Bailey Pageant Burgundy

Mar 14, 2005
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we ordered one following the announcement in Practical Caravanning without seeing it, as it was based on the Bailey Senator Indiana, and we have a delivey date in March 06. Anyone else ordered one, or anyone considerd and rejected?

Can't wait for delivery date......
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Ken,We are also interested in the Pageant Burgundy but aren't brave enough to order without seeing.Spoke to the dealer 3 weeks ago who said that they had no information either !!

We find it rather irritating that new models are always launched in London ( living in Scotland )Bailey are not even exhibiting at the Caravan Show in Glasgow.At present there is no detail on their web-site either.....a strange way to do business.

We shall just have to wait a bit longer until the dealer hopefully gets a demo model.Meantime we have a Loire which we have been very happy with.
Mar 14, 2005
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the layout is the same as the Senator Indiana, it has Pageant trim and of course it is 4 inches less in width than the Senator.

It is featured on the Baileys site, under News:
I emailed Baileys and they posted me a leaflet about it.


Thanks Ken

I've just E-mailed them for a leaflet.It was the technical info.which I was looking for on the web site,had seen the we want to see it in the flesh!!! Hope you like it when it arrives.
Mar 14, 2005
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I received a very nice E-mail from Bailey today,letting me know that the Burgundy is going to be on show at the SECC in Glasgow in February and that our dealer will also be supplied much about the same time.Amazing what a good moan can do !!
Mar 14, 2005
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I received a very nice E-mail from Bailey today,letting me know that the Burgundy is going to be on show at the SECC in Glasgow in February and that our dealer will also be supplied much about the same time.Amazing what a good moan can do !!

good for you!

I had to push them - even though I ordered mine in October, they were quoting a delivery date in May 06. The dealer genuinely tried to get this brought forward, but no joy. I emailed them, begged and pleaded, and got it brought forward to March.

As I said, it's based on the Senator Indiana which is their best-selling caravan, and we liked that, but not the extra weight.
Mar 14, 2005
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Good news from Baileys. I emailed them on Friday asking if my Burgundy was still ok for delivery in mid March.

Reply received today that it is now brought forward to being built w/c 31 January with delivery the following week!

Now looking where we can go for weekend city breaks in February.....
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Ken,

When you get your van,please let us know what you think of it.....good or bad.

We have said to our dealer that as soon as he gets one in we would like to see it.Then we'll make our minds up.

You haven't said which part of the country you live in to get suggestions for going away.Not too much open unfortunately at that time of the year.

Oct 13, 2005
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ok I have to ask, Why would you spend many thousands of pounds on a van you have never seen? why not wait until you can see one and then place the order? I assume you already have a van so can still go away in the mean time. Please help me understand as the only reason that I can think of is to be one of the first to own such van. I dont mean that in an offensive way I just cant understand commiting to buy something and paying a deposit I assume when you have never seen a version of it in real life.
Mar 14, 2005
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no offence taken.

My back doesn't like our Ranger 510/4L and we decided that we would go for a fixed bed.

We really liked the layout of the Bailey Senator Indiana, but didn't want to have to change our vehicles.

We then found out about the Burgundy which is exactly the same layout as the Indiana, slightly cheaper and less heavy and 4 inches narrower.

That was the basis for us ordering it without seeing it. We have since seen it twice (sad aren't we) at Malvern and at Earls Court and we are glad we ordered when we did as we understand that delivery dates for new orders are well into May.

We added the chest of drawers to the order so that we can eat at a table when in the 'van.

We chose to trade-in, so have been without a 'van since November, but we probably wouldn't have used it much until Feb/March
Mar 14, 2005
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I was slightly surprised after reading that you were trading in your van ,that you no longer have it.Our dealer allows people to keep their vans until the new ones arrive,and then there is a hand over.Does yours not do this?

Mar 14, 2005
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I did reply earlier, but don't know what happened.

The deal was that the trade-in price was based on giving up my 'van now so that they could try to sell asap. As it was a Ranger, if I had waited, then the new Series 5 would have been released reducing its second-hand value.

We were ok with this as we got a fair price and, the main reason, the bed makes my back ache.


Dec 13, 2005
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I expect you're both looking forward to picking up your Burgundy 'vans. I went to Malvern, liked the Indiana but not its size and weight and came home wishing they made the equivalent in the Pageant range. Looked at the brochures when I got home to see that they had produced exactly what I wanted ie the Burgundy but silly me had missed it as it wasn't on the Bailey stand as it arrived late! It was nearby but I hadn't spotted it!

So I had to go to Earls Court to see it - also spent much of the last day (Sunday) sitting in it (along with many others!) so probably saw you! Ordered it straightaway so am also looking forward to the Week 4 build. Have asked for a mini Heki to replace the vent over the bed - so I can see the blue sky!!

Hopefully the shower door (not a curtain like the Bordeaux) will last longer than the one on the show model which seemed to be hanging off!! We've changed from a Pageant Champagne so will certainly miss the space in the shower, but lots of other advantages instead.

I see Baileys say that the Burgundy was the best selling van at the show after the Indiana. It certainly has a nice open feel to it. I'm slightly disappointed that the awning light is forward of the door (unlike the Bordeaux) as it makes it less convenient when putting up my porch awning!

Roll on Week 5!

Mar 14, 2005
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I expect you're both looking forward to picking up your Burgundy 'vans. I went to Malvern, liked the Indiana but not its size and weight and came home wishing they made the equivalent in the Pageant range. Looked at the brochures when I got home to see that they had produced exactly what I wanted ie the Burgundy but silly me had missed it as it wasn't on the Bailey stand as it arrived late! It was nearby but I hadn't spotted it!

So I had to go to Earls Court to see it - also spent much of the last day (Sunday) sitting in it (along with many others!) so probably saw you! Ordered it straightaway so am also looking forward to the Week 4 build. Have asked for a mini Heki to replace the vent over the bed - so I can see the blue sky!!

Hopefully the shower door (not a curtain like the Bordeaux) will last longer than the one on the show model which seemed to be hanging off!! We've changed from a Pageant Champagne so will certainly miss the space in the shower, but lots of other advantages instead.

I see Baileys say that the Burgundy was the best selling van at the show after the Indiana. It certainly has a nice open feel to it. I'm slightly disappointed that the awning light is forward of the door (unlike the Bordeaux) as it makes it less convenient when putting up my porch awning!

Roll on Week 5!

The dealer phoned me today - there is a chance that my Burgundy will be delivered tomorrow. They said things were a bit hectic down at Baileys, so won't hold my breath tonight.

We ordered the chest of drawers with fold out table so we have somewhere to eat - did you?

First thing we will do is put some felt on the bathroom door and on the bedroom unit to stop them banging together.

Maureen, have you seen one yet?


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Ken,

The Scottish Caravan Show is at the beginning of February,so we are looking forward to seeing the Burgundy then.Our dealer has also been told that he will get delivery of a Burgundy in February,so if we don't get peace at the show to try it out,we certainly will at the dealer's.

Let us know how you get on ......our friends were told that they would get their Oklahoma Week 52 and are still waiting patiently.
Mar 14, 2005
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For the attention of Ken.

We were at the dealers today getting a few minor bits & pieces attended to.While we were there,a delivery came in from Bailey, including a BURGUNDY !!! We waited for it to come off the lorry and immediately got the chance to inspect it.Guess what......we've bought it !!!! Talk about being in the right place at the right time !!!! I'm just dying to try it out.

Dec 13, 2005
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For the attention of Ken.

We were at the dealers today getting a few minor bits & pieces attended to.While we were there,a delivery came in from Bailey, including a BURGUNDY !!! We waited for it to come off the lorry and immediately got the chance to inspect it.Guess what......we've bought it !!!! Talk about being in the right place at the right time !!!! I'm just dying to try it out.


Good news!

Have you got your van yet, Ken - and when do you pick yours up, Maureen?
Mar 14, 2005
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glad you are impressed enough to buy!

Did your dealer let you have his display model, or do you have to order one? If so, how long do you have to wait for delivery?

Ours will be delivered this week, so we will probably get it early next week. We have also traded in my wife's car for an imported Toyota Surf 3.0tdi which should be a great towcar.

We have booked the CC site at Bristol for the first weekend in February, so that will be our first trip with both the Burgunday and Surf if we can get a towbar supplied in time. If not, then we'll use my car.

Will let you know how it waiting for Christmas!
Mar 14, 2005
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The dealer was happy to let us have the display model,and as we were the first people to see it,they have promised to keep it locked so that no-one else can get access.

Can't say fairer than that.We are picking it up on Mon.13th Feb,so will have to think where we are going to try it out for a few days.

As you say it is like waitng for Xmas.....but much better !!
Mar 14, 2005
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We are changing from a Pageant Loire,which is very similar to the Champagne.I know I will miss the bathroom area,but there always has to be a compromise.We felt that we wanted to have a fixed bed this time,and hopefully we will enjoy this 'van,as much as the previous one.

Hope you like yours too.
Dec 13, 2005
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ken,who did you email at baileys to check delivery date as id like to check mine before i book a ferry crossing in march


Try e-mailing the Bailey helpline - they have been very helpful - and quick - for me. For address see Bailey website.
Mar 14, 2005
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ken,who did you email at baileys to check delivery date as id like to check mine before i book a ferry crossing in march


Alistair beat me to it - that's what I would have said.

When did you order yours?


May 5, 2005
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Alistair beat me to it - that's what I would have said.

When did you order yours?


thanks for that,we ordered at Malvern show,have date about the end of february,dealer says on target as far as he knows

I'll give it a try
Jun 29, 2005
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We've just bought a Burgundy at the Manchester G-Mex show this weekend. We had intended to buy the Bordeaux version but thought the Burgundy was more 'open'. The only downside for us is that the dealer has not got any left of the 'current' build lot so we have to wait a while, but we made sure we got a good discount to help the time go by. If only we hadn't already sold our old one.....


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