Ain't life grand

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Jan 19, 2008
Dustydog said:
So will some of the real brains out there please tell me with three letter words and big pictures why I pay so much to an EU body I don't like or want???

If you find out there's another probably 40 plus million would like to know

Anyway, stop interupting my thoughts. I'm trying to think of something beneficial that the EU have done for us apart from building a kids playground here or there
Jun 20, 2005
Lord Braykewynde said:

If you find out there's another probably 40 plus million would like to know

Anyway, stop interupting my thoughts. I'm trying to think of something beneficial that the EU have done for us apart from building a kids playground here or there

Here or there not being England of course. Please think in French the preferred EU language
Jan 19, 2008
Dustydog said:
Here or there not being England of course. Please think in French the preferred EU language

Well they do say French is the International language of diplomacy and English is the International language of communication. I understand these protocols are followed internationally with the exception that French pilots are banned from using English in French airspace
Mar 14, 2005
Dustydog said:
Please think in French the preferred EU language
Not as long as they have a population of only 63 million and we've got 82 million
Mar 14, 2005
I just know this will cheer you up Lord B. (not). It was reported today p13 Telegraph, that the Uk will have to contribute another £172m for the pensions of the EU officials bringing their average pensions up to £60,000. Well, I expect they've worked hard for it. Best wishes, Butler
Aug 11, 2010
Lord Braykewynde said:
I've just received my monthly NHS Pension statement and was over the moon reading that we'd had a 3.1% pay rise from 11.4.11.
It didn't last though. Comparing it to my last statement my tax number is lower and surprise surprise, I'm now getting £41 per month less than before the pay rise

If I had a choice I'd tell them where to stick the rise. Why give us a pay rise to start with? Just cut out all the middle crap and give it straight to the exchequer. Still, at least I should be happy that it's going to a good cause like increasing our payments to the EU, bailing out other countries, financing Baroness Ashtons diplomatic corp, paying for missiles in Libya, supplying some poor immigrant with a multi-million home in London, paying a nice human rights lawyer to fight to stop an illegal getting deported, financing a different voting system for no-hopers who have delusions of grandeur.
There, I knew I'd feel better after that
Always wanting to help the aged, LB your tax code should have actually gone up [higher not lower] ie more free money before being taxed, although NI contributions went up ie you pay more NI. If indeed you actually pay NI on pensions.
So it would seem life is grand for some, just they actually don't realise it....
Jan 19, 2008
JonnyG said:
So it would seem life is grand for some, just they actually don't realise it....

I can only tell as it was.
I read the letter from the NHS Pensions telling me of my pay rise. Her Ladyship checked the statement and told me my tax code had altered (it's altered every month for the past four) and although my total pension was more I had received £41 less.
I will get her to check again and if she's boobed I will have to get a new accountant.
Jan 19, 2008
butler said:
I just know this will cheer you up Lord B. (not). It was reported today p13 Telegraph, that the Uk will have to contribute another £172m for the pensions of the EU officials bringing their average pensions up to £60,000. Well, I expect they've worked hard for it. Best wishes, Butler

Yes, I did read that Butler. I also read something just as bad.
Next month EU immigrants who come to this country will no longer have to work 12 months before they are entitled to benefits. In other words they can come here with no promise of a job and go straight on benefits. They used to have to register with the UK Workers Registratio Sheme when arriving that they were seeking work but this is now being scrapped. This doesn't just apply to us but all EU countries , like France and Germany, who will have to give handouts as well. In two years time the restrictions will also be lifted on Bulgaria and Romania.
More reasons to get out.
Mar 14, 2005
Lord Braykewynde said:
Next month EU immigrants who come to this country will no longer have to work 12 months before they are entitled to benefits. In other words they can come here with no promise of a job and go straight on benefits.
What do you mean by EU immigrants? Do you mean immigrants from outside the EU coming into the EU? Somehow I don't think you do. Or do you mean citizens moving from one EU country to another, which is more likely. But they are not immigrants. That's just a change of address.
Don't forget that the whole thing works both ways. UK citizens will also be able to claim benefits abroad and, depending where they go to, these benefits could well be higher than back home.
Jan 19, 2008
Lutz said:
What do you mean by EU immigrants? Do you mean immigrants from outside the EU coming into the EU? Somehow I don't think you do. Or do you mean citizens moving from one EU country to another, which is more likely. But they are not immigrants. That's just a change of address.
Don't forget that the whole thing works both ways. UK citizens will also be able to claim benefits abroad and, depending where they go to, these benefits could well be higher than back home.

Whatever play on words you use Lutz they are still migrants no matter where they come from and yes, I mean those coming from another EU country.
It would be nice to see tens of thousands of our own feckless, idle, workshy leaving these shores Lutz but until this government reduces their handouts it will be one way traffic as it's been for the last 12 years.
Oct 30, 2009
Lord Braykewynde said:
I can only tell as it was.
I read the letter from the NHS Pensions telling me of my pay rise. Her Ladyship checked the statement and told me my tax code had altered (it's altered every month for the past four) and although my total pension was more I had received £41 less.
I will get her to check again and if she's boobed I will have to get a new accountant.

hi LB.
if your tax code has gone down on the occupational pension it must be that it has increasd somewhere else ie state pension or other income you may have. when did you start getting the "OAP handout" sorry state pension about 4 months ago around christmas?? may be the tax man is adjusting the threshhold on the different incomes to balance out the tax.
if your income increased in the last quater of last years tax period the occy pension would vary in the ammount of tax paid by a percentage of the remaining allowances for that year. and dont forget you are entitled to the age related increase in allowances for the year in which you became 65.
once all the incomes have become stable the ammout of free pay against earnings will also become stable providing the assesment of incomes is correct. you should get an appointment with your local tax office to sort it out.
you can by choice dictate which allowances are given to any income you recieve depending on the ammounts paid to you by each provider.

I had to do this last year after the first full year of voluntary retirement as I do not recieve any benefits at all and exept for a smallish occupational pension and the intrest for the savings account have no income. the tax I was paying seemed a bit high considering my main source of income "the job" had been given up the tax on the pension had not decreased after seeing the tax adjuster at my local tax office I was able to split the allowances between the pension and the interest 50/50. turns out I was only recieving half of the allowance I was entitled to, my tax went down and recieved a refund for the unused allowance.

get her ladyship to tot up the total allowances for each income by the tax code they all should add up to £9.940 per year if it does not go and grab the tax man by the short a curleys and get a refund.

Mar 14, 2005
Lord Braykewynde said:
Whatever play on words you use Lutz they are still migrants no matter where they come from and yes, I mean those coming from another EU country.
It would be nice to see tens of thousands of our own feckless, idle, workshy leaving these shores Lutz but until this government reduces their handouts it will be one way traffic as it's been for the last 12 years.
What evidence have you got that the traffic is, indeed, one way? You only get to be informed of what your own government is handing out, but that's only half the story. Before you know how much the other EU countries are handing out as well, it is rather a sweeping statement.
A Scotsman moving to England would be an immigrant by your definition.
BTW, I've never known the Daily Express to have a very balanced perspective, especially concerning relations with the EU.
We've got over 2 million EU citizens in our country (including almost 100,000 from the UK), many of them second and third generation and many have worked here for years. It wouldn't be fair not to give them the same rights to unemployment benefit and under the same conditions as the 'locals'.
Jun 20, 2005
Lutz said:
Lord Braykewynde said:
Whatever play on words you use Lutz they are still migrants no matter where they come from and yes, I mean those coming from another EU country.
It would be nice to see tens of thousands of our own feckless, idle, workshy leaving these shores Lutz but until this government reduces their handouts it will be one way traffic as it's been for the last 12 years.
What evidence have you got that the traffic is, indeed, one way? You only get to be informed of what your own government is handing out, but that's only half the story. Before you know how much the other EU countries are handing out as well, it is rather a sweeping statement.
A Scotsman moving to England would be an immigrant by your definition.
BTW, I've never known the Daily Express to have a very balanced perspective, especially concerning relations with the EU.
We've got over 2 million EU citizens in our country (including almost 100,000 from the UK), many of them second and third generation and many have worked here for years. It wouldn't be fair not to give them the same rights to unemployment benefit and under the same conditions as the 'locals'.
Hi Lutz,
Balanced or not I do find the Daily Express speaks the truth.
The scenario you mention is correct. If many generations have worked for years in a country and I assume paid their taxes , then yes I consider they are fully entitled to local benefits when needed.
However the immigrants from the EU into England tend to come from the poorer nations whose benefits are not as generous as the UK or say the French , Dutch and Germans. So it is not quite two way traffic.
Maybe Brussells needs to set up an EU fund where they all receive the same irrespective of where they are.
Mar 14, 2005
I'm not saying that may not be a grain of truth in what the Daily Express writes, but it is being alarmist by making the exception the rule and suggesting a magnitude of a potential problem that just isn't there. The hurdle for anyone deciding to move to a foreign country without prospect of a job and where one possibly doesn't even have command of the language, is fairly high. Most people value their accustomed surroundings and would think twice before moving to somewhere where everything is different, where they have no relatives and no friends.
ps: There were almost 400,000 Poles registered in Germany in 2009. It's probably even more by now.
Jul 15, 2008
…….my Father in Law who will be 100 years old this September was born in Poland and was very happy living in Warsaw.
Due to a local dispute over whether to flatten his City he left in rather a hurry in September 1939 and has never been back.
He has paid taxes in the UK for 50 years having worked until he was 78 years old.

He will tell you that whatever perceived nonsense the EU may appear to come up with, it is nothing to the nonsense that took place in Europe between 1900 and 1950.
……….I agree with him.

A lot of people died to enable us to now have the freedom of movement within the EU and I am sure the present generation Poles appreciate this, especially after 50 years of Soviet oppression.
Aug 11, 2010
"However the immigrants from the EU into England tend to come from the poorer nations whose benefits are not as generous as the UK or say the French , Dutch and Germans. So it is not quite two way traffic"

That is such a funny statement, such an English style of mentality at Work. It assumes EU immigration is solely based on the work shy.
So this country must be full of work shy poles? Romanians? Portuguese? Greeks?Spaniards, Italians ect ect all charging over here merely for hand outs en mass!
No sorry I have got that all wrong haven't I,
wasn't it only a couple of years ago that the headlines involved the poles nicking our cleaning and driving jobs, the Portuguese nicking jobs working in the fields?
Or are they nicking our jobs and nicking our dole money?What next rants about them nicking the Air we breathe too!
So in the interest in fairness does the Daily Express give actual figurers concerning how many EU immigrants actually work here, paying their taxes and spending their earnings to help the economy move on, and how many EU immigrants in comparison claim solely benefits?
Jan 19, 2008
Lutz said:
What evidence have you got that the traffic is, indeed, one way? You only get to be informed of what your own government is handing out, but that's only half the story.
A Scotsman moving to England would be an immigrant by your definition.
We've got over 2 million EU citizens in our country (including almost 100,000 from the UK), many of them second and third generation and many have worked here for years.

Somehow I think you're missing the point Lutz.
Firstly we don't only get informed what our government tell us. Newspapers and other organisations get this information through the Freedom of Information Act which I believe is supplied by the Office of National Statistics. Even if it was just info straight from the government I'd rather believe them than the speel that Eurocrats put out because the government has our country at heart unlike the EU.
Secondly no, a Scot wouldn't be classed as an immigrant because we are all citizens of the UK.
Thirdly I have no problem of second or third generation immigrants claiming benefits. In fact I would expect them to be by that time granted citizenship of the UK. Here is the rub though. Many of these first, second or third generations still cannot speak English so we have many schools where English isn't spoke as the first language. This stops people integrating hence in many large cities of the UK there are ghettoes with no go areas. To go even further by 2020 in 17 UK cities the indigenous population will be the minority.
I quote the following........
The 2001 UK Census recorded 266,136 German-born people, making them the fourth-largest foreign-born group after Irish, Indians and Pakistanis.
.... so there you have it.
My daughter and SIL have German friends who live in Dover. They have kids the same age as our grandchildren and meet regularly. In fact they met up yesterday and went to Blenheim Palace together and had a picnic in the grounds.
Finally I don't care how you wrap it up Lutz, it cannot be right that any person from another country, EU or not, can walk straight into any other EU country and expect citizens of that country to pay taxes for handouts with the migrants having no intention of finding work and it's EU rulings that allow them to do so.
There is one exception. Anyone seeking asylum but the majority of illegal immigrants today are economic migrants seeking our benefits as is proved by these asylum seekers passing through many countries, including Germany, to reach these shores.
If there are EU countries with better benefits than the UK why don't they stop in those countries, whether they be EU migrants or illegal migrants?
As you can see, I'm not a great believer in diversity because it hasn't worked. Our government say it hasn't worked and now do many ex-ministers and MPs of the previous government who are to blame for the uncontrolled migration into the UK. At least the rest of the EU put a cap on migration with the exception of us, Eire and Sweden.
Jan 19, 2008
colin-yorkshire said:
get her ladyship to tot up the total allowances for each income by the tax code they all should add up to £9.940 per year if it does not go and grab the tax man by the short a curleys and get a refund.


Heh! heh! heh! thanks for that ya ol' tyke

I think I'll wait a few months and see if it settles down and yes, it started in December.
To be honest though we are financially better off than when we were both working. Once we finished our mortgage we noticed the difference.
Jan 19, 2008
JonnyG said:
So in the interest in fairness does the Daily Express give actual figurers concerning how many EU immigrants actually work here, paying their taxes and spending their earnings to help the economy move on, and how many EU immigrants in comparison claim solely benefits?

I'm not sure if these figures are accessible nor the figures of how much money they dont spend here because they send it back to their countries of origin.
I have seen the figures about the amount they claim for other benefits like for kids and family credits which they send back home. There are also figures available about the amount they claim after leaving the UK, benefits like unemployment, which they are encouraged to claim for by their own governments because not only is our benefits greater it also saves their country millions
Mar 14, 2005
Lord Braykewynde said:
Finally I don't care how you wrap it up Lutz, it cannot be right that any person from another country, EU or not, can walk straight into any other EU country and expect citizens of that country to pay taxes for handouts with the migrants having no intention of finding work and it's EU rulings that allow them to do so.
Surely what you are saying applies to the work-shy of one's own country, too, so the problem is not one of foreigners, but that of how hand-outs are made to the work-shy in general.
Apr 26, 2010

There is a German decendant here in the United Kingdom who claims from the British Governemt millions of pounds every year

her name is Queen Elizabeth Oh and by the way her husband is Greek

Some people on this site don't seem to realise the World has moved on and are blinkered to many things
Jan 19, 2008
Lutz said:
Lord Braykewynde said:
Finally I don't care how you wrap it up Lutz, it cannot be right that any person from another country, EU or not, can walk straight into any other EU country and expect citizens of that country to pay taxes for handouts with the migrants having no intention of finding work and it's EU rulings that allow them to do so.
Surely what you are saying applies to the work-shy of one's own country, too, so the problem is not one of foreigners, but that of how hand-outs are made to the work-shy in general.

Spot on Lutz, now we are getting somewhere. Now you see, because we have our own work shy, why we don't need to import them.
This country is quite capable of breeding it's own


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