50 MPH Motorway Drivers

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May 27, 2005
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Stop moaninig about speeds of 50mph and think you self lucky your not in Jersey. Just move to lane 3 and pass the other vehical

Driving in Jersey:

Speed limits

Jersey has a maximum speed limit of 40 mph.

The limit is 20-30 mph in urban areas and 15 mph when driving on the Island's green lanes.

If caught speeding, you must provide all relevant details to the police, who will report the incident to a Centenier in the parish in which the offence occurred. When stopped, the driver is asked to see a Centenier at the parish hall of the parish in which the offence took place.

At the parish hall, the Centenier may impose a fine provided:

- It is not the second or more speeding offence the driver has had in the preceding three years.

- If on a first offence, the speed concerned was no more than 15 mph above the speed limit for that particular area.

To contest a speeding infraction, raise the issue with the Centenier at the parish hall. If the Centenier is not able to deal with the offence, he will charge the offender and present the offender to the Magistrate's Court for the Magistrate to hear the case.

Speeding carries a fine. It can also include a disqualification or an endorsement on the driver's licence.

Del r
Mar 14, 2005
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I for myself prefer this method of driving on the motorway.

Drive in the "slow lane" and endeavour to maintain a speed of 50 mph. this allows the HGV which are governed to 56mph to pass easily (after all they can see ahead much better from their lofty position) and let them have the responsibility of judging when to overtake etc. I have also noticed that since being speed governed and with superior dynamics that buffeting has almost disappeared but we now get it from large box vans which are not required to be speed governed.

I now can proceed on my journey travelling at a average speed of 45mph and get to the end of that journey feeling no stress and not tired.

I do not intend to change my driving habits since acquiring the 4x4 knowing that SPEED KILLS. IMHO

So let me guess you are late 50's to mid 60's of age.... Do not live close or use motorways on a regular day to day basis. You do not care that lorry drivers have a limited amount of time to get from one place to another at a limited speed. You dont care that forcing a lorry into the middle lane can cause a tail back with other cars having to slow to get passed the lorry which then causes other lorries to slow even more because they have to wait to get into the middle lane to get passed you because the traffic has started to build up behind you. All because you will not do an extra 6MPH to match the speed limited lorry. This is an example of driving without due care. IF an accident happened behind you, you feel that it is not your fault because the speed you are traveling is not causing any problem..WRONG..... You are the prime example of what causes problems and frustration with drivers who need to travel at the fastest possible speed (56MPH) to get their jobs done. Then all the others who also need to do their own jobs like van drivers and in some cases Ambulance drivers or other emergency services like the Police. If you cause a mobile road block the police cannot get to accidents which is bad but our other services like the ambulances could be too late to save a life if they need to use motorways to get to incidents or hospitals. You would not be aware as this tail back behind you has the services stuck because two lanes of the motorway are traveling at less than 60MPH and faster moving vehicles are now limited to one lane and have to filter behind the lorry to get passed one slow driver who will not think about his possible actions regarding all the other drivers who need to get passed.....ALL FOR 6 OR 10 MPH.If I saw this happening I would pull you over and tell you to either get off the motorway and use A or B roads to continue or speed up to keep with the flow of trafic.

By the way Due care caries 6-9 points but a few MPH over the limit carries 3 points. I cannot make you change how you drive but a court could for upto 12 months!!!

Yes speed can kill but if you stop the emergency services from doing their job you could have just killed the other person.
it would appear that you are either a lorry driver or a traffic policeman, both admiral and worthwhile occupations, however its a good job that you are not present everywhere on the roads and have to witness drivers other than caravan tuggers who drive to fast and use tactics to get to the end of their lives quicker than their three score and ten allowance.

I will continue to travel on motorways when necessary and continue to keep my speed down as SPEED DEFINATELY KILLS

even when I am driving solo which is most of the time I see lunatics (possibly you!) breaking all of the laws of the road and giving no consideration to anyone let alone themselves. IMHO
Jun 7, 2005
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Someone missing the point slightly here, the discussion relates to Motorway Driving only!!!!! I can understand the rules for Jersey, (its a small island about 300 yards long) Oh and by the way third lane is not an option when towing.
Sep 5, 2005
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"it would appear that you are either a lorry driver or a traffic policeman, both admiral and worthwhile occupations, however its a good job that you are not present everywhere on the roads and have to witness drivers other than caravan tuggers who drive to fast and use tactics to get to the end of their lives quicker than their three score and ten allowance.

I will continue to travel on motorways when necessary and continue to keep my speed down as SPEED DEFINATELY KILLS

even when I am driving solo which is most of the time I see lunatics (possibly you!) breaking all of the laws of the road and giving no consideration to anyone let alone themselves. IMHO"

Shiraz.....You miss the point...Speeding above the legal limit is not what this discussion is about we are talking about traveling at the correct legal speed. 10 MPH Over the limit is not what i am asking you or others to do !!!! I am asking you to travel AT the speed limit. You are obviously set in your ways and have been sucked in to the speed kills campains...Pity you have become a zellot and gone the other way. Like has been said in the national press... There is a MILLION POUND on offer to any safety organisation who can show that speed is a major influence and that speed cameras or lowering speed limits

has made roads safer...NOT ONE has claimed the money!! And as the main reason for speed cameras is to raise money I would have though proving they are a valuable safety aid plus getting and extra Million in their pockets would have been worth while but they cannot prove anything.

So as you know speed kills I ask how you know that is the case?? let us know and we can see if your knowledge is actual or just an opinion and not based on fact.

As for being a lunatic I have a clean licence and have not had points on it for about 15 years. I understand safety more than most as I have been around vehicles (closely) all my life and this includes testing vehicles at over 190MPH. NOT ON PULIC ROADS I MAY ADD....

I now feel like I am beating this point into some peoples thick sculls..BUT it is the different speeds between vehicles which is a potential danger as 4/5MPH difference between vehicles is easy enough to judge and make time to pass but as the speed difference gets to 20MPH the time is reduced one quarter of the time you had at 5 MPH !! This is the same as a speeding driver traveling at almost 90 MPH on the motorway!! THIS IS NOT SAFE!!! Those of you who insist that driving slowly is safe and not as bad as speeding are as dumb as those who drive like idiots. IMHO.....

The speed limit is set at 60MPH on motorways for a reason. You had snaking traveling down hill..OK.. But how many motorways have down hill sections which can have your van snaking?? I would more likely guess you were on a dual carrageway or a normal two lane road. This is not were we are talking about.......The limits for those roads are lower anyway.

I feel sorry you wrote off one of your vans and you now do not have the confidence that you can travel at the speeds we are legally allowed to do. I am not going to suggest any stupid advice about giving up a hobby you love. All I suggest is that you look at it from a different angle and see that speed difference is the real problem and you are one of those who contribute to this anti-social behaviour in the same way speeding is anti-social.It is all about the time other drivers have to judge any situation on the road infront of them and a 20MPH difference in speed is as bad below the limit as it is above it.
Mar 14, 2005
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"it would appear that you are either a lorry driver or a traffic policeman, both admiral and worthwhile occupations, however its a good job that you are not present everywhere on the roads and have to witness drivers other than caravan tuggers who drive to fast and use tactics to get to the end of their lives quicker than their three score and ten allowance.

I will continue to travel on motorways when necessary and continue to keep my speed down as SPEED DEFINATELY KILLS

even when I am driving solo which is most of the time I see lunatics (possibly you!) breaking all of the laws of the road and giving no consideration to anyone let alone themselves. IMHO"

Shiraz.....You miss the point...Speeding above the legal limit is not what this discussion is about we are talking about traveling at the correct legal speed. 10 MPH Over the limit is not what i am asking you or others to do !!!! I am asking you to travel AT the speed limit. You are obviously set in your ways and have been sucked in to the speed kills campains...Pity you have become a zellot and gone the other way. Like has been said in the national press... There is a MILLION POUND on offer to any safety organisation who can show that speed is a major influence and that speed cameras or lowering speed limits

has made roads safer...NOT ONE has claimed the money!! And as the main reason for speed cameras is to raise money I would have though proving they are a valuable safety aid plus getting and extra Million in their pockets would have been worth while but they cannot prove anything.

So as you know speed kills I ask how you know that is the case?? let us know and we can see if your knowledge is actual or just an opinion and not based on fact.

As for being a lunatic I have a clean licence and have not had points on it for about 15 years. I understand safety more than most as I have been around vehicles (closely) all my life and this includes testing vehicles at over 190MPH. NOT ON PULIC ROADS I MAY ADD....

I now feel like I am beating this point into some peoples thick sculls..BUT it is the different speeds between vehicles which is a potential danger as 4/5MPH difference between vehicles is easy enough to judge and make time to pass but as the speed difference gets to 20MPH the time is reduced one quarter of the time you had at 5 MPH !! This is the same as a speeding driver traveling at almost 90 MPH on the motorway!! THIS IS NOT SAFE!!! Those of you who insist that driving slowly is safe and not as bad as speeding are as dumb as those who drive like idiots. IMHO.....

The speed limit is set at 60MPH on motorways for a reason. You had snaking traveling down hill..OK.. But how many motorways have down hill sections which can have your van snaking?? I would more likely guess you were on a dual carrageway or a normal two lane road. This is not were we are talking about.......The limits for those roads are lower anyway.

I feel sorry you wrote off one of your vans and you now do not have the confidence that you can travel at the speeds we are legally allowed to do. I am not going to suggest any stupid advice about giving up a hobby you love. All I suggest is that you look at it from a different angle and see that speed difference is the real problem and you are one of those who contribute to this anti-social behaviour in the same way speeding is anti-social.It is all about the time other drivers have to judge any situation on the road infront of them and a 20MPH difference in speed is as bad below the limit as it is above it.
Who decided that I have lost confidence in driving at the speeds you consider best for all of us, you! well heed this and end the topic that I will drive at a speed that suits me as long as it is below the legal limit and if you would take time out to really think about what I said in my post then if you are honest with yourself you may want to enjoy motoring again and adopt a more leisurely approach to your selfish mad way IMHO
Mar 14, 2005
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these people are the ones that cause a lot of the accidents on motorways.they can cause chaos,as can large slow moving vehicles(exempt from min speed at certain times of the day).personally i think there should be a minimum speed of 60 mph unless adverse conditions etc would prohibit this.
at the end of the day klarkey if you have lane discipline and read the road ahead you can anticipate all events

i am also a lgv(hgv)driver and we have to do it all the time


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