Alarm on swift exclusive.

Apr 15, 2024
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I have a swift exclusive 2024 and raised a dispute with the dealership asking for my money back due to issues with the tracker which is required for insurance purposes.

The Sargent instructions that came with the caravan say it's one beep to set the alarm and 2 beeps to disarm. Ever since we took it to the dealership to check the why it wasn't arming on the app, it beeps 5 times when I deactivate the alarm and not twice as per the instructions.

Also if I go into the caravan with the alarm switched on it doesn't go off for at least 35 seconds.

Basically I have enough time to go into the caravan, cover the motion sensor and the alarm doesn't go off at all. I am able to wander about the caravan and the alarm doesn't sound.
Should the alarm not go off more or less straight away if I open the door but forget to switch the alarm off.

In addition my leisure battery is shown as being flat in the as app when it's not and Sargent said the wiring needs to be checked .

When the alarm does go off I am not getting any texts telling me it's been going off. Obviously I have set the app to let me know if the alarm goes off for insurance purposes.
Any advice be appreciated
Nov 11, 2009
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Didn’t you raise a parallel thread regarding your problems with the alarm and some other deficiencies. If you are looking for a refund why have you raised another thread when the other thread could have been used.
Mar 14, 2005
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It becomes very confusing if there are parrallel threads running about the same issue. Its far better to keep it all in one thread so all the responses are in one place.
Apr 15, 2024
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Didn’t you raise a parallel thread regarding your problems with the alarm and some other deficiencies. If you are looking for a refund why have you raised another thread when the other thread could have been used
Didn’t you raise a parallel thread regarding your problems with the alarm and some other deficiencies. If you are looking for a refund why have you raised another thread when the other thread could have been used.
Yes I did.. This is a different question altogether. That has nothing to do with the refund it's about how the alarm is supposed to operate.. which is why I was asking forcadvice.what's your problem with raising a new thread..
Mar 14, 2005
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It's your first paragraph in which you tell us your trying to get your money back which is seems to be the most important. The rest just seems to have been a narrative about what happens with the alarm which you have already mentioned in your other thread, which makes this thread look like a repeat.

As for advice, if the product does not appear to function in accordance with it's supplied instructions, you need to consult with the products manufacturer or your supplier to report the problem, and to find out if you are doing something wrong or if the suspect a fault. I presume you have already done that, and the manufacturer suspects an installation fault. If that is the case, then the problem must be resolved by your selling dealer.

If you used a credit card or finance house for at least £100 of the purchase, then under the Consumer Credit Act, they have a joint liability and financial intrest for the condition of the goods in the transaction. Speak to them also.
May 7, 2012
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You do not give the relevant dates for purchase and finding and reporting the problem so cannot say if you can get your money back. If the problem arose and was reported within thirty days you should be able. If it was after that but within six months of purchase the dealer would have one attempt to fix it before you could claim but as that has happened you would still be able to ask for a refund.
The 35 second delay is not a fault, but normally to allow you access to switch it off if you do it that way. You are right however that this would allow a thief who knew where the siren was to disable it.


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