Bailey Pageant Burgundy

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Jun 29, 2005
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Ken - when do you get your Burgundy or have you already got it?

David - pleased to hear you've ordered - when are you expecting delivery?
We've been told June, which is disappointing as we will miss a good chunk of the season. I've emailed the Bailey helpline to check on build dates though as I don't want to have been told this just to get our signature, and then it turns out to be even later in the year. So far they haven't replied.

Just to clear things up too, there's obviously more than one david on this site so I've asked the moderator to change my user profile to show the username 'phorbiuz' from now on.
Mar 14, 2005
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ours should be delivered this week and the dealer has promised to do the PDI so we can collect on Tuesday. That will give us a couple of evenings to load up and get the noseweight right. We are then off to try it (with our new tug - a 1994 Toyota Surf 3.0tdi) for 3 nights at Baltic Wharf, Bristol.

Will report back....
Mar 14, 2005
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ours should be delivered this week and the dealer has promised to do the PDI so we can collect on Tuesday. That will give us a couple of evenings to load up and get the noseweight right. We are then off to try it (with our new tug - a 1994 Toyota Surf 3.0tdi) for 3 nights at Baltic Wharf, Bristol.

Will report back....

we've got it!

Our dealer (Broadlane Daventry) did us proud. They received it Thursday pm and PDI'd it for us to collect on Staurday morning.

As we are lucky enough to keep it on the drive, we have been finding excuses to keep going inside and putting things in their place all weekend.

We are off this weekend to try it out - Friday at Broadway, then 2 nights at Baltic Wharf, Bristol.

We also got our (new to us) Toyota Surf 3.0tdi on Friday, so all set!


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Maureen (and anyone else who's interested!)

we went to Broadway with our Burgundy for Friday and Saturday nights to try it out. So far, so good! Everything works, especially the blown air heating - it was very cold outside, but warm as toast inside. Fridge is bigger and can hold more beer and wine.

We had moved from an end bathroom and we were a bit worried that the shower wouldn't be comfortable. No problems, yes, it is smaller, but perfectly adequate and enough room to pick up the soap, which I dropped.

The biggest bonus for us (and my back) is the bed. It was so comfortable and so nice to be able to just 'go through' instead of the moving of cushions. Another bonus for my wife was that, as I am an early riser, I was able to get up, close the bedroom door and watch tv while she had a lie in.

Can't wait for our next outing in a couple of week's time!!!!
Feb 6, 2006
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hi ken,we pick our new burgundy up next week,but had a good inspection of it at the dealers on saturday.We were very pleased with the finish and layout and we are looking forward to picking it up and trying it out.Only one question ken,does your toilet door have one or two locking bars coming out of the door lock, because it looks like there should be two but mine only has one on the bottom.cheers john k.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Ken,Great to hear that everything is working fine.We pick up ours next Monday,so we are on the count down now.I thought you were going to Bristol C.C.for a few days,mind you Broadway is a lovely site now that it has all been refurbished.We are hoping to get away for a few days to the Lakes for a shake down.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi John

the toilet door has one locking bar and worked fine.

Hi Maureen

we had originally planned to go to Bristol, but our 27 year old going on 15 son had a stomach upset which turned out to be a burst appendix. We cancelled Bristol, but he insisted that we go or else he was going to book a hotel for the weekend to get away from the 'Mother's love and attention'! Bristol was already fully booked, so we went to Broadway.

Hope you both enjoy your new Burgundy!
Mar 14, 2005
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What are you doing posting messages at 5.30am!!!!!!

You either can't sleep or have a job where you start extremely early !!

Sorry to hear about your son having his appendix out.....hope he is well mended by now.Our children are 10 years older,so now we get emergency phone calls to help out with sick grandchildren....does it ever end??
Mar 14, 2005
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What are you doing posting messages at 5.30am!!!!!!

You either can't sleep or have a job where you start extremely early !!

Sorry to hear about your son having his appendix out.....hope he is well mended by now.Our children are 10 years older,so now we get emergency phone calls to help out with sick grandchildren....does it ever end??
I told you I was an early riser!

Son now better, but still able to easily increase my blood pressure.

We stayed away Thursday night as I had a business meeting first thing Friday then went to France yesterday for our twice-yearly booze trip. Son emailed to ask me to get 2 unkown bottles of red. Turned out that he had his mates around. They bought their own beer, but then had 2 bottles of St Emillion that we bought about 4 years ago and were saving for a rainy day.... Still, he's moving out in 2 weeks!
Feb 12, 2006
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We've just bought a Burgundy at the Manchester G-Mex show this weekend. We had intended to buy the Bordeaux version but thought the Burgundy was more 'open'. The only downside for us is that the dealer has not got any left of the 'current' build lot so we have to wait a while, but we made sure we got a good discount to help the time go by. If only we hadn't already sold our old one.....
Hi i missed the manchester show{work} im going to the NEC on 24th to look at pageant burgundy series 5 & i was wondering if anyone that bought had got any kind of discount or offer if any was available at the shows
Mar 14, 2005
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I told you I was an early riser!

Son now better, but still able to easily increase my blood pressure.

We stayed away Thursday night as I had a business meeting first thing Friday then went to France for our twice-yearly booze trip. Son emailed to ask me to get 2 unkown bottles of red. Turned out that he had his mates around. They bought their own beer, but then had 2 bottles of St Emilion that we bought about 4 years ago and were saving for a rainy day.... Still, he's moving out in 2 weeks!
Dec 13, 2005
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Picked up the new Burgundy last Saturday - very pleased with it so far. Very good finish and everything works!

Had a mover (from my last van) fitted today so that will be very useful.

Haven't put the gas bottles in yet, but it will be interesting to see what the noseweight is, especially with the hot water tank quite far forward.

Did you get yours today Maureen?

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Ken,

We've just had 5 grandchildren for the weekend,so it was like a madhouse!!Beginning to realise that parents are destined never to have peace !!!Enjoy it when your son moves out.

Picked up our new Burgundy this morning,so are both pleased as punch now.Started to fill the 'van and work out where everything is supposed to go.Hubby groans, for the next few months each time he opens a cupboard,everything will have been moved until I am happy .
Mar 14, 2005
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Picked up the new Burgundy last Saturday - very pleased with it so far. Very good finish and everything works!

Had a mover (from my last van) fitted today so that will be very useful.

Haven't put the gas bottles in yet, but it will be interesting to see what the noseweight is, especially with the hot water tank quite far forward.

Did you get yours today Maureen?

Hi Alastair,

Yes we have our new baby,and we're over the moon.Now to get down to the nitty gritty of finding a place for everything.Then off to a site for a few days to give it a test.

Hope you have many happy days in yours.
May 5, 2005
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we've got it!

Our dealer (Broadlane Daventry) did us proud. They received it Thursday pm and PDI'd it for us to collect on Staurday morning.

As we are lucky enough to keep it on the drive, we have been finding excuses to keep going inside and putting things in their place all weekend.

We are off this weekend to try it out - Friday at Broadway, then 2 nights at Baltic Wharf, Bristol.

We also got our (new to us) Toyota Surf 3.0tdi on Friday, so all set!


are you local to Daventry Ken
Mar 14, 2005
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hi folks , just ordered new burguny arrive's first week in may but dealer said bailey tends to get a little head of themselves so hoping for last week in april as we have got the bank hoilday weekend booked. i did want the bailey bordeaux but after seening the burgundy it was the clear winner for us & at only
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Ginger

we are very pleased with ours and the wait was worthwhile.

We've only been away once, but we are off to a CL near Harrogate next Wednesday for 4 nights, mixing business with pleasure - I have a couple of meetings to go to.

We take the duvet and pillows straight from our bed at home which is easier than sleeping bags, for us anyway. I sleep on the cutaway side and didn't notice the missing bit and I am 6 foot.

We tow with a 1994 Toyota Surf 3.0tdi which we got the same day as the van.


Feb 6, 2006
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hello pete,collected ours last wednesday and towed it from BARRONS IN darington to jarrow,(very windy) and it towed great with our mondeo tdci 130 hp.We are very pleased with the layout and finish and like you we nearly went for the bordeaux until we got our eye on the burgundy.Were told by one dealer there was a waiting list until june,but i happened to pop into Barrons and they let us have one of there demos and it arrived last week.I am currently fitting alarm system(IDM4)and loading up and we are ready for the we are using duvet which we will leave fitted.Regards john k.
Mar 6, 2006
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Hi everyone

I have just registered on this sight after browsing what all of you were saying about the burgundy.

We are moving from a static van to a tourer after borrowing our friends at pentewan sands, cornwall. We had a great time and decided to go for it. After looking this weekend we have also decided to go for the burgundy.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Tammy,

We do have a special section for new people to introduce themselves, but however,I've found you here!

We got our new Burgundy a few weeks ago,but haven't been able to get away yet,due to helping out family members down with 'flu type symptons.Hope you enjoy the forum, it's a great laugh at times.
Mar 6, 2006
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hi Maureen

Thanks for replying.

We are really excited about the van, my sister & brother in law have been touring for quite some time and they have been giving us lots of advice, cant wait to get out there.
Jan 19, 2008
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hi Maureen

Thanks for replying.

We are really excited about the van, my sister & brother in law have been touring for quite some time and they have been giving us lots of advice, cant wait to get out there.
Welcome to the forum Tammy, the peasant whose job it is as Head Welcomer and Door Monitor has scrounged some days off and left me to do it :O) .... by the way did you tiptoe in or come in through the back door ;O)
Dec 30, 2009
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Ive just had this thought pop into my head, all you lot with your Burgundy's out on a meet and after a few beers in the dark all going back to your caravans. Well ill leave the rest to you


Kevin H


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