caravam club 'dogs' survey

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Sep 5, 2009
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Nice one Shona, perhaps the letter should have been signed ED.
We have a dog and whilst away she knows her manners!never moves from our pitch unless it's walk time,barks very occaisionaly we always carry poo bags and pick up.We visit Clumber park often and most people staying there have a dog or dogs never been troubled with noise or poo.Also we do smoke but never leave butts on the pitch.Just needed to point that out for some of the non smoking posters above.
Jan 5, 2008
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I eventually managed to find the survey - very well hidden! I can't stand dogs but wouldn't necessarily wish to see charges introduced to allow them to stay on CC sites. Despite my looking for the opposite, in fact most dogs I see on site appear to be reasonably well behaved/controlled and only intrude occasionally by barking.I might consider introducing a maximum number,perhaps 3, on any one pitch.

Aug 22, 2009
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I eventually managed to find the survey - very well hidden! I can't stand dogs but wouldn't necessarily wish to see charges introduced to allow them to stay on CC sites. Despite my looking for the opposite, in fact most dogs I see on site appear to be reasonably well behaved/controlled and only intrude occasionally by barking.I might consider introducing a maximum number,perhaps 3, on any one pitch.


I take it you mean 3 dogs per caravan as that seems to be about the ratio that i have observed since joining?

What ever happened to ONE man and his DOG? Seems to me that mny dont get the concept of having a dog but instead nead a team/litter to keep them occupied and most others bewildered.

Before you ask, yes i do love dogs but object to paying my money and hear them bark/whinge/yelp .
Aug 22, 2009
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I take it you mean 3 dogs per caravan as that seems to be about the ratio that i have observed since joining?

What ever happened to ONE man and his DOG? Seems to me that mny dont get the concept of having a dog but instead nead a team/litter to keep them occupied and most others bewildered.

Before you ask, yes i do love dogs but object to paying my money and hear them bark/whinge/yelp .
Just noticed spelling on one or two bits hastily typed. No EDIT facility here!!!!!!!!
Jan 19, 2008
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Darry, you say .... "Before you ask, yes i do love dogs but object to paying my money and hear them bark/whinge/yelp".

Could you do me a favour, and no doubt others on this forum, list the names of the sites where you've heard this "barking,whinging/yelping.

I've been to many, many CC sites over the years and by the law of averages should have heard this noise by now. Strangely I haven't though. I hear the occasional bark from some excited dog on the dog walk but nothing like what's been complained about and neither have I come across any dogs left alone in a caravan. If they have they must have been particularly well behaved that there was no noise.

As has been mentioned, the letter of the month is totally pathetic and the reply from the CC insults our intelligence.


May 25, 2009
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Strange, my rescue mutt is constanly wanting to bark at home, but never on a camp site. ????

If my dog leaves a set of teeth marks on your caravan, I think you can sue me, and my house insurance will pay up (????). But if your child kicks my caravan, leaving a dent, I can't sue you. ????

Jan 2, 2006
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I have just come back from Ross Park in Devon,it is a fantastic site with loads of dog walks and everywhere supplies of dog poo bags.Yet with I suspect 50% of the vans having dogs many were not kept on leads as per the rules some fouled the paths and grass and did not pick up and the van next to us had two boxers which they left in the van all day every day whilst they went out.So much for caring dog owners.
Jan 19, 2008
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I have just come back from Ross Park in Devon,it is a fantastic site with loads of dog walks and everywhere supplies of dog poo bags.Yet with I suspect 50% of the vans having dogs many were not kept on leads as per the rules some fouled the paths and grass and did not pick up and the van next to us had two boxers which they left in the van all day every day whilst they went out.So much for caring dog owners.
I didn't realise Ross Park a CC site.


Mar 14, 2005
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The only problem with the survey and the 'strange' letter the CC purport to have received is let us not forget that there's some anti dog owners out there who have a hatred of dogs for whatever reason. And they are fuelling the fires. The survey should have only been open to CC members.

Sadly, there's some small minded people with caravans who have their own ideas on different breeds of dogs (and are absolutely terrified of them for whatever reason) but instead of admitting their fear, and actually speaking to responsible and capable owners of the breeds they fear the most, they go round making all kinds of accusations.

I appreciate, if you have a certain disability, then sometimes you might get the wrong end of the stick but not all dogs are bad you know.

Us dog owners have to be extremely mindful of these fools.

Nov 14, 2006
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we stayed at the chapel lane caravan site once and it was Crufts week, there were loads of dogs on site but none of them were any bother.

If the c c are planning to start charging for dogs to cover costs for dog walks, I hope they will charge the damn kids extra when they use the dog walks as bike tracks. We stayed at the Leek site, the dog walk is just a slot at the back of some trees about 6 feet wide, not much fun when you meet two kids bombing at you. The site at Malvern, lovely dog walk..again kids use it as a bike track.

rant over.

Mar 14, 2005
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Do forum members consider that a possible cause for this anti social behavier of dog owners may be due to them not being cc or ccc members. Some of the site in the networks are open to all comers, so you could get a caravan owner and not a caravenner on site, just a thought. Bazz.
Jan 14, 2009
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im very interested to see what comes of all this as my wife and recently got our caravan with the sole intention of holidaying with our dog.

and i understand very well peoples aprehensions of some dogs (mine is a very soft lap dog rottweiler lol) who i admit is a large dog but with that in mind i am more alert (i think) to making sure he is well behaved and under control.

even so i was recently told to leave billing aquadrome (was there for a land rover show with out the caravan) simply because of his breed!!

i hope the cc dosent go down this route as i would sell my van before changing my dog!!!

Jan 19, 2008
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After the 'Star Letter' complaining about dogs when at the same having a census about dogs which surprisingly is open to non members I find it strange that there's no mention of this in the latest club magazine.

Like someone else mentioned, the 'Star Letter' was a bit dubious and I think the club have been caught out with it's cacks around it's ankles. The whole episode stinks, even worse than dogdumps.

I cannot believe for one minute that there would be NO responses to either the letter or census.
Jun 20, 2005
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Darryl said

"What ever happened to ONE man and his DOG? Seems to me that mny dont get the concept of having a dog but instead nead a team/litter to keep them occupied and most others bewildered.

Before you ask, yes i do love dogs but object to paying my money and hear them bark/whinge/yelp ."

I echo Lord B's comments on the above last paragraph . No doubt we will eventually find out where these "barking mad" locations are.

As for one man and his dog , so what if I have more than one?? Is it a problem?? My two are sisters and have never been apart from the day they were born.

Darryl this isn't China where you can only have one of everything eg child. Rule Britannia and all her dogs.




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