Caravan wanted

Apr 17, 2008
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We have 3 young children and are trying to find a caravan to suit our needs. We are preferably looking for a single axle caravan with 2 or 3 fixed bunks. Considering the Adria altea, Geist,Dethleffs and Bailey. Has anyone got one for sale or knows of something suitable at a dealer? Cash waiting.
Sep 17, 2009
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Be very carefull about buying an imported van. Resale values are poor, dealers don't like them, parts can be difficult to get and some insurance companies will not accept them so stick with Bailey or look at next years Sprite.
Jul 1, 2009
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hi david hard to say depends on you cash flow adria have good bunks but you need to keep it resale is poor sprite major 5 is good cheeper as its been replaced major 6 is good as well


May 24, 2006
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It makes me laugh when I read that "imported" vans are hard to get rid of, difficult to insure etc. I have had a German Hymers for the last 2 caravans - before that I had a Explorer group caravans. With 2 boys and lots of holidays in the van I would never recommend a UK spec van. It fell apart. (I had 2 of them).

German/French etc vans are not "IMPORTED". They are UK registered and UK spec'd. WIth electric points as Uk. With Truma fires as Uk. Even the toilets are the same. Amazing I know. But my door is on "the other side". I will always stick up for German vans - I believe they are more sturdy and wear better. Another thing with them - the decals do not change every year so you do not have to keep up with the joneses or nobody knows you've got last years model. Get in a caravan and tug at it - swing on the doors like a child would do and give it a good going over. My kids have and it's still in one piece. remeber a microwave is not the be all and end all in a caravan - having one that lasts is. Cheers
Apr 25, 2008
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It makes me laugh when I read that "imported" vans are hard to get rid of, difficult to insure etc. I have had a German Hymers for the last 2 caravans - before that I had a Explorer group caravans. With 2 boys and lots of holidays in the van I would never recommend a UK spec van. It fell apart. (I had 2 of them).

German/French etc vans are not "IMPORTED". They are UK registered and UK spec'd. WIth electric points as Uk. With Truma fires as Uk. Even the toilets are the same. Amazing I know. But my door is on "the other side". I will always stick up for German vans - I believe they are more sturdy and wear better. Another thing with them - the decals do not change every year so you do not have to keep up with the joneses or nobody knows you've got last years model. Get in a caravan and tug at it - swing on the doors like a child would do and give it a good going over. My kids have and it's still in one piece. remeber a microwave is not the be all and end all in a caravan - having one that lasts is. Cheers
I agree german vans are far better built than uk vans and had no trouble selling,insuring them. Allen
Apr 25, 2008
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Hi David,

Try they have a reasonable selection of german vans.They are much better value for money compared to uk vans,they use the same equipment as the uk vans but put it together much better.
May 21, 2008
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I totally agree with Mandy. the quality of British vans are fairly rubbish compared with european. We bought an Adria Altea 2007 and have been extremely pleased with the size of bunks (2 teenage children) and the quality. Our other choice was a Bailey and we are so pleased we did not buy it they are poor in comparison.


It all depends on your budget. Usually you will get more van for your bucks from the European manufactuers, however, because they are often viewed with suspicion over here, they can sometimes be difficult to trade on. If however, you are buying from a dealer in that make, then usually no problem. However, as mentioned they are supplied to full UK specifications and so you need have no fears on that score. EU vans can range from the cheap end of the market right through to the very top end, as mentioned by Hymers etc. Adria make excellent vans and have a big dealer network here and so do have a look at them.

Spares are always an issue with any van. Just look at the comments on this Forum regarding some so called classy UK vans. As fashions seem to change every year getting even small parts can be a struggle, although obviously the UK market has more availability.

We have a EU van with the door on the 'correct side' for us as we use it in Europe most of the time. It was a cheapie but the fittings are superior to more expensive UK vans and it tows far better. It does not have an oven, which is as we like it. We have more storage space.

As far as bunk models are concerend I suspect you will find more choice in the EU market as they like those types of vans. The UK does do them but are more limited. Also 5 and 6 berth vans here are often pretty heavy, or even worse, have very low payloads and cannot reeally accomodate all the people they are designed for. Kids require a lot of kit. The EU models are more 'child friendly' in as such they do not have fitted carpets and so are easier to keep clean. They also have less 'twiddly bits' which are better with children.

Go to one of the big Shows and have a look at what is available before making your mind up. Then visit the dealerships for the models you like and really try the van out to ensure it is what you want.
Aug 23, 2009
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We use the amara 560/6 not being produced this year. The new amara 570/6 however has the same layout as the triple bunkers but does it with two fixed instead, that provides a less cloustrophobic environment for children and no child is on the floor. Were hoping to change this year but plans changed sorry
Jul 1, 2009
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hi live next to elite vans hes good but dont always take them back for trade in he sold friend a tec bot wont take it back because they are niit selling new ones any more


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