon and attack anyone with a voice of dissent because thats what happens every time. a thread started with the exact opposite view would have gone exactly the same way.
the only answer is to pull all posts that could or might be controversal instantly but that will not happen so the arguments will continue, some visitors may be offended by this and go else where others will not that is the rub untill the mods grasp the nettle it will continue.
whilest I would normally echo the sentiments in your last post it must be understood that as an open forum there are forced to be differing views on just about any topic posted, the problems arise when a topic gets polarised between two camps with different views and the meaning of the original post is lost as each side brings in new arguments to support their views not helped by the few posters who deliberatly try to wind up one side or the other.
the moderators then step in to calm things down and get jumped on for interfering in free debate or are accused bias. this is what happend to the above topic it started as someones opinion on a emotive subject and then left to run. it should have been pulled right at the start but was not, it happens on every open forum and is the reason I no longer post on most of the forums I belong to, the exeptions being this one and the renault owners club. both forums have by enlarge a wealth of knowlege in their members that can be called upon to solve almost any problem or question.
however because the membership is so diverse both in experience and economic status it does become clear that polarisation is inevitable on certain subjects like politics and climate change any topic on a subject like 4x4s will bring to the surface the opposing views of the pros and antis quicker than anything else. thats why the mods have tried to stop these debates with I am sorry to say little effect, perhaps it is more to do with the fact that the forum engine is still powered by steam, but it must be said IMO only they still allow posts and topics to run as long as a one sided view is maintained and step in only when a argument starts or a set of posts goes off topic leading to a bias claim. for instance the post that kicked off all this global warming stuff was as you say.
"this guy posts asking about 4x4s and look where its led, incredible, and it could give good reason for other visitors giving the forum a wide berth."
the post was not a guy asking about 4x4s at all but rod one voicing his opinion (which he has every right to do) on the virtues of one particular type of vehicle and how maligned the owners are with a quick political dig at the PM and others who differ in opinion please read it again.
" Rod one 4 X 4's popular again!
28 Dec 2009 10:51 AM
Though I do not drive a 4 x 4 ( A CR-V is not a real one!), I have always sympathised with the owners of them, when they keep getting slagged off by all and sundry. I noticed with interest that with the recent bad weather, many local authorities were grateful for help from 4 x 4's. I've also observed much the same when saloon type car driver's get stuck on site and seek help from the much maligned 4 x 4 owner. Let's hope Brown and Co ( and some of the tree hugger's) remember this in the future !!"
It ws obvious from the next 5 posts that the pros would jump on the bandwaggon and attack anyone with a voice of dissent because thats what happens every time. a thread started with the exact opposite view would have gone exactly the same way.
the only answer is to pull all posts that could or might be controversal instantly but that will not happen so the arguments will continue, some visitors may be offended by this and go else where others will not that is the rub untill the mods grasp the nettle it will continue.