Cost of fuel

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Jan 3, 2012
My son does a lot of travelling for the company he works for often down south and up north but they help to pay for the fuel he uses
Jul 18, 2017
Just put nearly £75 quids worth in my Tucson and that garage was cheaper than most. Now diesel is about 50% more than not so long ago! Good job I don't do a stack of mileage and am not driving for a living and feel sorry for those who are.
We normally use the Jeep at least twice a week as it is very comfortable. However we will be using the Corolla auto as still gets over 40mpg for a 25 year old car. Keep use of Jeep for bad weather, long distance and towing until fuel prices drop a bit as £1.53 for a litre of diesel is pricy! Unleaded price is not far behind though!
Nov 16, 2015
In our area, Beds / Bucks, the petrol is about 2 to 3 pence a litre lower than Diesel.
May 7, 2012
Not sure how they do it but a BP petrol station near us has petrol at £142.9 and diesel at £146 .9 which is cheaper than the supermarkets. They are selling a lot though so may be that is the secret.
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Jan 3, 2012
We use my wife car a Mitsubishi Colt all the time it cheap to run on petrol and it cheaper than diesel
Jan 3, 2012
I filled my car up yesterday price for diesel £149.9 a lot of the pumps were not in use must be waiting for a delivery
Nov 11, 2009
Going to Coventry yesterday the most expensive that I saw was at 152.9 for petrol. Even in Coventry a local Shell was 148.9, and an ASDA on the A46 just off the motorway was more expensive than my fill up at home with Esso. “Grateful of Wiltshire” is me despite an enormous diversion from Cirencester with the Fosse northbound closed once again for works. You could spend a month touring Britain on an endless “ linked” series of yellow diversion signs. Heavens help any overseas visitors who would find it confusing as to where one ends and the next begins.
Jul 18, 2017
Going to Coventry yesterday the most expensive that I saw was at 152.9 for petrol. Even in Coventry a local Shell was 148.9, and an ASDA on the A46 just off the motorway was more expensive than my fill up at home with Esso. “Grateful of Wiltshire” is me despite an enormous diversion from Cirencester with the Fosse northbound closed once again for works. You could spend a month touring Britain on an endless “ linked” series of yellow diversion signs. Heavens help any overseas visitors who would find it confusing as to where one ends and the next begins.
Even more annoying is when they have a lane closed off for a considerable distance with stop go traffic and there are only one or tow people wandering around seemingly doing nothing in particular.
A few years ago we had a main road to a small town blocked off for 3 days. Detour was several miles. In those 3 days we never saw a single workmen and they did absolutely nothing to the road?
Quite often on a motorway they will have a lane closed for a few miles, but only working on a small section of the road. Surely just a half a mile or maybe a mile before the activity area would have been adequate?
May 7, 2012
According to todays Mail we ae being ripped of on the price. The wholesale price has gone down by about 3p a litre but the pump price has normally gone up by about the same amount over the last week.
Nov 11, 2009
I think it’s worse Ray.

I have signed this petition. Not only are we being fleeced Bojo is taking more than his fair share on fuel duty and the VAT.
I support the petition on the grounds it gives more visibility to peoples dissatisfaction with the fuel retailers practices. Although CMA have looked at it before and basically concluded that whilst response to oil price variations was definitely skewed, the retailers weren’t actually breaking any laws, and there was a basis for competition in most areas. Problem being no one wants to be first in reducing their price. Best we can hope for in the short term is a “ Christmas gift” from ASDA. ⛽️🤶
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Mar 14, 2005
I think it’s worse Ray.

I have signed this petition. Not only are we being fleeced Bojo is taking more than his fair share on fuel duty and the VAT.

The fuel duty is a set sum per litre and that has not been increased now for several review periods. the VAT is set percentage, so the Govt is only taking what they are due, Its the oil barons that are pushing the price up not the Government.
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May 23, 2021
The astonishing issue to me is the price of crude now compared to the price when the UK price of diesel broke through the £1/1L barrier. Crude and the value Sterling were what pushed the price of fuel up, according to what we were told then. Now, we are told the relatively low price of crude is not it. Someone is taking the Mickey. We don't do much mileage so not bothered too much, but It's simply not fair, is it?
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Jul 18, 2017
Still price of Esso diesel is £1.49.9
Had to put in £10 yesterday and the cost per litre for unleaded was £1.549!
The fuel duty is a set sum per litre and that has not been increased now for several review periods. the VAT is set percentage, so the Govt is only taking what they are due, Its the oil barons that are pushing the price up not the Government.
In addition I don't think that is the official gov website for petitions? I wonder if they are they harvesting email addresses?
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Mar 14, 2005
Whilst not directly related to caravanning, I know a mention of JCB's intention to move to H2 power for its larger earthmoving equipment has already been linked somewhere on teh forum, but here is a more up to date and very informative video about where JCB see this going, and why particularly why H2 suits their products over battery EV's and Fuel cells.

We can see from this how H2 is unlikely to become a mainstream private vehicle fuel as its support structure suits more of a fleet type operation.

Nov 16, 2015
Remember, vechiles went from Diesel to Electric, steam and then petrol , back to electric, , mini Nuclear, power unit,
Jul 18, 2017
Remember, vehicles went from Diesel to Electric, steam and then petrol , back to electric, , mini Nuclear, power unit,
Nope, petrol engine first, then steam vehicle followed by electric vehicles and then finally diesel engines. The 1st production electric car was in 1884. Diesel engine came about in 1897 and weren't used in cars until about 1933 when it was used in a production Citroen.
It seems the the ICE engine has been around for over a thousand years? See here. However thank you for bringing it up as found reading up the history of the different engines fascinating and never realised how old these engines really were. 👍:D
Nov 6, 2005
In another recent thread one contributor again made a statement about how he believes EV's do not offer benefits to the environment, which implies that he believes ICE vehicles are better. This is despite numerous previous postings linking to well regarded organisations who have done detailed research which points to the whole life cycle EV's as
Careful - some do-gooder might suggest banning caravans to reduce the CO2 from IC vehicles - personally I think all commuting by car should be replaced by public transport, but I'm biased.
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Jul 18, 2017
I think you have misunderstood the previous comment and I am not sure why you keep dredging up old posts that the moderators have closed down. I think most of us have moved past the EV issues as they have been done to death.
Just in case you missed it, the thread is about the cost of fuel and not EVs. :rolleyes:
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Nov 16, 2015
Careful - some do-gooder might suggest banning caravans to reduce the CO2 from IC vehicles - personally I think all commuting by car should be replaced by public transport, but I'm biased.
The Milton Keynes council have removed most bus services to the outlaying villages and replaced them with 8 person people carrieers that you have to "book" they don't always turn up, OAP's don't always have smart phones or know how to contact these, carriers. .
But our rates are still very high. Oh but we have three different electric scooter suppliers that we can hire. And just leave anywhere you want to. Kids on them , no helmets, your supposed to have a driving licence. Lots out side the schools.

Sam Vimes

Sep 7, 2020
There are numerous threads on this forum in which posts deviate somewhat from the original topic. Equally there are numberous threads in which the same topic appears to be repeated.

Most go unchallenged.

If people have a problem with devaiations or repetitions then the best thing is to ignore it or politely inquire why this is being raised again. There may be a reason you haven't thought of.

The use of Block Capital words on a forum is the equivelant of shouting and I'm sure this is not something we would do if having a face to face conversation so please lets not do this here.

We are all here to discuss and learn in a friendly environment so lets keep it that way.
Jul 18, 2017
There are numerous threads on this forum in which posts deviate somewhat from the original topic. Equally there are numberous threads in which the same topic appears to be repeated.

Most go unchallenged.

If people have a problem with devaiations or repetitions then the best thing is to ignore it or politely inquire why this is being raised again. There may be a reason you haven't thought of.

The use of Block Capital words on a forum is the equivelant of shouting and I'm sure this is not something we would do if having a face to face conversation so please lets not do this here.

We are all here to discuss and learn in a friendly environment so lets keep it that way.

However we have had threads locked due to discussions deviating to EVs which have been done to death. The post ap;pear to be a direct challenge to an earlier post by myself, but I have no wish to carry on debating EVs as I am sure others are also bored with the repetitive EV discussions.
I have edited and removed the caps so no longer shouting as hopefully I got across the message. No one minds deviations etc, but if it is always back to the same subject it gets boring and not fun any more. :D
Jun 20, 2005
I too am bored with EV things. I understand what they are . Strange no one keeps banging on how great ICEs are and how they enable the less well off to continue enjoying caravanning.
The current world issues have revealed how vulnerable we are when reliant on other countries for energy. At last HMG and others are looking to redevelop our use of fossil fuels , which we have in abundance. Centrica at a cost of £2.4 billion are recommissioning a massive gas storage plant. It should never have bee closed because of green pressures.

As I and others have said before the abandonment of fossil fuels was 30 years too early resulting in the current crisis.
Apologies now for this deviation but the “Cost of Fuel” is hurting🤬


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