Well I think we should look at the history of the UK and the EU.
The British tried to disrupt the formation of the EU during the sixties, they started by trying to bring the close bond that had been formed between France and Germany, into bad standing Fortunately for all, in this we didn't succeed.
We then started EFTA as a side show to the EEC. And we were the dominate party a'la old Empire and we bloke our treaty obligations to our EFTA partners on more than one occasion.This didn't go down too well with them, and they started to look for other and more profitable markets for their products. Namely the EEC.
Britain who was slowly losing her Empire, her competitiveness and her foreign markets, was at a cross roads. We were no longer a nation to be reckon with and we had no Empire to foot our bills and on top of this we had vast war loans to maintain. We now had to work for our living!!
We approached the EEC for membership and we were refused "outright" The other EEC member knew that Britain was no more than an old nagging woman, prepared only to dominate rather that work as a team.Final after much negation and humbleness we were allowed to join.
Of cause leave the EU, they didn't want us anyway, but those that protest against the EU.
Should give their wisdoms on how we are going to live with out this stable market and how we will maintain our living standard with out the 500,000,000 potential customer, because that's what it's all about, customers!
We never hear the captains of industry nagging about the EU. Because their wisdom is pro EU.
Politicians don't give a monkeys fart about the voter when it comes to commerces and employment. The EU doesn't make Britains legislation, they just give guidelines on which legislation should be based.
So leaving the EU, this will satisfy the anti EU lobby, but they will probable find something else to nag about. Maybe something more constructive,like the weather!!
Unfortunately most EU sceptics seem to have a great love of nationalistic romanticism and bravado and a general ignorance of the subject EU.Their writings show that they have no hands-on knowledge or understanding of the captains of industry, social affairs and the well-being of society in general.
If we have a deficit on our trade then we are the only ones to blame. If the imported value of goods is higher that the value of exported goods, then there will be a negative trade deficit. Nothing to do with the EU. Either export more, this means working harder and making "rational" and not romantic decisions, or import less, which means a fall in the living standard. We could of cause go for "more- broke" that we are now and commit financial suicide, by leaving the EU.
Not my words but they will do. LB I have no idea if the majority of UK citizens are for or against the EU, unlike you i cannot find anything that would back up your statement concerning "the vast majority are against the EU "
The thing i seem to be unable to find concerning leaving the EU from any of your writings is how as a country will we be better off? OK so billions here and there can be saved on this that and the other sure ,but that's not much good if we end up 100s of billions worse off when it comes to the nations income! Unemployment would jump up almost immediately, so the billions you saved with your earlier comments would be sucked up by the British unemployed, and the government would get even less in taxes to run the country alas with major industries pulling out and coaxed over to set up in the EU, this is something that most diffinately would happen.
How do you intend to make up the huge short comings that would clearly happen in our coffers.
Its all so easy to be critical of the EU and go on about pulling out, but it seems you and people like you have no real idea of the consequences that would follow.