Been done over brought a caravan cash and owners sold it back to the caravan site prople

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Feb 5, 2025
Hi there I brought a caravan for cash off a haven owner paid them up was in the site for a year I went to go see the caravan today and my gas bottles etc have been taken away I asked them why and they said the owner off the caravan has sold the caravan bk to the site people as I didn’t sign it over with them I only got a receipt and the Caravan booklet and logbook thing and that’s it. I didn’t know that I have to sign signed paperwork with Haven caravan site people so what do I do now?


May 7, 2005
Yes you need some proper legal advice, but a starting place where they ought to identify a particular solicitor to go to, is your local Citizens Advice.

Talking it over there should help sort your immediate options and actions, but also as said get onto doing this as quickly as possible.
Aug 30, 2024
Hi there I brought a caravan for cash off a haven owner paid them up was in the site for a year I went to go see the caravan today and my gas bottles etc have been taken away I asked them why and they said the owner off the caravan has sold the caravan bk to the site people as I didn’t sign it over with them I only got a receipt and the Caravan booklet and logbook thing and that’s it. I didn’t know that I have to sign signed paperwork with Haven caravan site people so what do I do now?
That’s awful the advice it’s a police matter is spot on.these Caravan sites like Parkdean and Haven etc won’t be any help
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Feb 5, 2025
Yes I been there said they can’t do anything about it take it up with the caravan people but just got a email saying they need the name off person and address so don’t really no wots going on now
Feb 5, 2025
Now caravan people saying take it up with the police let them contact them so it’s going to be a waiting game now and then nothing is going to happen
Nov 11, 2009
Now caravan people saying take it up with the police let them contact them so it’s going to be a waiting game now and then nothing is going to happen
Hopefully that will have more effect on those who sold it to you, than letters , emails or phone calls. Fingers 🤞
Feb 7, 2025
I can not see that the police would get too involved unless there is some criminal element to what has happened.

I would ask the caravan site for the legal documentation which they claim confirms they have the legal ownership of the caravan, they are going to have to provide this at some point as there may be a legal dispute. You do have documentation of the sale between you and the owner of the van which I would make sure the site has copies of but see theirs and note the date of sale.

Make sure you deal with the correct people on the site, not just front desk office staff, contact the legal team of the site make sure they are aware of the original sale between you and the owner.

I would send the site and site legal team copies of your document of sale by recorded delivery.

All that has happened at the moment is your caravan is on a site claiming to own your caravan, you have documentation of proof of sale what do they have. The original owner terminated his legal ownership when he sold you the caravan so was not the owner of the van at the time the site is claiming he sold it to them.

You need to see and obtain a copy of their sale agreement first...Dates are important.

And yes legal advice from someone specialising in caravan sales not just any Solicitor, they do specialise.
Nov 6, 2005
I can not see that the police would get too involved unless there is some criminal element to what has happened.

I would ask the caravan site for the legal documentation which they claim confirms they have the legal ownership of the caravan, they are going to have to provide this at some point as there may be a legal dispute. You do have documentation of the sale between you and the owner of the van which I would make sure the site has copies of but see theirs and note the date of sale.

Make sure you deal with the correct people on the site, not just front desk office staff, contact the legal team of the site make sure they are aware of the original sale between you and the owner.

I would send the site and site legal team copies of your document of sale by recorded delivery.

All that has happened at the moment is your caravan is on a site claiming to own your caravan, you have documentation of proof of sale what do they have. The original owner terminated his legal ownership when he sold you the caravan so was not the owner of the van at the time the site is claiming he sold it to them.

You need to see and obtain a copy of their sale agreement first...Dates are important.

And yes legal advice from someone specialising in caravan sales not just any Solicitor, they do specialise.
Last I heard, obtaining money by false pretences was a criminal offence - the police may try to fob the OP off by suggesting it's a civil case so they may need to press the suspicion of a criminal offence.
Nov 11, 2009
I would certainly notify the police because as described there could be an element of criminal activity. For legal advise I would initially contact Which Legal Services but the OP may also have a Legal back up to their domestic or caravan policy. It could develop into a criminal case and a civil one to recoup their losses and expenses, unless there was the possibility of a proceeds of crime order. Unfortunately it could develop into a drawn out experience for the OP and an expensive one too. It would be good if the Park Operator came to an agreement with the OP, but previous posts relating to statics tend not to show park operators in a good light. A difficult one fir the OP, and I wish them luck.
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Jun 20, 2005
And here’s the infamous best advice when buying anything.

Ensure beyond all doubt the Seller has Legal Title to the Property being sold and there is no Co ownership, no outstanding bank loans or other Liens or any other disputes to Sole good Legal Title.
Feb 7, 2025
Last I heard, obtaining money by false pretences was a criminal offence - the police may try to fob the OP off by suggesting it's a civil case so they may need to press the suspicion of a criminal offence.
It sounds like the caravan owner was the legal owner of the caravan and sold it to the OP at which time the Op became the legal owner of the caravan and has document of sale to prove it.

It sounds like the original owner did not tell the caravan site that he had previously sold his caraven when he made the fraudulant sale to them. Dates of sale are very important to establish who actually has legal ownership and who does not.

Perhaps the most significant difference between pursuing fraud as a civil matter, is that the goal is to actually recover assets taken (or obtain compensation).

For fraud pursued through the criminal courts, the outcome is usually a fine and/or imprisonment. A victim might not get their money back and often won’t have as much involvement with criminal proceedings.

The OP still need to persue this in a civil way.
Jun 20, 2005
It sounds like the caravan owner was the legal owner of the caravan and sold it to the OP at which time the Op became the legal owner of the caravan and has document of sale to prove it.
How do you know that? I didn’t get the same sound? A document issued by a potential fraudster isn’t worth use as toilet paper.
How do you know that? I didn’t get the same sound? A document issued by a potential fraudster isn’t worth use as toilet paper.

I suspect what we have here is someone taking someone’s else’s property in name and seeking to deprive the OP of his money by deception.

Under the Theft Act 1968 partly updated 1978, still very current ,the above situation is without doubt a Criminal Offence and must be dealt with accordingly.

If ownership between the seller and the Site Owners is in dispute then yes that will be a Civil matter. That doesn’t involve the OP or the fact he should involve the Police.
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Feb 7, 2025
How do you know that? I didn’t get the same sound? A document issued by a potential fraudster isn’t worth use as toilet paper.
I don't, that's why I said check all documentation incluing the documentation the site has. At this stage you need to see the documentation. At the moment the only claim the site has is the seller did not register the sale with the OP with them.

The OP has said he has a bill of sale, Caravan book and log book. If they are genuine then it seems it's a good chance the OP has the legitimate documentation. Has the caravan site got the log book or a log book? You have inserted a third party here and at the moment there is no evidence one exists or indeed does not exist.
I suspect what we have here is someone taking someone’s else’s property in name and seeking to deprive the OP of his money by deception.
I is highly possible but not proven. For example what about the log book how did a third party get hold of that? At this stage no one has checked the documentation for authentisity.
If ownership between the seller and the Site Owners is in dispute then yes that will be a Civil matter. That doesn’t involve the OP or the fact he should involve the Police.
The OP has a despute over ownership. It's not entirly clear but it seems he is saying he has had the caravan for a year. I might have read the thread wrong but that's a long time to be using a caravan if the original owner is about without the original owner noticing don't you think.

The OP said: Hi there I brought a caravan for cash off a haven owner paid them up was in the site for a year

I might be reading this wrong but if the OP was in the site for a year how come the original owner did not find out? Who paid the site fees, electric over the year etc.

Haven will not rent out older vans so this van would have to be fairly new for them to buy it back in which case the amount the OP handed over in cash would be substantial. There is a lot that does not fit together here.
Feb 7, 2025
PROFESSIONAL legal advice I what you need. Many on here are trying to be helpful but its a complicated situation so someone with detailed knowledge is needed.
You are absolutly right and there is a lot you can do yourself to mitigate the cost to yourself.

Did I read that correctly that the OP had the caravan on a Haven site for a year:

OP:..Hi there I brought a caravan for cash off a haven owner paid them up was in the site for a year

Perhaps the OP could clarify?
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Feb 5, 2025
Yes as no one wants to help it’s my own fault as I laid the money out gave it to them as I had no were to live at the time too so didn’t won’t it to go I would never hand over doe I’m normally the one saying don’t do that how
Munchies is a solicitor gonna cost me to do this is it worth getting a solicitor involved in this or is it just gonna cost me more and more money because I’ve already lost 22 1/2 grand?
Feb 5, 2025
Sorry these iPhones keep writing the wrong things for me as I’m doing it in a voice message. How much is is gonna cost
Feb 5, 2025
I have found out people are dodgy who are bought a caravan off and now I’ve heard that the woman didn’t sell the caravan. The caravan got taken for proceeds of crime which I’ve contacted the police and the police is saying it’s rubbish so she’s definitely sold the caravan took my money waiting for the end of the year to finish for the new grand rent couldn’t afford it and sold the caravan again the cheek of it I can’t believe it.
Feb 5, 2025
You are absolutly right and there is a lot you can do yourself to mitigate the cost to yourself.

Did I read that correctly that the OP had the caravan on a Haven site for a year:

OP:..Hi there I brought a caravan for cash off a haven owner paid them up was in the site for a year

Perhaps the OP could clarify?
Yes thats right
Feb 5, 2025
I don't, that's why I said check all documentation incluing the documentation the site has. At this stage you need to see the documentation. At the moment the only claim the site has is the seller did not register the sale with the OP with them.

The OP has said he has a bill of sale, Caravan book and log book. If they are genuine then it seems it's a good chance the OP has the legitimate documentation. Has the caravan site got the log book or a log book? You have inserted a third party here and at the moment there is no evidence one exists or indeed does not exist.

I is highly possible but not proven. For example what about the log book how did a third party get hold of that? At this stage no one has checked the documentation for authentisity.

The OP has a despute over ownership. It's not entirly clear but it seems he is saying he has had the caravan for a year. I might have read the thread wrong but that's a long time to be using a caravan if the original owner is about without the original owner noticing don't you think.

The OP said: Hi there I brought a caravan for cash off a haven owner paid them up was in the site for a year

I might be reading this wrong but if the OP was in the site for a year how come the original owner did not find out? Who paid the site fees, electric over the year etc.

Haven will not rent out older vans so this van would have to be fairly new for them to buy it back in which case the amount the OP handed over in cash would be substantial. There is a lot that does not fit together here.
Yes I brought the caravan couldn’t get hold off the people after I gave them the 22,500 that paid for the caravan and a years ground rent haven new it had to be signed over and was taking long the people who owed the caravan offered them the caravan at first and they didn’t want to pay the money for it so they said I can buy it so I did and now they have brought it bk off them for 11 grand my caravan was 2022 new
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