Caravan tyres

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Mar 14, 2005
Tyre bands are not a common feature on vehicles and trailers, because there is no published evidence of them being a significant safety benefit for normal drivers. The accepted advice if you have a flat tyre is to stop and get it changed. It is not to drive on.

If tyre bands did offer any universal safety benefit, we would see them being a legislated requirement, like seat belts, and dual circuit brakes and ABS. Tyre bands have been around long enough but clearly have not been shown or proven to be of any added safety value for normal drivers.

Tyre bands have a niche market, which limits their application. The band manufactures have tried to expand the niche by offering staged and highly biased unscientific marketing material, which does not stand up to even modest scrutiny, but aims to play on the irrational fear factor.
Nov 16, 2015
We had Tyron bands on our last caravan but we never got a puncture if we did i would have got a tyre fitter out to change it
The trouble is although you change the wheel and tyre, most fitters do not have the tooling to remove the Tyron band, when I had my caravan tyres replaced, the mobile Quick fit lad had to come from Almost 50 miles away as he was the closest lad that had done the course, in the end I had to remove and refit the bands myself as he didn't have the correct Allen keys in his van to do the job. Easy to do if you have the tools and the knowledge,


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