
Nov 6, 2006
Don't know why I haven't noticed it before, but after looking in on the site, as a clicked away, I realised there must have been a lot of yellow present.

It appears I homed into the topics as usual and completely zoned out all the ads which now occupy about half the screen, presumably attempting to grab my attention.

I suppose the ads are like that new notice in the office - after 2 days no-one notices them....but they do seem rather intrusive now.
May 7, 2012
I have adverts over the categories screen and a few for associated magazines down the side but as they pay for this forum they are a necessary evil.
Nov 12, 2013
Sorry if they're causing a problem. We are in the process of rolling out some updates which should make any ads sit better on the site.

However, as Raywood says, the site is free to use but not free to run, so please bear with us – many thanks.
Mar 14, 2005
Since recent increase in adverts and jumping about on the site I have stopped using the forum other than a weekly check,
Jun 26, 2017
I hardly even notice that the ads are there when using iOS on both iPad & iPhone.

Although on the odd occasion I have tried visiting the forum on my Windows based laptop running IE, I have found it to be a rather messy experience for the reasons mentioned above.
Apr 20, 2009
I use an Ad Blocker........dont get any at all in fact since typing this it has blocked 4 Ads!!!

Ad Block

Blocked ads:
4 on this page
198,311 in total
Mar 8, 2009
So do I Kev, never have problems with adverts on this site, there are however some sites that don't let you proceed into them with ad blocker on, it is never the less just a 'click' away to pause it.

Feb 6, 2009
I'm using a Win10 laptop computer at the moment with Firefox +Adblocker... and adverts are not a problem nor is anything "messy"
There are a few sites on the Internet that have been set up so that an adblocker stops pages loading and that is fine by me...I just don't visit those sites!
Happy Caravanning to all!
Mar 13, 2007
yes I use the ad blocker. not that it is just because I find unsolicited adverts annoying [which I do ] like the stuff that comes every morning in the post. but the fact there is a virus out there called ad choices and it is used to monitor your every move on the internet searching for ads to annoy you with. it gets on there by clicking on a ad [even by accident] and then bombards your viewing screen on every page you look at even those that do not subscribe to advertising.
it is almost impossible to get rid of once on there and is not detected by anti virus software. the only clear way to avoid it is by using the ad blocker from day one.
this may be unwelcome on some sites but I would rather not use those than risk getting it installed thanks.
oh and by the way it also has the ability to disable the blocker once on there so be warned.
Mar 14, 2005
A thread about this same problem ( and yes I do mean A problem) has been running in the "website" section of this forum.

Sadly adverts are a necessary evil of forum like this as that is the way the forum is funded. I don't mind adverts when they are fixed in position, but the problem is when a forum page loads, and then as few moments later an add loads and it causes the whole page to shunt around the page whist the advert decides what size and where it wants to settle. This is the state of play with this forum at the moment.

Add blockers do work, but why should we need to have them? It just proves that some consumers do not want endless interruptions, flashing colours trying to grab our attention. is there anyone other than the advertisers who do?

Provided the page has designated areas and predetermined sizes for the adverts, and the pages is presented already laid out even if the adverts are not populated, thats fine. But adverts should not be allowed to compromise the principle purpose of the page - The Forum.
Jun 20, 2005
I have no real problem. The adverts seem to stick to the very top or extreme right hand side. So much I don’t notice them . However sometimes when typing a reply some of the pop ups can get in the way
Nov 6, 2006
I am looking at the site now in work lunchtime, so no ad blocker, and exactly the same ads are showing down both sides of the screen. The ad content occupies a fraction over half the screen width.

At the risk of being anorak-ish, when scrolled to the top of the home screen, the ad content occupies just over 89% of the screen area!

Think I'll stick to home and the ad blocker...
Nov 12, 2013
Hi everyone. Please understand that we do know what the problems are and we are working to address the issues. As some people have said, yes, this is a free forum and so we have to fund it somehow, but I do not want this to be to the detriment of the user experience.

Thanks for your patience while we resolve this – please bear with us!
Sep 4, 2017
IMO being bombarded by Adverts (not just on this site) is a pain in the proverbial.
I wonder just how much it costs to run a forum like this?
I am pretty sure not too expensive.
Next I wonder if advertisers actually know if their ADD buck is paying returns.
I for one would love an ad blocker but not having one simply NEVER even look at the adds.
If I wanted something you can be sure I will not think to myself, "Oh let me log on to the Practical Caravan site and look at the adds - I'm afraid Google have the market sewn up!
Magazines and now forums and web sites will tell advertisers advertising on their sites pays, but I am pretty sure they don't.
As I type this response IMO one of the most irritating adds is on the side, I must have had 100 phone calls trying to sell me that story - PPI refunds, Aghaaaaar
MSG to Forum. You would do so much better adding an extra tab at the top called " Find what you are looking for" (thanks Bono) where the myriads of caravanners using your forum can visit if and when they are looking for something. Like a small "google" for caravanning stuff, then charge the advertisers who will know their buck is being put to good use and at the same time is not bugging general users.
BTW that will position your forum way above the rest, Oi perhaps I should charge for my consultation!
OK now for the onslaught!
Have a great evening all!
Mar 13, 2007
no onslaught. but a couple of comments. from you description of the issues you have I would guess you had ad choices on your computer as it shows ads on every page you load. most if not all browsers have extensions ad block and ad block plus they are free and simple to enable. "note" some sites do not like you using them though.
and the cost of running a forum depends on the forum this one is part of a larger web site. and not a stand alone one so cost is relative. a ordinary one [like mine] is about £60 a year or £1.50p a week.
Sep 4, 2017
Hi, thanks for that. I have a few sites,however I have a feeling hiring or buying "forum" software costs somewhat more. As a matter of interest this is what I see. ne day I will get round to blocking adds if i can. Thanks
Feb 6, 2009
You just beat me to it!
That's exactly the same as I see...
Happy Caravanning to all
Sep 4, 2017
I am getting tired of this.

Every time I open the forum I get the "Consent" block. Every time I deselect all and submit.

I have a feeling that because of that I am being punished. My screen is 31cm wide.

Of that 17 cm is adverts. The actual forum bit needs a magnifying glass to read it is so small - 14 cm. I wish I could fund a private caravan forum WITHOUT A SINGLE ADD....

Sure a great many people would be happy.

It's not just the forum adds, have you thought about the myriad "partners" that will contact you because you agree to their terms.

IMO it's a sick world, they are forced to get your permission then when you will not give it squeeze you as punishment (Yes squeeze - only 14 cm out of 31 cm squeeze!

Anybody know anything about "Kunena" forum providers at all?
How much would it actually cost to create our own "Caravan Cove" forum - ADVERT FREE?
May 7, 2012
We ended up just giving consent and have not been plagued with adverts, indeed I cannot say we have any, so there is no problem for me and the box no longer comes up.
Mar 24, 2014
I'm getting that at least 3 or 4 times a day "We value your privacy" Even after saving the settings it still keeps returning. As for the adverts, maybe a decent ad blocker?
Mar 14, 2005
If you are using Chrome Ad Block does a pretty good job generally. May be OK with other browsers too but i only use Chrome
Oct 12, 2013
Chrome on my smart phone (which is all I use anyway) and all I get is a little 2" blue box at the bottom corner with privacy settings on and that's it so adds dont bother me.


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