disabled parking

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Mar 14, 2005
colin, I'm sorry - I just re-read my reply and I do sound like a ranting harpy, I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to sound like some mothers rights eco warrior. I don't have to use the parent bays - if I'm honest, I can manage in a normal bay, of course - like I do in multi-storey car parks etc, it just makes life so much easier when there are wider bays for parents/children. I do stand by my original opinion, that the parent/child bays, where provided, should be moved away from the store entrance - it would solve a lot of issues and hopefully keep everyone happy. I won't move to a hill, I'll take off my hair shirt and I'll stop being so tetchy, it's late, I'm tired, I have a smelly awning to contend with tomorrow and a husband who expects me to do so wearing nothing but a skimpy stripper costume - please bear with me and accept my apologies for sounding off!
What a wonderful image you have now conjured up - a cross between a Nigela Lawson/Kelly Brook/Carol Thatcher look a like in a skimpy wet outfit - oh my God my dicky heart. When you change the van for a newer van keep the old one and use it in the garden for the chikens/pigs/goats as I also have a mental image of "The Good Life" scenario.
Sep 14, 2007
What a wonderful image you have now conjured up - a cross between a Nigela Lawson/Kelly Brook/Carol Thatcher look a like in a skimpy wet outfit - oh my God my dicky heart. When you change the van for a newer van keep the old one and use it in the garden for the chikens/pigs/goats as I also have a mental image of "The Good Life" scenario.
good idea, although I'm sure we already have critters living in the van, mould, mildew and rot - they don't provide eggs or milk but they stink up the place as much as chickens, goats and pigs! I could go for tom good in a hand knitted cardi actually......
May 12, 2006
Simple answer to all of this thread would be these spaces are not required.

" buy online " all major Supermakets offer this service. Groceries delivered to your door, afterall if you are disabled enough to require special parking I would have thought it would be a relief to have everything delivered to your door. The same goes for parents with special parking bays etc.

Plus buying online stops impulsive purchases.

Val & Frank
Aug 30, 2007
I agree Frank - it is "greener" too - apart from the huge number of plastic bags Tesco's uses. We much prefer it.

However, my MiL who is disabled says that shopping is a "treat" to here and she loves it and does not want it delivered.

So my idea is to ban all normal parking bays, make them ALL disabled bays so that the able bodied sit at home and buy on line and leave those with disabled badges to do the shopping.

That way I could stay in, watch the Rugby, fiddle with my classic car, have a doze - and NEVER have to go ruddy shopping again!
Jul 25, 2007
COLIN (BRIDGEND) Indicates that he knows of someone who clearly appears to be abusing the Blue Badge scheme so ......... report them to the relevant County Council (they issue the badge).

It is clear that so many people are happy to moan about something (not just blue badges) BUT are not prepared to act.

As I have said somewhere else in these forums, the problem is that the silent majority are SILENT.

If we started to speak up and report those who abuse the systems perhaps something would be done about it.

I do not mean to offend anyone here, just trying to make a point.

Mar 14, 2005
Meister I only know their Christian names and the district where they live - they are friends of a friend and we have only met them once. If I could obtain more detailed information I would certainly as it really annoys me the number of scroungers in this country.

**Totally off topic comment removed**Mod2
Mar 13, 2007
hi all

seen today with my own eyes "no lies"

blue renault clio parked outside wife's shop for 3hrs+ in a 30min limit area with blue badge in window?

so what nothing wrong with that is there!! no of course not UNTILL,

five youths aged about 18 got back to the car RUNNING down the street with bags full of shopping piled in the car and zoomed off with loud music and even louder exaust the driver negotiating a reversing manover with moblie phone in one hand and a cornish pastie in the other


Mar 14, 2005
Meister I only know their Christian names and the district where they live - they are friends of a friend and we have only met them once. If I could obtain more detailed information I would certainly as it really annoys me the number of scroungers in this country.

**Totally off topic comment removed**Mod2
what comments did I make that required deleting? I cannot remember being offensive at any time.
Apr 11, 2005
This is a hard one

A lot of time we have been out shopping get a lot of funny looks and had thing said to use as well as people do not under stand jump to the wrong thing. I under stand that it dues seem that a lot of people do use the bays in the wrong ways and I would love the who do use it wrong be charge but it come to were do you draw the line.

So of it mite sound wrong with what I said but a lot of the time we have had things said and the looks that we had you do not now how it makes use feel a lot of time.

Feb 15, 2006
hi, i havent read all the messages but id just like to make a point.

you dont have to be in a wheelchair to qualify for a blue badge.

you can have cancer, have M/S, you can have scoliosis of the spine, a deformed club foot thats three sizes smaller with a leg that has muscle wasting and is three inches shorter and be wearing a splint and raised shoe.

so having a go at people that arnt in wheelchairs could be the ones that have cancer or M/S or have other mobility problems that qualify.

i understand that the ones that jump out and shoot to the cash machine and dont give to hoots about the space because they are just lazy there the ones we should be reporting.

one day you might have a go at someone who is displaying a badge and they might have cancer or M/S and there would you put yourself in the hole that swallows you up.

Jul 6, 2007
Just heard on BBC News that Asda are to start fineing people without badges parking in Disabled Bays 60 pounds.How it will be done we will have to wait & see.Our local sainsburys is a council run car park,with money back when you spend more than 5 pounds in shop,maybe Asda is the same.
Mar 13, 2007
hi jo-anne and mark

the purpose of my post was to demonstrate as we have all seen on many occasions the abuse of the badge system which is badly in need of a good shakeup and overhaul.

if the youg man in question was indeed disabled which I doubt,

the very fact that he was able to run back to the car with his mates carrying shoppping 2mins before the 3hrs limit on the badge ran out and then zoomed off in a boy racer type clio with his hands full obviously did not need a blue badge??.whether he had ms cancer or a club foot.

the fact that the photo of the disabled person is on the back of the badge and not on the front adds to the possiblity of abuse, after all anyone who avoids paying a parking fee or parks longer than the sign allows (in this case 30mins) by the use of a blue badge is committing an offence but nothing is ever done about it.

try doing the same with out a badge
Apr 11, 2005
Hi Colin-Yorkshire

We have been to place where they do ask to look at the back of the blue badge to see if the person is in the car.

When we got the badge as well we were told that people nick them out of cars so they can use them.

I must say yes it could do with sorting out.

So time we have had to go to place and had to be there for some time as well.

Feb 15, 2006
hi colin-yorkshire i do agree that the badge should be with photo showing and that alot of people do take up dis parking bays with no badge. i dont agree that they should have to get there chest lines out to prove they have cancer, or to roll there trousers up take there shoe, splint and sock off to prove the have a deformed club foot or the need to take there top off to show the parking attendants that they have scoliosis of the spine that is going a bit to far.

yes something does need doing about abusing the system though that i will agree with.

Aug 13, 2007
I see on the BBC this morning that ASDA are going to start giving out fines for vehicles parked in disabled & parent/todler parking spaces.

I didnt catch all of the story so can only assume that they will be clamping to enforse

Graham W.
Mar 16, 2005
From things said in the last few posts it seems to me that

1. There is a danger of things becoming heated and personal

2. The topic has been covered comprehensively

I think the thread should close here unless there is something pressingly new that has not been put forward to date.
Apr 11, 2005
From things said in the last few posts it seems to me that

1. There is a danger of things becoming heated and personal

2. The topic has been covered comprehensively

I think the thread should close here unless there is something pressingly new that has not been put forward to date.
Hi Moderator 1

Sorry just try to put a point a cross I did not whan to upset any one.

Mar 13, 2007
to mod 1

why has my reply been deleted ?? it was written to explain my position on the subject and set the record straight.

I think anyone should have the right to reply to critisism of there posts when only a small part of what they say has been taken out of context and made to give the wrong impression of there views, just because one person is offended and complains.

if this is the mamby pampy way this forum is policed then there is no wonder long standing contributors decide to leave.

frank said quite rightly if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen what you dont do is turn off the gas to reduce the temprature.

a very disguntled colin.
May 12, 2006
Hi Colin,

If I read your reply correctly what you are saying is that a Blue Badge Holders Card should be Policed, just the same as an unbadged car parked in a disabled bay.

I would have thought that would appeal to all badge holders !!!

Mar 16, 2005
to mod 1

why has my reply been deleted ?? it was written to explain my position on the subject and set the record straight.

I think anyone should have the right to reply to critisism of there posts when only a small part of what they say has been taken out of context and made to give the wrong impression of there views, just because one person is offended and complains.

if this is the mamby pampy way this forum is policed then there is no wonder long standing contributors decide to leave.

frank said quite rightly if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen what you dont do is turn off the gas to reduce the temprature.

a very disguntled colin.
Not sure how your post disappeared. I'll look into it.


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