Bt Synergy 4500 phones

Mar 14, 2005
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i wonder if anyone has the BT 4500 Synergy cordless housephone and if so how they find the battery life when the handset is left off charge

Mine won't last all night without being completely flat
Jun 28, 2007
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Hi John

cant comment on this phone but we've had no end of problems with hand held phones only lasting a short time.

We've got to the point now where we have one just as a nice to have but we've replaced it with an old fashioned 1950's phone , at least now we can still use thephone when the leccie goes off or the handheld dies on us and it looks cool!
Jul 19, 2005
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Hi John

We have a set of 4 BT cordless phones in the house but can not remember actual model. We have had them for a couple of years but found that the one in the Lounge was failing to survive an hour long telephone conversation (going for close to the hour allowed on the unlimited Virgin service is not unusual for Chris when she is chatting to her brother or our daughter).

I tried shuffling batteries between the less heavily used phones and the heavily used ones but this did not help so assumed it was an age issue rather than frequency of use. This seems to have improved the situation (the original batteries were of an unrecognisable name so were undoubtedly bought by the manufacturer purely on price). I additionally purchased a wired telephone that is located in the lounge by the main socket so that there is at least one that will operate when the electricity is interrupted and can not be left in the wrong part of the house (we had a situation where whilst we were away on holiday our son managed to get the kitchen on fire and whilst on the phone to the emergency services was advised to turn off the electricity and lost the use of the telephone)

Dec 23, 2008
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Synergy 4500 phones take 2 AAA Ni-MH batteries according to my search, thats the same as our bt wireless hand set.

I changed our low 500 mAH or so standard supplied batteries to Maplins 1000 Ni-MH batteries.

Problem solved.

Check the mAH rating on the batteries you have in the hand sets, the answer probably lies there. 1000 mAH batteries will last longer.
Mar 14, 2005
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Thanks for the responses

I have contacted the supplier and he is sending new batteries

They are now 700ma but a "Google" gives lots of negative reports on this phone

We have had cordless ones for years(500ma) and they have been Ok

We also have a corded phone dowstairs and one by the bed in case of power cuts etc

We will be near to the supplier next week so if there is no improvemnent with new batteries the phones will have to go back
Mar 14, 2005
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Just to update in case anyone else has the same problems

The new batteries seem to make the phones work OK

But the old batteries are also OK in other phones!!

All seemed well until yesterday when after repeated pressing of the redial button one of the phones locked out

It turns out that its also the on/off button if held down but refused to switch back on!!

Removing batteries etc proved fruitless so another set of older batteries were tried whereupon it worked

And then it worked after putting the non working batteries back

Its now Ok again!!!


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