back to my pedantic worst here, exactly who is going to be doing the work that makes us competitive outside of the EU? We already outsource a massive amount of productions to china,Labour is the biggest overhead one has to look at excluding maybe the materials,and nobody here in the UK wants to work for £5.50 an hour unless that is they are immigrants.
The EU certainly wont stop us selling our products there, but again will we be competitive looking from the outside in, if there is a chance that we from the outside could damage their economy, then make no mistakes we will not be as competitive as we are now!
Hurdle will be placed as they protect themselves.
I have already stated that many Japanese industries, whilst they might not pull out of the UK may well down size so instead of production here going up once we pulled out, those already producing here and employing 100,000 of our workforce would be cutting production as many our here because they can sell competitively to the entire EU, and not just the UK.
When the very British of British companies like Dyson and Triumph, out source to cheaper labour markets already, its sheer lunacy to actually think we could go it alone! Where exactly are we going to sell?, the entire world is now a production line, what are we going to do get materials from Malaysia make something from it and then sell it back to them! our labour costs are not competitive enough nor will they ever be to places like Asia for us to become an independent mass producer of everyday goods, to reship around the world. sure there are certain products that we can export,specialised stuff but that's not enough to keep millions in employment.
As for those bosses of industry! My god get real, when some industrial boss of a giant company opens his mouth,and says the type of rubbish repeated here, its based on the mega bucks he can make for his company! And not mass employment for the people of this country. we have lost over a million jobs to outsourcing around the world, sure the company does well, pays loads in taxes, but the British people still loose their jobs.
LB maybe you are right these people are brighter than you and[gulp] I, Really so how did we repeatedly get into these situations? As said on "the royals" TV programme "Brighter my ......"
And let me repeat again we have a vast amount of Japanese companies here, all turning up after 1973, if we don't have free trading rules with the EU, they will be enticed away from these shores,or in some cases cut backs will occur here, that's not speculation, it business...and in business nobodies that nice
If we ever did foolishly leave the EU, we would suffer, not the EU......
Over the last couple of years,I have repeatedly been entertained by post regarding the collaspe of the Euro markets and indeed the Euro currency too.!
And yet the pound is so weak, that tells you what the money markets think of us, we are worth 30% less than in 2005 and not just to the Euro check the Swiss Franc rates too, we are told that is good for export! My god a 30% drop in valuation of out currency and we still cannot export! and then you here them saying "isnt it good we didn't join the Euro"!
I dont know is it? we were worth £1 to 1.5 euros we now hover just above 1.1, the swis franc used to be 2.4 to the pound now its nearer 1.4!!!!!!! still cannot export but as a nation we individually are getting poorer compaired to our European neighbours!!
oh and we still cannot export, as the outsourced materials now cost us a dam sight more to buy than it costs our European neighbours because we are not in the Euro and the pound is weak..!
Please.............ask the so called experts why that is...........................