With the weather being a tadge colder again, and as our central heating boiler is on its last legs, it is 39 years old. I thought I would bring in the gas heater from the garage and use up the last of a 13 kg butane cylinder, which ran out this evening after 4 hours use. I have change the regulator over and now using up the last of a Calorlite so that I can get it refilled, I might get 10 hours of gas usage from the bottle
Thankfully the place I know of ,will replace my Calorlite with a full one for £25, and with my other full Calorlite that will see me through this year's Caravanning.
I have plenty of fresh air entry to the fire, 3 different air bricks, so no problems there, also 2 Co detectors and 4 fire detectors.