My wife an I have been using a Kampa breeze air pump , Ive never liked the way you have to keep pressing on/off button to confirm everything you do and then it finally starts , the pipe keeps falling out of the valve (boston valve ) whilst its running , but it does its job .
We have two Air awnings one for winter a 260 and a bigger one for summer 390 . kampa rally air pro's . Anyway Breeze pump started blowing fuses and blued up spring in cigar lighter socket . I spoke to Kampa ,basically saying what I thought of breeze pump . He told me that later Kampa Gale pump was a lot better in all respects , the pipe to boston valve now screws on , less current draw on battery , no confirmation needed after setting pressure . So we've just ordered one .
I did a bit of research on all pumps available and in a nutshell most pumps that are designed for awning and stand up paddle boards are fine and inflate reasonably quickly . At the moment Decathlon do one at £39 approx. followed closely by Kampa pump at £45 approx.
One last thing , Man at Kampa said the Gale would inflate 390 awning in about 4 min . Old Breeze took about 14 min
Another one last thing ..... we did have a Sunn camp 260 air that my wife always pumed up with a manual pump because it only had one tube and was up in minutes .
I would recomend powering pump direct from caravan battery with mains connected up so so that Battery voltage is 13volts min or the car power socket with the engine runnig . If the car has stop/start technology do not clip anything to Battery earth ,use chassis as earth point .