CCC Club site prices

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Sep 29, 2016
Guess I will continue to use from now on, don't know how they make their money, but I would be happy to be a donator for their services.

OH! I almost forgot why I am posting this, just today I was kicked off Photobucket : :p , it would only have been a matter of time before I ordered some prints ( I have few images on their site at this time), no resentment on my part as I was "using them" for posting images in the meantime.

I generally wait until I have 500 or so pics for printing before placing an order, good discounts on that level of purchase from most providers.

And yes,my house is heavy with photo albums (my wife won't go digital viewing), and she is correct in her opinion, a hard copy photo album remains the most personalintimate viewer all being said and done.
Sep 29, 2016
thedoog1 said:
Hi, we have just had an email from Sandy Balls with an offer of 28th Aug for 4 nights only £276!!!!!!!

A week in the sun including accommodation and electricity and running water and waste disposal and flights can still be had for that price, and someone cleans your room and changes bedding and replaces towels etc. some things do not equate :huh: .
Jul 18, 2017
Prices are always going to be sky high in high season,but lots of bargains to be had out of season.We are off to sandy balls for bonfire night(4 nights) for £60,for a family of four,fully serviced pitch and pool/facilities can't argue with that.
Sep 29, 2016
Brasso530 said:
Prices are always going to be sky high in high season,but lots of bargains to be had out of season.We are off to sandy balls for bonfire night(4 nights) for £60,for a family of four,fully serviced pitch and pool/facilities can't argue with that.

Well done, enjoy.

:) :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Jul 18, 2017
We've never done the cl/cs bit,as with two near teenage kids it's easier to do commercial sites with free wifi for most breaks,using camc club sites out of season (kids only £1)and kids can survive(just) with no wifi.
Got to say I know it's not for everyone but if the camc want to entice the younger generation to caravaning,then they better offer free or a lot better wifi.
Jun 19, 2016
Tukums said:
WoodlandsCamper said:
Which 3rd party hosting facility are the last 2 posters using?

I use Flickr, free with 1TB storage,

Dustydog said:
With thanks to Kev I now use
WoodlandsCamper said:
Which 3rd party hosting facility are the last 2 posters using?

OT, but the problem is as more people move from now paid for services to free ones in all liklyhood they will simply have to follow Photobuckets lead.
Jun 19, 2016
Brasso530 said:
We've never done the cl/cs bit,as with two near teenage kids it's easier to do commercial sites with free wifi for most breaks,using camc club sites out of season (kids only £1)and kids can survive(just) with no wifi.
Got to say I know it's not for everyone but if the camc want to entice the younger generation to caravaning,then they better offer free or a lot better wifi.

Or you educate your kids there is life without the internet for a few days.


May 7, 2005
Mogwyth said:
Brasso530 said:
We've never done the cl/cs bit,as with two near teenage kids it's easier to do commercial sites with free wifi for most breaks,using camc club sites out of season (kids only £1)and kids can survive(just) with no wifi.
Got to say I know it's not for everyone but if the camc want to entice the younger generation to caravaning,then they better offer free or a lot better wifi.

Or you educate your kids there is life without the internet for a few days.

Somehow I think providing decent wifi is going to prove a very much easier, and an achievable task than redirecting our kids, plus a lot of us older "kids" off access to the internet, it is 2017 already!.
Aug 9, 2010
thedoog1 said:
Hi, we have just had an email from Sandy Balls with an offer of 28th Aug for 4 nights only £276!!!!!!!
Doog, I'm sure you did the right thing there, and voted with your tyres!
Last time I was quoted that sort of price was in Belgium. I told the site owner of the site i went to about 5km away. He went and put up a sign for his site at €17 per night, just before their entrance!
Mar 24, 2014
To be fair to Sandy Balls we have used them in low season, this year fully serviced pitch is £15 per night low season, which with their facilities is a good price.
Oct 3, 2013
You must remember the CCC and the Caravan Club are both businesses and are in business to make profits."club" in my view is only to make you think they are run by members for members and put all profits back into the "club" to improve sites and keep prices down.
We are a member of the caravan club and find their prices are in some cases equal to or more than commercial sites that offer more facilities and we are gradually using more commercial sites when in the past our first choice was "club" sites.
Mar 8, 2017
bertieboy1 said:
You must remember the CCC and the Caravan Club are both businesses and are in business to make profits."club" in my view is only to make you think they are run by members for members and put all profits back into the "club" to improve sites and keep prices down.
We are a member of the caravan club and find their prices are in some cases equal to or more than commercial sites that offer more facilities and we are gradually using more commercial sites when in the past our first choice was "club" sites.

An interesting line of thought. Who has the profits, do you know as I would be interested to know too.
Jun 19, 2016
bertieboy1 said:
You must remember the CCC and the Caravan Club are both businesses and are in business to make profits."club" in my view is only to make you think they are run by members for members and put all profits back into the "club" to improve sites and keep prices down.

Not sure how you work that out, both organisation are membership organisations, there are no shareholders ect to siphon of profits, so where do you think it goes...

The C&CC actually state on their website "The Club is a not-for-profit organisation, which means that every penny spent with us is invested back into improving facilities and services for our members."
May 15, 2010
You raise some very interesting points,Mogwyth. Where does the money go?
If the Club is run efficiently and there are no shareholders, then it seems reasonable to assume that Club sites should be cheaper that private sites.
Mar 13, 2007
i think some have this pricing thing the wrong way round. it's not a case of charging more in high season more of a case in discounting out of season. when the sites are quite and revenue the lowest.
if you must go high season you pay the going rate. one of the pleasures of a tourer is being able to actually move so why go to the most popular sites near attractions that charge the most. a site 5 miles away and less popular is often half the price. vote with your feet people and commute.
Feb 5, 2017
I don't know where these prices are coming from, I have compared many commercial sites with C&CC sites and find few that match on price. As a check I just looked at Sandy Balls and 5 nights for 2 adults from the 8 August came to £277 pounds. Around that time I will be going to Tavistock for 5 nights the cost is £99 (admittedly less facilities, but has all we need) Other C&CC sites would work out at around £130 for 5 nights 2 adults.

As a long standing member and being over 60 I do often get a concession price but in high season they are not normally available. I use C&CC sites because I have confidence in them meeting standards not always assured on commercial sites. Some sites are excellent with superb modern facilities others may be a little tired and in need of updating but they have always been clean and functional.
May 7, 2012
oldagetraveller1 said:
You raise some very interesting points,Mogwyth. Where does the money go?
If the Club is run efficiently and there are no shareholders, then it seems reasonable to assume that Club sites should be cheaper that private sites.

The club sites are not more expensive than similar sites run by commercial organisations. In general the sites that undercut them by a reasonable amount are family run and do not have to carry the overheads of a larger organisation and can vary working hours as they wish and exceed the statutory limits that employees have to abide by. The charges can still be lower than many private sites and represent reasonable value in my opinion.
The clubs do have to run at a profit to survive, but these are generally ploughed back into the business to the benefit of members. Having said that the C&CC made a profit of over £4.000,000 on a turnover of under £60,000,000 which is surprisingly high while the CC makes a similar figure from twice the income so maybe the C&CC might need to look at that. If you look at the last issue of the magazine you will find that two sites similar to club ones on facilities were more expensive than the club sites quoted.
Jun 19, 2016
Not for for profit organisations can be be limited companies and have directors, I sit on the board of several community cooperatives we are limited companies but the organisation is owned by its members. There are two types of private limited companies, those with shareholders and those limited by guarantee, community organisations and clubs are usually the latter but not always,.

Have a read here:
May 7, 2012
Both clubs are companies limited by guarantee and the company is owned by the unincorporated body which was the original club. Among other things this protects the membership should the club go into liquidation when in theory the members would be responsible for any debts.


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