Avondale Caravans NO LONGER!

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Aug 22, 2008
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Well we've had another letter this morning.

basically says that they are seeking advice on the situation and will let us know more by the end of next week.

Doesn't say what the current situation is (although we do know) but looks like we have to wait another week. Beginning to feel like a mushroom.


A couple of trade people at the Lawns told me that Avondale are finally down & out.

'Shutting the doors next week' were the exact words of one person. I don't know whether this is 100% accurate or not, but that's the buzz anyway.

One thing seems certain, Avondale won't be the only caravan manufacturer to go to the wall in the next few months.

It might just be my own perception, but there seemed to be something of an artificial air about this year's Lawns - dealers and manufacturers, alike, trying desperately not to mention the elephant sitting in the living room.

The Lawns was very busy (Sunday) but it will be interesting to see just how the attendance numbers translate into sales - certainly, the sales & finance areas seemed to be very short of people signing up for new vans.

Not that the crunch appears to have provoked much price cutting yet - they all seemed pretty expensively priced to me, with an average around the 15K mark. There were some cash-back offers of
Aug 22, 2008
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Well the jungle drums have been beating over the weekend and apparently the administrators will be in this week and redundancy letters are heading our way this week.

I think its a very sad time for all of the staff involved at avondale but at the same time I am kind of relieved. it hasn't been a stable business for some years now, constant lay offs during winter months etc and to be honest, you cannot run a home and a family on that kind of uncertainty.

Now its a case of waiting and seeing what the postman brings - again. I'll just be glad when its all over.
Nov 25, 2007
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Hi Podge

Sorry to hear of your troubles. I'd like to wish you and your family the best of luck for the future.

It's awful being made redundant - been there, done that - but hopefully you'll get another job soon.

Aug 22, 2008
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Thanks everyone for all your well wishes.

Im just waiting on what happens next so we can move on. We can't even get a job at the moment as we'll loose all our redundancy money and I feel that Ive got this far it would be a shame to throw it all in now. i am actually temping at the moment so I do have money coming in, I'll just lose some of my redundancy package because of it.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Podge, I've been watching this saga evolve and wondering what, if anything, I can do to help. Moderator Parksy has offered to put you in tough with the contributor who has Personnel experience and this sounds an excellent idea. Parksy will need you to make a formal request for your email address to be passed on, as clearly the email database for the forum is - in almost all cirumstances - confidential.

On the basis that doing something may be helpful, suggest you try the following.

Find your local Citizens Advice Bureau and ask them to find you the rules on redundancy payments - then you can at least check what you are offered to see that it confroms with the rules.

You may well be able to find this directly from the website of the Department of Employment - many Govt. departments now have a good selection of thier leaflets available on-line.

Assuming you are in touch with your colleagues, it may be worth getting together from time to time and comparing notes and perhaps presenting a united front if you are unhappy with the amounts or terms etc. Unfortunately, it is not unkown for employers in this situation to pick off individuals one at a time rather than deal with them collectively.

While writing, it occurs to me the local Job Centre may also be able to help, not only in future but over the handling of redundancy. You have not technically taken another job until you have been offered AND accepted it, so it may not be too early to start looking. Any good new employer should understand this and be prepared to offer you some days grace.

I worked for a period in career advice and outplacemnt and i suggest you start the process of finding a new job immediately.

Please forgive me if i am telling you what you already well know, but this is what i would advise.

Analyse and write down your skills and experience, in reverse date order i.e. latest first as a series of very short paragraphs - grammar is less important than punchiness. Include not only the technical stuff but any supervisory or management experience.

Try to keep this as short as possible - a potential employer may well receive a hundred or more applications for a good job and thus have limited time to devote to reading any one.

Don't be too bothered if you are not an "exact fit" for the job advert - probably no one else will be either. But be prepared to answer any such gaps at interview.

Don't hide anything - it will enevitably come out later and may well ruin the whole process.

The purpose of the letter of application is to get the interview - not the job. The interview is to get the job. so make the letter attractive, word processed and spell checked. Avoid self-obvious statements e.g. I'm honest and work hard - which i'm sure you are and do, but no-one is going to write the opposite, are they ?

There is a lot more I could tell you and will willingly do so if it will help. Go to your Public Library and ask them for book/s about recruitment interviews and how to write CV's or life histories.

Good luck.

(To other readers - yes I know this is a bit away from the theme of the thread, but I'm sure you will understand)
Mar 14, 2005
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Heard today that a caravan owner with an 18 months old Avondale has successfully transferred his warrenty to the HP company who he borrowed off to purchase the caravan and they are now in negotiations to purchaing a brand new rear panel from the manufacturer who supplied Avondale. They have instructed the service depot to carry out the necessary repairs and they will honour the warrenty. All work will be paid for by the HP company as it is their van until the final payment has been made.
Aug 22, 2008
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glad to hear something good has come out of all this.

We're STILL waiting to find out whats going on!!!!!!!

Not a word from them this week.
Mar 14, 2005
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According to the boss of the service centre I use he said yesterday morning that Avondale had definately closed and that the receivers were in and trying to sell the firm as they had full order books. All workers had been given notice. There is no reply from their phones as it appears that the lines have been cut off.
Aug 22, 2008
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Hi Colin

I dont know where you are getting your info from but you know more about my situation than I do!!!!!

We have heard today that the union have been in and there are new buyers on the horizon. Because we have been laid off for more than 4 consecutive weeks, the union are sending out draught letters for us to give notice to them asking for redundancy. As far as I know, there are no signs of administrators!!!! All I am really aware off is that it seems this saga is going to drag on and on, meanwhile, people are getting more and more into financial debt, as we have also been told it is breaking our contract if we get anoher job while we wait, even if its a temping job!!!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Colin

I dont know where you are getting your info from but you know more about my situation than I do!!!!!

We have heard today that the union have been in and there are new buyers on the horizon. Because we have been laid off for more than 4 consecutive weeks, the union are sending out draught letters for us to give notice to them asking for redundancy. As far as I know, there are no signs of administrators!!!! All I am really aware off is that it seems this saga is going to drag on and on, meanwhile, people are getting more and more into financial debt, as we have also been told it is breaking our contract if we get anoher job while we wait, even if its a temping job!!!!
Podge - my information is second hand from the service centre I use for my caravan. Aparently he has tried to get parts from there for repairs to an Avondale and they also owe him money as the account was paid before the parts have been delivered.
Mar 14, 2005
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Lets hope there is a new buyer and everyone keeps their jobs.

Also lets hope the buyer is (sorry to say) foreign owned, that way the quality might just be improved and give a shot in the arm to other UK producers who turn out shoddy new vans that aren't fit for purpose.

Sad but true....wish the japs were into vans.....
Aug 1, 2007
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Copied from another place and its by An Avondale Worker

The situation at Avondale Coachcraft Ltd should be clarified.

Avondale closed at 4pm on 12th Aug with nearly all the workforce being laid-off . The assembly track has not moved since and only a small number of people have been retained to finish service and customer vans. They too have now left the factory. A potential buyer has yet to be found. A letter was sent to all the workforce at the start of this week stating that everyone will know the outcome of any possible take-over bids by the beginning of next week. Rumor has it that no buyer can be found and redundancy is ensuing for the workforce.

It is a terrible shame that such a valued and respected manufacturer should be forced to close with the loss of almost 200 jobs.
Aug 22, 2008
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Its interesting where these different versions come from. A letter was sent to us at the end of last week, ie saturday stating that they were taking advice on the current situation (which we didnt know what it was) and that they would write to us with more information by the end of this week. (I pressume tomorrow as nothing received yet)If redundancy is the answer I just wish they would get on with it and stop dragging it out. We are now in our 5th week of lay off and none the wiser as to our future than the day we finished.

How they can be so highly respected after leaving their workforce out in the cold for so long beggars belief!!!!!!
Aug 22, 2008
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No news toreport this week Im afraid. They told us in a leter last week that we would becontacted again by the end of this week but nothing his moring in the post.

There was a meeting with the directors and union reps and outside officials Thursday but the directors saw fit not to give them any information regarding the current situation and in fact were quite aggressive towards the union. From what Ive heard a union rep asked the finance director for some info that he can pass on to the workforce and he replied 'tell them to f*** off' If that is true i feel thatI never want to work there again anyway.


Well, if one reads old posts regarding Avodale's response to customers with warranty issues, they've effectively been telling them that for a long time ;)
Aug 18, 2008
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Hi Podge

Sorry to hear the response from Avondale was so aggresive.

Has any of the workforce thought that maybe it`s time to get the local press/media involved?, maybe they could squeeze some information out of them?(they seem to have a nack for it)

All the best to all the workforce

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Ann,

I keep coming back to the wording, The warranty on a new product rests entirely with the seller. Not the manufacturer (unless they sell direct). This is established by the Sale of Goods Act. If Avondale ceases to exist, your warranty under SoGA still stands with the seller.

Manufactures usually offer a guarantee which is in addition to your legal rights under SoGA. This is entirely in the hands of the manufacturer and if they cease trading, then the guarantee also ceases.

In the event that a buyer is found for Avondale, the new owner may use the guarantee issue as bargaining chip in the negotiations.

The company may be worth X amount but if the new buyer also has to take on the costs of guarantee issues, then the negotiated price may be lower.

Podge I wish you the best of luck, I know because I have been through it.
Jan 2, 2006
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I went past the Avondale factory again this morning and there were a few cars in the car park and a large group of I presume workers outside on the pavement so maybe more info to come later.
Aug 1, 2007
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Unfortunately Avondale Coachcraft Ltd entered administration today at 12.09pm with all workers being made redundant.

An unhappy end to a very sorry tale !!!!