disabled parking

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Nov 12, 2009
Good point, I think the disability acts might be part of European law
Mar 14, 2005
In Bridgend the yellow lines were painted on the roads to force everyone into the council run car parks. Bridgend pay through the nose for parking whilst neighbouring towns of Maesteg and Cowbridge have free parking for all twenty four hours of the day and seven days a week. Porthcawl car parking has almost doubled for the summer season. One multi storey car park has been demolished in Bridgend for a new Asda store so the other park has increased regarding parking fees as every body now has less choice for parking. It is for this reason that Aldi have maximum 1.5 hours free parking and Tesco has two hours free parking.


Nov 12, 2009
I think that in West Bromwich if you park on one of the car parks and dont have a receipt from the store payment has to be made, but I couldnt be certain because I avoid West B rom like the plague.

Incidentally Colin, I used to deliver around the towns that you mention, all around South Wales. The ladies in one shop in Bedwas used to tell me how they used to see Tommy Woodward aka Tom Jones at the Green Fly.
Mar 14, 2005
Tommy Woodward was booed off the stage at the Bay View Social Club in Port Talbot. My brother's group was the supporting act and they paid them to perform all evening instead of Tommy Woodward (Tom Jones). This was just before he changed his name to Tom Jones.


Nov 12, 2009
Port Talbot was a tough town at one time. Probably still is but I havent been there for years. I used to stay in Swansea on Thursday nights and go to the Grand Hotel opposite the railway station. One of the best 50s rock and roll groups Ive ever seen were resident performers on Thursdays, the singer was a guy called Wyndham Rees I think. They were absolutely great.
Apr 19, 2005
I`m 37 years old and have been disabled for the last five years due to a major accident. I have a blue badge but do wish I didn`t have to have one and wish I could turn back time.

So all you people who moan about people having Blue Badges should be grateful your not in the unfortunate position of needing one now or ever !!!!

Mar 14, 2005
Mark G. you have hit the nail right on the head - it is the old saying that there for the grace of God go I. I hope the accident has not left you to injured and that time will be a healer - all the best.
Mar 14, 2005
Steve - the Grand Hotel is still there standing proud. My brother's group had a regular booking there in the 1960s. They were called the Sundowners and sometimes had a female vocalist - Joyce Griffiths and other times a male singer - Mike Davies. Mike was very keen on Buddy Holly music so he always insisted on at least three songs from his hits every time the group went out to perform. Another regular booking was Tonmawr Rugby Club, they had to lock the doors (even the emergency doors) to prevent overcrowding - ah the good old days when one could understand the music. The Carlton Club in Water Street and the Working Men's Club in Cynon Ville on the way to Cymmer were also popular bookings.


Nov 12, 2009
Steve - the Grand Hotel is still there standing proud. My brother's group had a regular booking there in the 1960s. They were called the Sundowners and sometimes had a female vocalist - Joyce Griffiths and other times a male singer - Mike Davies. Mike was very keen on Buddy Holly music so he always insisted on at least three songs from his hits every time the group went out to perform. Another regular booking was Tonmawr Rugby Club, they had to lock the doors (even the emergency doors) to prevent overcrowding - ah the good old days when one could understand the music. The Carlton Club in Water Street and the Working Men's Club in Cynon Ville on the way to Cymmer were also popular bookings.
Those were the days,Colin. Although my adolescent years were in the late 60s and early 70s I've always loved the old rockers.

Before I had a stroke I used to play Bass guitar with various groups in the Midlands. One of these, in the 1970s was The Gerry Lee Three and all of the old Teds and their wives used to come along and dance.

Just last August Carole and I went to the Glenn Miller Festival in Clapham, Beds. This was a three day event for caravanners celebrating 'Big Band' music, but featured this year was the best representation of Elvis Presley that we've ever seen. (in a desperate attempt to stay 'on topic' I will add that the event is open to disabled people :0)
Aug 30, 2007
We have a disabled relative who we take to the shops, Doctors, Hospital etc.

Never had a problem at our local supermarket but then they do have a chap that collects the trolleys and generally looks after the parking.

But our local Surgery has 4 of the available 10 parking bays marked as disabled. These disabled parking bays are usually empty whereas there are people fighting for the six normal spaces. This results in people parking in the road and in the adjacent Dentists car park. And all the time there is usually all of the disabled spaced "available"

This silly situation was dramatically underlined last autumn when we went down to get her flu jab we had the ridiculous situation of people double parking opposite the normal bays, the disabled bays totally empty, and us with a bona fide disabled badge unable to get into a disabled bay.

We did manage in the end but when we came to leave we were blocked in.

This year we plan to ignore the disabled parking bays stick the badge in the windscreen and park on the double yellows. We will be in and out in minutes.

I am certainly not against disabled bays, especially as we have a relative who has a disabled badge and so when she is with us we use them, but it does seem that in certain areas there are far more than is actually required and this allows the "pond life" to justify in their intellectually challenged minds their abuse of the system.
May 21, 2007
Just a question ref the original posting.Is there any legality attached to disabled parking bays??.The reason I ask is because if it is illegal to park in one of these bays(unless you are disabled with a blue badge),and get caught(I don't know how unless they are patrolled)3 points on the licence and
Jul 25, 2007

Regarding bays allocated for Blue Badge holders only in supermarkets and other private car parks there is no CRIMINAL offence committed if you park in one without displaying a badge. You can NOT get points on a licence etc


the landowner CAN take action through a Civil Enforcement Notice etc and levy a penalty charge IF ALL the APPROPRIATE signage is in place.

In reality I doubt this happens in supermarket car parks because A. They dont want to spend money in enforcement and B. They dont want to alienate able bodied customers (according to Customer Services dept of a large supermarket chain)

Jul 18, 2006
At 139 posts I'm not going to read them all (well 140 now !!)

In the US of A in many supermarkets they fine people if they park in disables spaces. I think they should do that here too.

I will NEVER park in a blue badge space even if the car-park is full. We have an 18 month old and we try to park in the parent and child spaces as they are wide too, but if they are none it would be tempting to park in those, but NO, I will try and find an end space if possible.

My darling Mother in law told us that she parks in parent and child spaces as she is a parent and has children (youngest 21 years OLD !!!) well if people have that sort of attitude then help us all !!

I have noticed that parent and child spaces are not always nearest to the store which isn't a problems as far as I am concerned. This is of course different for dispabled spaces as there are many reasons for holding a blue badge.

Slightly drifted off topic, my appologies :)
May 21, 2007
100% agree with you rubix.I never have and never will park in a disabled or family parking space unless I am forced to do so.(kids grown up so family parking not an option,even with grandchildren)

enough said
Jun 19, 2005

Please accept my apologies as my post was not meant to be a personal attack, I was just trying to highlight the fact that I thought that removing Disabled parking bays was over the top.

The whole parking 'Blue Badge' parking scheme is all wrong. I think it has to be looked over again and again to see what they needs of people are.

Someone mentioned that they wish they would have never had to use a Blue Badge and I agree but unfortunately I came off my motorbike which left my paralysed from mid chest down.

I would like to see spaces for people with a disability split into categories. This might seem far fetched but I am not bothered about parking close to the door of the store or place I am going so I would gladly park away from the door and leave the disabled bays for people who really need them.

The only reason I need a disabled bay is for the room to get my chair out, that is all so I would gladly park in a space at the other end of the car park as long as it is a wider space. I often do this anyway, I will park a good distance away from the store and I try to park in a way that will leave room for me to get in and out of the car. Unfortunately if the car park gets busy, people park right next to me and I can't get into my car.

My personal thoughts are, that is they made spaces next to the store for Blue badge holders and then put spaces a bit further away, I would gladly park in the bays further away but again as mentioned in a previous post and I am sure everyone will agree, it will be abused. Until there is a law against it, this system will be abused. We could go on and on here but at the end of the day it seems that the majority if the people on here want the same thing, which is to see disabled bays used correctly for people who need them, which is another avenue that needs to be explored.

I used to work in a garage that supplied Motability vehicles and the amount of people you see abusing the system is ridiculous but I do know that there are many 'hidden disabilities'.

I apologise if I have offended anyone with any of my post as this was not the intent.


Jul 11, 2005
I never have or would park on a disabled bay.

But I was with my brother in law who has a blue badge, he parked in a disabled bay but over the line and got a
May 29, 2007
Dougy, i am not offended! Discussion made this country great.If we agreed on every issue, then what sorry boring world this would be. I know how frustrated i become when i drop stuff cos the hand are'nt working proper, so some times it helps to come on here and give it some.

Luckly i was young when i was diagnosed with the arthitus so now i just live with it. As i said i am lucky i have a job i love and i get my own parking space, but it is miles away from the store.

In your case i would go in to my local shop and play hell till they give you a dedicated space for being a loyal shopper!

Well theres an idea, instead of disabled bays, dedicated shopper bays! Do you think it may catch on?
Mar 14, 2005
We've just been to the new(ish) ASDA store in Brynmawr, and they have one set of blue badge bays at the car park entrance, and another outside the door. As we had Herself's electric trike, we used the far-away ones. Outside the store, two of the four(or maybe five) bays were occupied by non-badge holders.
May 29, 2007
Ah, were they disabled bays or blue badge bays? If the have a pic on them of a matchstick person in a wheelchair, they are disabled bays!
Mar 14, 2005
Disabled bays, Diane.But neither of the offending cars were displaying badges. Incidentally, the signs in Morrisons say"blue badge holders only".

Notice how even-handed we are, using different stores each time?
Mar 14, 2005
Emmerson do you not use Tesco then? Diane if it was a loyalty badge for parking I should be right by the entrance door to Tesco. Alternatively when it is your day off I could use your parking bay if you were to disclose it to me. Incidently I went to Tesco yesterday eveneing and the petrol station was shut and the only paper in the photocopier was punched papaer. I was told that they had run out of plain A4 paper. What a state to be in at 7:30pm.
May 29, 2007
Notice how even-handed we are, using different stores each time?

Well if you come to my Tesco you canhave my space, Only thing is guys, its behing the PFS!

Yes we had a problem with the maint till and the engineer was replaceing the part. If had not of had it done i would have ended up closing for possibly 2-3 days. Why did'nt you give me a shout? I was Duty manager last night.
Mar 14, 2005
Colin, of course we do! I wouldn't want to upset Diane!. We use the Pontypool store. One of our neighbours works p/t in Pontypool, and another is manager at Abertillery, I believe. But we also use Sainsburys, Waitrose or whatever else takes herself's fancy. I just go where I'm told.


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