50 MPH Motorway Drivers

Jun 7, 2005
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This rant has been inspired by the comments by Mike about inconsiderate drivers of solo vehicles. Does anyone else get frustrated by the slow lane 50 MPH driver? There is nothing more annoying than trying to make progress within the speed limits and consistently coming across someone driving solo at 50 to 55 miles an hour in the slow lane, forcing you to either slow down and travel behind (and most probably be the one who gets the blame)or take to the middle lane when it should not be necessary. Surely there cannot be many people incapable of travelling at the speed required for normal motorway driving yet I can guarantee to come up against them every time I go out with caravan in tow.
Mar 14, 2005
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these people are the ones that cause a lot of the accidents on motorways.they can cause chaos,as can large slow moving vehicles(exempt from min speed at certain times of the day).personally i think there should be a minimum speed of 60 mph unless adverse conditions etc would prohibit this.
Jun 7, 2005
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I would agree, I have never had problems in either France, Germany or any other country. I also don't mind dealing with the wagons in the UK that are limited to 56 MPH. After all they have no choice, what does frustrate is the cars which clearly could go faster and not hold up a legally towed van at 60MPH. Can't you get prosecuted in Europe for travelling to slowly on motorway class roads????

In the UK you can fail your HGV test for the offence of " failing to make progress"
Mar 14, 2005

I would agree, I have never had problems in either France, Germany or any other country. I also don't mind dealing with the wagons in the UK that are limited to 56 MPH. After all they have no choice, what does frustrate is the cars which clearly could go faster and not hold up a legally towed van at 60MPH. Can't you get prosecuted in Europe for travelling to slowly on motorway class roads????

In the UK you can fail your HGV test for the offence of " failing to make progress"
The minimum speed on motorways in Europe varies from country to country (just like the maximum speed limits). The lowest limit is in France (40kph). Most countries, including Germany, have a 60kph minimum limit. To my knowledge, Switzerland has the highest limit. It was recently increased from 60kph to 80kph.
Mar 14, 2005
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I have just returned from Paigntonvia the M5, M49 and M4. The number of "SUnday afternnon motorists" on the motorway is alarming. They potter along at their own little pace not realising the confusion thay cause behind them. Many are also doing this speed in the middle lane thereby causing major problems for HGVs and caravanners. Another problem is the slow moving mobile crane unit pottering along at 30mph. Also men who mear hats ar just as bad - here we go again you say. However crossing the Severn Bridge I was overtaken and baulked on two seperate instances by reps in the outer lane to me and reading as they were driving. One in a siver A4 Audi and the other a typical Mondeo rep. These idiots are just as lethal on the road. My other gripe on the way home was a womman driver (again a rep) in a blue Mazda estate who did not like to be overtaken. Every time I passed her she would pass me and then slow down again as if to annoy me. I therefor would support any government policy to ban dithering Sunday afternoon motorists, mobile cranes and company reps off the motorway and leave them free for the HGVs and caravanning fraternity. Any support would be very much appreciated.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Graham and Klarky,

I agree that vehicles driving slower than the prevailing speed limit can cause frustration, but they do not cause accidents. The cause of an accident is most likely the driver who is following too close behind or feeling frustrated and tries to over-take in an inappropriate manner.

It's still a free country, and as long as there is not a minimum speed limit in force, then a driver is free to travel at what ever speed they choose below the prevailing speed limit, provided they are not causing a hazard by doing so. It could be that the driver has some reason for only progressing at that speed.

It is unlikely that 50 to 55 on a motorway in the nearside lane would be deemed a hazard.

Taking Klarky's point a little further, Perhaps , but then how do you legislate for the M25 parking lot!
Aug 28, 2005
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Call me old fashioned but if you are driving in lane 1 the LEGAL minimum that youu have to do is 40mph and that is even dicressionary by some forces (my father-in-law is ex traffic policeman) - if somebody wants to do 50-55mph then all you do instead of getting het up is overtake them - you most definately see them well ahead of time to start indicating to be let out therefore you should not be in the position of being right up behind them.

I totally agree with John L - they do not cause accidents it is the people who become agitated and aggressive and overtake at the wrong time.
Mar 14, 2005
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Malcolm and Clarky - you cannot honestly say that the people travelling at the speeds you are talking about cause accidents. No I don't beleive that you mean this, for surely the impatient driver who wants to speed and weave about in motorway traffic must cause more accidents than the more steadier driver. if you really beleive what you say then why not inform the legislators that speed doesnot Kill it is the slow drivers on the motorway - remember the tortoise and the Hare
Mar 14, 2005
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The fact is that there are far too many impatient motorists on our roads.

There is nothing wrong with someone travelling at 50 mph with or without a caravan in tow, if that is the speed that they are comfortable with, and feel safe driving at.

More should be done to absolutely hammer the speeders who blatantly ignore the 70 mph limit on Motorways. THEY are the ones who cause accidents, because they can't react fast enough when things go wrong.
Mar 14, 2005
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Keith, The governments own statistics do not back up your arguement. Motorways are the safest roads per vehicle kilometer by far and only approx 5 % of all accidents are caused by vehicles exceeding the speed limit. Inappropriate speed for the conditions and distraction cause far more accidents.

I drive many thousands of motorway miles and prefer it when the traffic is free flowing at different speed. The previous suggestion of a minimum 60mph coupled with the maximum 70mph is asking for trouble. The most dangerous situation I have been in recently was the road works on the M6 with a 40mph limit enforced by Spec average speed cameras. I was hemmed in on three sides by HGV's with everybody appearing to be on a conveyor belt all travelling at 39mph.
Aug 31, 2005
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Hello Graham and Klarky,

I agree that vehicles driving slower than the prevailing speed limit can cause frustration, but they do not cause accidents. The cause of an accident is most likely the driver who is following too close behind or feeling frustrated and tries to over-take in an inappropriate manner.

It's still a free country, and as long as there is not a minimum speed limit in force, then a driver is free to travel at what ever speed they choose below the prevailing speed limit, provided they are not causing a hazard by doing so. It could be that the driver has some reason for only progressing at that speed.

It is unlikely that 50 to 55 on a motorway in the nearside lane would be deemed a hazard.

Taking Klarky's point a little further, Perhaps , but then how do you legislate for the M25 parking lot!
I agree with John; it can never be a danger to proceed somewhat slower than the legal maximum; especially in the inside lane for goodness sake! What IS dangerous is where large vehicles EXPECt t be able to proceed at (say) 60mph and, because they don't wish to lose momentum, they travel up your rear in an effort to encourage you to speed up.

I recently bought a large caravan, a Bailey Senator and whilst my estate car could happily cruise at 90+ solo, when hitched up, we find that 55-60 is comfortable and within the legal limit.

Again, if one was travelling in the middle or the OUTSIDE lane, then this would be both dangerous and possibly illegal as it would force motorists to overtake on the inside.

Mar 14, 2005
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Keith, The governments own statistics do not back up your arguement. Motorways are the safest roads per vehicle kilometer by far and only approx 5 % of all accidents are caused by vehicles exceeding the speed limit. Inappropriate speed for the conditions and distraction cause far more accidents.

I drive many thousands of motorway miles and prefer it when the traffic is free flowing at different speed. The previous suggestion of a minimum 60mph coupled with the maximum 70mph is asking for trouble. The most dangerous situation I have been in recently was the road works on the M6 with a 40mph limit enforced by Spec average speed cameras. I was hemmed in on three sides by HGV's with everybody appearing to be on a conveyor belt all travelling at 39mph.
no they dont actually cause the accident i agree,but they must be seen as a contributing factor.yes i do agree that its the frustrated motorist behind that will take risks and possibly end up the main factor in an accident.lets face it, slow moving vehicles are banned on certain motorways between certaim times of the day,why??? because they can cause severe congestion leading to accidents,the same for slow moving cars.yes i know theres not a minimum speed limit on motorways,and yes i know speed kills,but its a MOTORWAY not a village road.
Mar 14, 2005
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no they dont actually cause the accident i agree,but they must be seen as a contributing factor.yes i do agree that its the frustrated motorist behind that will take risks and possibly end up the main factor in an accident.lets face it, slow moving vehicles are banned on certain motorways between certaim times of the day,why??? because they can cause severe congestion leading to accidents,the same for slow moving cars.yes i know theres not a minimum speed limit on motorways,and yes i know speed kills,but its a MOTORWAY not a village road
Mar 14, 2005
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Keith, it is not dangerous by itself to do over 70mph. Policemen can drive at 160+ whilst learning the capabilities of a new car and a court has said that is not dangerous.
Mar 14, 2005
I don't think Keith meant to say that speed itself is a cause of accidents. In fact, to quote from his previous response: "THEY (the speeders) are the ones who cause accidents, because they can't react fast enough when things go wrong". It's the second half of that sentence that counts. The danger is when people drive faster than conditions allow, taking into account traffic density, the condition of the road, the weather and one's own experience and capability.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello again Klarky,

Regrading your reply of 31st Aug 2005 01:18 PM, I can't help think you are missing the point and trying to shift the blame for accidents where an overtaking manoeuvre is not executed correctly and safely.

If a vehicle is progressing in an orderly manner and doing 50 or what ever speed on a motorway, and you choose to over take, then the onus is on you the faster vehicle to make sure it is safe to do so. You must take into account all the possible consequences of your actions.

A CORRECTLY driven slower vehicle can only have as much contributory affect in an accident as say a tree or other stationary object. The major and over riding contributory factor is the driver of the vehicle who failed to plan or complete the overtaking manoeuvre safely.

Congestion in its self does not cause accidents, it is the drivers who do not follow the guidance of the highway code and make bad and probably illegal moves.

Stop trying to blame everyone else for the faults of few who cause grief for the many. Most accidents are the result of bad driving.
Mar 14, 2005
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John, I agree with you, the government don't. They say in their propaganda that most accidents are caused by speed , not innapropriate speed but exceeding speed limit speeds.Their road safety strategy is based on MPH which of course leads to LSD ( in the pre decimal sense).

There is an article in the local paper today about the residents of a village which has a main A road running through it. They want a speed indicator device to 'warn' drivers. The council say no can do, no money from central government but the council will maintain it if they buy it themselves. No mention of the huge surplus that has gone to Gordon Brown from the camera partnerships this year.
Mar 14, 2005
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John, I agree with you, the government don't. They say in their propaganda that most accidents are caused by speed , not innapropriate speed but exceeding speed limit speeds.Their road safety strategy is based on MPH which of course leads to LSD ( in the pre decimal sense).

There is an article in the local paper today about the residents of a village which has a main A road running through it. They want a speed indicator device to 'warn' drivers. The council say no can do, no money from central government but the council will maintain it if they buy it themselves. No mention of the huge surplus that has gone to Gordon Brown from the camera partnerships this year.
Hello Ray,

I'll put the capitol letter in even if you don't. Thanks for your observation.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello again Klarky,

Regrading your reply of 31st Aug 2005 01:18 PM, I can't help think you are missing the point and trying to shift the blame for accidents where an overtaking manoeuvre is not executed correctly and safely.

If a vehicle is progressing in an orderly manner and doing 50 or what ever speed on a motorway, and you choose to over take, then the onus is on you the faster vehicle to make sure it is safe to do so. You must take into account all the possible consequences of your actions.

A CORRECTLY driven slower vehicle can only have as much contributory affect in an accident as say a tree or other stationary object. The major and over riding contributory factor is the driver of the vehicle who failed to plan or complete the overtaking manoeuvre safely.

Congestion in its self does not cause accidents, it is the drivers who do not follow the guidance of the highway code and make bad and probably illegal moves.

Stop trying to blame everyone else for the faults of few who cause grief for the many. Most accidents are the result of bad driving.
so what you are saying john is that driving along a motorway at 30 mph is ok,its the others that cause the accident.

agree to a certain point,but if that person wants to drive at 30 mph then they shouldn't use the motorways.motorways were designed as far as im concerned to get you from A to B quicker and to keep congestion from the city and rural areas.i wonder how many times forum members have come across a slow moving vehicle that has caused mayhem,had they been travelling at a decent speed maybe 50-70 mph it might have been avoided.slow moving drivers can cause accidents as well as speeding ones
Mar 14, 2005
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Klarky, I don't think anybody was advocating that driving at 30mph on the motorway is sensible but the original posting was about 50mph drivers. I agree that is not fast and I would not drive at that speed when solo but it can not be described as snail like. If I were driving at 50 I would be concerned about those big lorry grills filling up my rear window about 2 foot behind me.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Klarky,

Further to you comment of 31 Aug 2005 05:30 PM

I get as frustrated as the next guy, when I can't make the progress I would like to do, but I recognise the right of the driver to drive at slower speed than the maximum permitted.

The slower driver becomes part of the prevailing road conditions, and therfore must be accounted for by other road users. Provided the slow vehicle is being driven correctly, then they can not be blammed if some idiot decides to try and over take and an accident ensues.

Please note that I use the words "driven correctly". Correctly driven vehicles do not cause accidents.

Again you seem to imply that a slow moving vehicle causes mayhen, well that is plainly not true. Any mayhem is caused by faster moving vehicles not taking propper account of the slower vehicle.

Until the law is changed I will support the right of any driver to use the roads legally.

I see no reason to continue this thread any further.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Klarky,

Further to you comment of 31 Aug 2005 05:30 PM

I get as frustrated as the next guy, when I can't make the progress I would like to do, but I recognise the right of the driver to drive at slower speed than the maximum permitted.

The slower driver becomes part of the prevailing road conditions, and therfore must be accounted for by other road users. Provided the slow vehicle is being driven correctly, then they can not be blammed if some idiot decides to try and over take and an accident ensues.

Please note that I use the words "driven correctly". Correctly driven vehicles do not cause accidents.

Again you seem to imply that a slow moving vehicle causes mayhen, well that is plainly not true. Any mayhem is caused by faster moving vehicles not taking propper account of the slower vehicle.

Until the law is changed I will support the right of any driver to use the roads legally.

I see no reason to continue this thread any further.
i agree to disagree

its obvious to me some people havn't been on a motorway when a tractor,or some other similar type SLOW vehicle has been in front and cars are piling up behind them and accidents have ensued.yes probably caused by over eager drivers but the gist of it is, the SLOW moving vehicle should not have been there in the first place
Mar 14, 2005
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The speed limits of 70mph solo, 60mph towing and 56mph for HGV's are MAXIMUMs - in good conditions.

Some contributors seem to think that these speeds should be minimums!

If a vehicle is travelling slower than you'd like to, just overtake them at the first safe opportunity. Don't spend the time waiting for that opportunity to get yourselves all het up and frustrated.


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