caravan security systems

Jul 5, 2007
I have just purchased my first caravan along with milenco wheel clamp and alko hitch lock. I have seen adverts for caravan alarms in various magazines but have not met anyone with a caravan alarm yet. Are they succesful, what system if any should we buy and is it best to have it installed by a dealer. Any thoughts thanks John.
Mar 14, 2005
You may find your insurance company demands an alarm or at least will give you a discount for having one (CC does)

I've fitted the SAS alarm at around
Apr 21, 2007
depends on where you store the caravan. on some storage sites caravan alarms will not be heard ok if parked outside your house. when we purchased our new van te dealer told us if we stored van anywhere other than our front door dont put on alarm, but make sure you have plenty of clamps.
Nov 6, 2006
Hello Jason

This subject is rather like the question of stabilisers. You shouldn't need one, until something goes wrong and you then wish you had one. We did have a break in on site at a classic car rally, but the alarm went off, and nothing was stolen-so from my perspective they do work. I should imagine that the would be thief would be a bit more wary of caravns after that.

My insurance is with the Caravan Club, who insist that the alarm is set even when in storage-so do check this point.

Trouble is, there is a tendency to take more and more technology and this is attractive to lowlife, but in the end only you can assess the risk


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