colin, I'm sorry - I just re-read my reply and I do sound like a ranting harpy, I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to sound like some mothers rights eco warrior. I don't have to use the parent bays - if I'm honest, I can manage in a normal bay, of course - like I do in multi-storey car parks etc, it just makes life so much easier when there are wider bays for parents/children. I do stand by my original opinion, that the parent/child bays, where provided, should be moved away from the store entrance - it would solve a lot of issues and hopefully keep everyone happy. I won't move to a hill, I'll take off my hair shirt and I'll stop being so tetchy, it's late, I'm tired, I have a smelly awning to contend with tomorrow and a husband who expects me to do so wearing nothing but a skimpy stripper costume - please bear with me and accept my apologies for sounding off!