Another Reich Mover Question

Aug 26, 2020
Evening all,

I just purchased our van fitted with an older model Reich Mover. Struggling to get the mover to do anything, I have replaced the remote battery for a new Duracell, the van battery is showing 13.5 volts on the master gauge, when I turn on the isolator I hear the relays click so based on this, so far so good. But when I try and use the remote.... nothing. Double click and the lights on remote comes on, single click.... goes off. I’ve tried reset button although no LED illuminated, and I have went through the sync process many times. (Remote off, press and hold reset button, click remote three times in quick succession then release reset button)

is there anything else I can do?

I don’t see a fuse in the positive Between the battery/isolator/control box

thanks Scott
May 2, 2020
Hi welcome to the forum, have you checked for 12v going to each motor? if you have voltage at motors it could be the brushes in the motors that are stuck or worn, I think Dan Trugian did a video on YouTube if you are not sure how to get to the brushes, hope this helps
Aug 26, 2020
Hi welcome to the forum, have you checked for 12v going to each motor? if you have voltage at motors it could be the brushes in the motors that are stuck or worn, I think Dan Trugian did a video on YouTube if you are not sure how to get to the brushes, hope this helps

thanks Gralay, I’ll check that. Shouldn’t I still hear the relays click when I make a function on the remote though ?
May 2, 2020
Hi you say in op no red light comes on control panel when synchronising if remember correctly you press and hold the button on control panel press power button twice on remote then wait for red light on control panel to come on then press the power button on remote once and release button on control panel
Jul 18, 2017
Why not contact the previous owner and ask? If you bought from a dealer, then the dealer should be sorting it out? You may need to pair the remote with the mover control box. I do not know how this is done with the Reich, but another option is to contact Reich themselves and ask the question.
Aug 26, 2020
Ive spoken with Rick at Reich and he’s requesting I send it and he’ll test it. He believes it’s a sync’ing issue. I have tried syncing it many times with variations on the clicking sequence . 2 clicks followed by one click, and also tried with three rapid click. The previous owner said she didn’t advertise it with the mover as she had never used it and didn’t know how to, so I knew I had some work cut out with it when I bought it.
Aug 26, 2020
Ive spoken with Rick at Reich and he’s requesting I send it and he’ll test it. He believes it’s a sync’ing issue. I have tried syncing it many times with variations on the clicking sequence . 2 clicks followed by one click, and also tried with three rapid click. The previous owner said she didn’t advertise it with the mover as she had never used it and didn’t know how to, so I knew I had some work cut out with it when I bought it.

Although, me being me..... thought it was nothing I couldn’t handle.... 10mins with a screw driver and hammer and id fix it 😂
Mar 10, 2006
Does your Riech have the smart phone card fitted, it enables the phone to control the mover, handy if the handset fails for any reason, but it did cost £100 extra...
Aug 26, 2020
Not that I noticed, it’s an older model of mover so doubt it. Would be handy though. Never had a mover in my previous vans and was looking forward to using this one next weekend. Never mind, I’ll hopefully have it back for the next jaunt away.
Sep 24, 2008
My Reich mover would not come on one day and had me panicking because we were going on holiday in few hours later. My battery said it was fully charged so thought it not be that . Tried with the wire connected to unit and still no movement. Got it tested and found it was "had it". Bought new battery and was on the road later.
Mar 27, 2011
I had a problem with a truma mover that relays clicked when I turned it on but as soon as I tried remote it would show faults on the control box, had it tested by truma, no faults, back on caravan with new leisure battery, still the same fault on control panel, solution was that the Terminals to the leisure battery we’re not making good contact, didn’t mess about I just fitted 2 new terminals for about £5 and everything was sorted, make sure if you change the terminals they are diff plus and neg terminals and don’t fit them upside down, lots of people dont realise that battery posts are tapered, might be teaching you to suck eggs but easy to get things wrong.

Aug 26, 2020
I’ve sent my controller and PCB to Reich, they have tested it and said the controller remote is fine but the PCB isn’t responding, the relays click when powered up but that’s it. He tried several remotes on it, and my remote on another unit. So it’s been sent to an electronic company. Heading off up the West Coast a week on Sunday, would be good to have it back and operational for then.
Jan 3, 2012
I’ve sent my controller and PCB to Reich, they have tested it and said the controller remote is fine but the PCB isn’t responding, the relays click when powered up but that’s it. He tried several remotes on it, and my remote on another unit. So it’s been sent to an electronic company. Heading off up the West Coast a week on Sunday, would be good to have it back and operational for then.
i hope you have the mover back before your next trip if not it back to reversing it on the pitch & Storage (Good Luck)


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