Air pump

Dec 7, 2006
Hi, I'm looking for an air pump to inflate our air awning. I find that my current pump is ok for airbeds and air mattresses but is not up the job when it comes to the higher pressures required for the awning. Any recommendations gratefully received.
Jul 9, 2013
What connector does it need? Is it just a nozzle like on an air bed, or more like a tyre valve?
If it could be inflated using a car or bike pump (bearing in mind an adaptor is probably available if a direct connection isn't possible), I'd use a cyclist's track pump - search for track pump on your favourite online retailer if you're not sure what one is.
I've got one for my mountain bike, but as it's good for pressures up to 120 psi it also works for topping off the caravan tyres, and I discovered the other day it's also easier than a foot pump for the tyres on Mrs Gozza's car. It takes longer than a foot pump, but is much easier to use!
Feb 9, 2009
Homer, air awnings do not require a high PSI. My Kampa air awning only needs 12psi. Any higher and it will burst.

My hand pump from Kampa cuts out when the correct pressure is reached and I can pump up the awning in a few minutes
Dec 7, 2006
My Outdoor Revolution 420 has 4 big tubes individually inflated. Each tube is fitted with a safety valve to stop over inflation. It's hard work using the hand pump as I have a back problem. This is especially so if there's a breeze up. I need a pump that's up to the job while I position the tube.
Oct 23, 2015
Having read reviews and seen the prices of awning manufacturers electric pumps I came across the Sevylor pump at Decathlon it was under £40 you can set whatever pressure you need press the button and when it’s done it switches off.
Jun 20, 2005
My Kampa air pump has a maximum psi of circa 11psi. It cuts out automatically.
The big difference from this and most air pumps is not so much the pressure but the sheer volume of air it displaces.
I suggest to anyone with an air awning, use the purpose designed pump with the built in adjustable psi and with its own safety cut out.
Sep 14, 2015
My wife an I have been using a Kampa breeze air pump , Ive never liked the way you have to keep pressing on/off button to confirm everything you do and then it finally starts , the pipe keeps falling out of the valve (boston valve ) whilst its running , but it does its job .
We have two Air awnings one for winter a 260 and a bigger one for summer 390 . kampa rally air pro's . Anyway Breeze pump started blowing fuses and blued up spring in cigar lighter socket . I spoke to Kampa ,basically saying what I thought of breeze pump . He told me that later Kampa Gale pump was a lot better in all respects , the pipe to boston valve now screws on , less current draw on battery , no confirmation needed after setting pressure . So we've just ordered one .
I did a bit of research on all pumps available and in a nutshell most pumps that are designed for awning and stand up paddle boards are fine and inflate reasonably quickly . At the moment Decathlon do one at £39 approx. followed closely by Kampa pump at £45 approx.
One last thing , Man at Kampa said the Gale would inflate 390 awning in about 4 min . Old Breeze took about 14 min
Another one last thing ..... we did have a Sunn camp 260 air that my wife always pumed up with a manual pump because it only had one tube and was up in minutes .
I would recomend powering pump direct from caravan battery with mains connected up so so that Battery voltage is 13volts min or the car power socket with the engine runnig . If the car has stop/start technology do not clip anything to Battery earth ,use chassis as earth point .
Aug 24, 2015
We bought an Outwell air pump just over a year ago but really wouldn't recommend it and at £75 it wasn't cheap and thought it would be the tops being expensive but was well disappointed. Like one of the other post its a lot of digital futering around..hose keeps disconnecting sometimes takes takes 2 or 3 goes to get awning fully up.
There is one that we should have got instead Sevylor look it up and read i can't say as i read about it after I'd bought the Outwell oh dear bummer.


Mar 17, 2007
We have a Kampa Gale pump. No complaints. You set the PSI you want and it stops when it gets there. Beats the manual pump hands down (and up and down and up and down.....)
Aug 24, 2015
Oh dont please remind me of manual pumping one we had that came with buying awning went faulty course we weren't aware it had as it was still pumping out air but there were 3 of us taking turns at pumping it as you know how much it takes out of you..well after about 15mins and us 3 wrecked we knew there wad a prob with pump hence we bought an electric pump.
Sep 14, 2015
Mel said:
We have a Kampa Gale pump. No complaints. You set the PSI you want and it stops when it gets there. Beats the manual pump hands down (and up and down and up and down.....)
Mel quick question ...... Where do you plug it into ?
Up until our breeze started "dicking about" I pluged it into TV socket and changed the fuse to one suitable . I suspect that all pumps would benefit from decent voltage with no volt drop down long thin cables . Kampa man UK said that Gale takes about 3 amps less load than breeze .
I think this Post has given members a much better review than any other reviews that are out there
Sep 14, 2015
Gabsgrandad said:
I'm with you Mel. (That's when you remember to shut the deflate valve!)
Ahhh that one ......
In the words of a song " We're only human after all " We're only human after all ... Don't put the blame on me" !
And don't forget to open all the isolation valves ! and all the million jobs to do before sitting down for that nice alcoholic tipple !


Mar 17, 2007
martindf3 said:
Mel said:
We have a Kampa Gale pump. No complaints. You set the PSI you want and it stops when it gets there. Beats the manual pump hands down (and up and down and up and down.....)
Mel quick question ...... Where do you plug it into ?
Up until our breeze started "dicking about" I pluged it into TV socket and changed the fuse to one suitable . I suspect that all pumps would benefit from decent voltage with no volt drop down long thin cables . Kampa man UK said that Gale takes about 3 amps less load than breeze .
I think this Post has given members a much better review than any other reviews that are out there

The Gale comes with a 12v plug in at the end of quite a long cable. We plug it into the 12v point next to the TV. This happens to be next to the nearside rear bedroom window. The cable then goes out of the window and effectively runs under the awning as it inflates. It is long enough for the pump unit to be outside the awning.
Hope this helps
Nov 16, 2015
Mel, I thought you were on a static site! ? How often do people with air awing have to re inflate the, awnimg. .
Our 260 is fine for a week.


Mar 17, 2007
The site is on a potentially windy hillside in North Wales and there is a very sensible rule of no awnings left up when we are not there. This rule is waived in the summer months. I am not complaining, having been there when it is windy, :eek:hmy: it is a good rule.


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