This year has been particularly disappointing. Despite trawling every caravan accessory shop I can find, both online and in passing, I have been completely unable to find this seasons TOTALLY POINTLESS GADGET.
Even the little green tool, which I have never needed in the past, was bought before the Scotland run, and it turned out to be not only needed but usefull.
Come on guys, help me out. The season is well under way and I cannot find any type of useless junk to add to my payload. I am beginning to travel light, I must finally be getting salty.
In desperation, I have even considered buying a brown furry onsey (with Jackass ears) and a pair of purple crocs, knowing of course that I would never wear them. I have found a solar dancing daisy which I considered, but does that really count as caravan related pointlessness.
Even the little green tool, which I have never needed in the past, was bought before the Scotland run, and it turned out to be not only needed but usefull.
Come on guys, help me out. The season is well under way and I cannot find any type of useless junk to add to my payload. I am beginning to travel light, I must finally be getting salty.
In desperation, I have even considered buying a brown furry onsey (with Jackass ears) and a pair of purple crocs, knowing of course that I would never wear them. I have found a solar dancing daisy which I considered, but does that really count as caravan related pointlessness.