Caravan Club Service

Mar 14, 2005
Phoned the CC yesterday. I am a mmber and wished to book a site but they have not managed to get the on-line booking facility funtioning yet. Phoned and it was answered with a recorded message 'We are experiencing a high level of calls at present please call back later' and the line cut off. Tried again later same thing and again even later same thing. Fourth time and hey a person answering so that I could make my booking. There was never the 'leave us your number and we will phone back. If this was a dealer I would assume that they did not want my custom as this is extremely poor customer relations - so why should I put up with it from a so called 'Club' that I have to pay to be a member of????
Mar 14, 2005
Can't see why CC are having all this trouble getting on line booking up and running,

C&CC have their's working OK,

Just used it for first time -very easy. I belong to both clubs.
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Paul

I had a very bad experiance with the caravan club a few years ago I was refused entry to a club site because I had a folding Caravan it was a quiet time of the year early so loads of empty spaces, even though I had my membership card It makes no diference this site is for proper caravans only,

I did find an other site not far from there wich was a Caravan and Camping club site no problem what so ever. I joined the C&C then in 1970, they can't be bettered. when we returned home I wrote to the Caravan club to make a complaint, after about three months I got an anwer all they said was that it is up to the owner. I did not recieve any refund, as that was my first year as members it was disgusting, so my friend I highly recomend the Caravan and Camping club for the best service to campers.

Happy camping

Mar 14, 2005
Hi Paul

I had a very bad experiance with the caravan club a few years ago I was refused entry to a club site because I had a folding Caravan it was a quiet time of the year early so loads of empty spaces, even though I had my membership card It makes no diference this site is for proper caravans only,

I did find an other site not far from there wich was a Caravan and Camping club site no problem what so ever. I joined the C&C then in 1970, they can't be bettered. when we returned home I wrote to the Caravan club to make a complaint, after about three months I got an anwer all they said was that it is up to the owner. I did not recieve any refund, as that was my first year as members it was disgusting, so my friend I highly recomend the Caravan and Camping club for the best service to campers.

Happy camping

Mar 14, 2005
I had to make three attempts to get through to the advance booking service to book my holidays, but what's the problem? I am not the only member and I don't expect someone waiting there just for my call. How about a little bit of patience. I have been a member for five years and have always been very happy with the first class service I have recieved. There seems to be getting to many Victor Meldrews in this world these days, far to eager to critisize and complain.
Mar 14, 2005
You don't have to put up with it! you can terminate your membership; the choice is yours. As for me I will tolerate the odd "hiccup" for the excellent service the Caravan Club provides. Life really is too short to get in a huff about such trivia.
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Paul

I also would prefer to be given the opportunity to wait in a queue and book when someone is available. When you ring back you are back to the end of the queue, and may not have the time to make numerous calls.

Regards Jim
Mar 14, 2005
I am very sorry to hear that you have had an unhappy experience with the Club. We have been members now for many years and I have yet to encounter a problem. I find their service is excellent. The people you speak to are quiet, polite and very understanding. At least you do speak to a person who knows what you are talking about. For many other business calls you often end up talking to someone in India who seems to have no idea of what you are talking about. I find the Caravan Club excellent!!!!!

Happy travels BarryB
Mar 14, 2005
Don't air your dirty washing in public Practical caravan people love it when you have a pop at the CC. Ring the CC and complain...when you get through !
Aug 4, 2004
The when you do eventually get through, the site is fully booked and they cannot tell you whether there is another CCb in the vicinity with available spaces. Probably full of non-members. Not the fault of the person answering, just the system.
Mar 14, 2005
I think you hit a particularly busy time. I phoned this morning (Monday) and had to wait a few minutes for an answer. After that I was dealt with very courteously and, more to the point, booked my ferry crossing at a considerable saving to any other quotes I had received. The membership is well worth the money and a short wait on the telephone!
Mar 14, 2005
Call me old fashioned, but I object to automated phone systems that keep you hanging on whilst "We are trying to conncetd you" and " Your call is important to us". How much time do you waste waiting for them to answer, and don't forget that in many cases you are paying for the call often at inflated rates. Oh for the engaged tone!
Mar 14, 2005
The Caravan Club is like many organisations in that some things it does well, some things it does less well. For example, their sites are very well developed and managed, yet I can't help feeling they have been slow, say, in adding some of the facilities that you get on the better commercial sites. But then I guess they cater for their market, which I assume to be over 50's childless dog owners!
Aug 4, 2004
And what is wrong with being an over 50s childless dog owner? We use their dog walks but we don't use the play parks that many sites have.
Mar 14, 2005
I'm not a member of the CC yet and I tried to check on the availability of a site during the spring bank hoiliday (which also claims to accept non-members). To check availability I need to be a member but I don't necessarilly want to join the CC if the site in question is not available at the time I want - Catch 22. However, I would have thought that such a large organisation could help me out in the hope that I may then join their club. It seems to me that they don't really care one way or the other. The attitude was "that's the situation, take it or leave it" - I'll probably be leaving it.
Mar 14, 2005
Not quite sure I am prepared to 'wear' the Victor Meldrew cap. Within this forum I have praised the dealer that I bought my last caravan from and also paised the manufacturer - we are on our 3rd new van from the same manufacturer since 2001. In addition, if I receive good service from an organisation I will sometimes telephone and compliment the company on the service - admittedly this does seem to throw some of them. Criticism is important, or should be to any organisation, whether negative or positive. Whilst I agree that overall the sites are excellent, and yes Tony, I do now fall into your categorisation, feel that the telephone 'system' is below par. For someone wishing to join this might be the initial contact with the club. The result might be that they join the C&CC instead. I do not see why I should put up with bad service so as not to be labelled Victor Meldrew. There are plenty of organisations who take advantage of the British way of not complaining - just look at the threads o this forum about the shoddy quality of some new caravans and dealers who will do all that they can not to fulfill their legal obligations. So I say be critical, whether it be positive or negative. PS the positives referred to above are Orpington Caravans and Bailey.


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