disabled parking

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Jan 19, 2008
Its on the back!
LMAOOO I know its on the back but from outside nobody can see it. If a warden, who normally checks the car tax, looked at the pic maybe later they would spot the offenders getting into the car and see that the person whose pic it is isn't in the car.
Mar 14, 2005
Brian my wife could and still can drive. Since 1969 when first got married we went shopping together and have continued ever since. Please do not be offended but we have always done most things as a team effort and have never thought otherwise. My work did help regarding shopping as I was off every weekend and finished quite early during the week. Late nights only Monday and Tuesdays. Also had long holiday periods being in education. Even now if we go anywhere we go as a couple - very rare on our own. Since we have both retired and the children grown up my wife does now often go with a neighbour for a woman's day out to either Cardiff or Swansea. I generally stay at home doing some work about the house and have a bit of peace.
Mar 14, 2005
Diane my wife did part time work when the children started school. Her work was such that she was home for the children and then went to work when I got home in the evening. We made sure there was one of us in the house at all times for the children - very rare did they have to go to their grand parents even though they lived very close (6 doors away). They were never latch key children. Initially, full time employment, she was relief manageress for Liptons/Maypole but when she had part time work she was employed on the evening shift in the collery canteen in Blaengarw - 8:00pm to 11:30pm. Last going off she worked part time in the Pheasant pub in Penyfai behind the bar.


Nov 12, 2009
Sorry to hear that your wife has been so ill, Colin, and after those TIAs I hope that you're watching the cholestrol.(and blood pressure when you spar with Lord B :0)

As a disabled badge holder I try to shop in the less busy times as both Carole and myself are now retired. It can be frustrating sometimes if you can't get a disabled bay straight away, but surely its better to let a young family use the bay than to see a child who has broken away from its parents, who might have a load of shopping and other kids to deal with running wild and seeing no danger on a car park.

The speed that some people drive at in car parks is frightening and you cant see young children coming from between parked cars.

Anything is better than seeing a child hurt or even worse, so if the disabled bays are full I just park a bit further back somewhere else, not in the ' families' bay. If there is a lot of shopping(theres never all that much if I can help it ) somebody from the store would help me if I asked them, and they've got a couple of electric buggy things as well.

I'm lucky in that I can hang about for a bit and a bay will become empty before too long. If I,m really lucky Carole falls for the one that goes ' You carry on,love, I'll be right in behind you'.
Jan 19, 2008
We always did things together, that's how our kids had the same mother and father. She told me we had to do things together anyway so who was I to argue, if I disagreed my rations were cut.

My wife doesn't drive so that's why we shop together. Regarding her working, she never worked until the children grew up. That has rubbed off onto my daughter, she tells people that she was never a latchdoor key kid and she doesn't intend hers to be either. She will go to work when they are all old enough but that will be sometime yet as the ages range from 6 to 16.

My wife totally supports her on her outlook and theres noway that she would hand over her babies to a stranger child minder soon after birth so she can go to work.

My own feeling is that in this materialistic, must have everything straightaway society of ours a lot of the problems of todays delinquency can be blamed on this practice. The poor kids must grow up so confused not knowing who their parents are and from being shoved from pillar to post.

Friends of ours daughter had her first child and as soon as she could get back to work the baby was with a child minder. She is now having her second child and her mother (our friend) is now giving up her job as a doctors receptionist to look after the two children, saying they are struggling to pay the mortgage.

The point of this is most people of my generation started off on the mortgage ladder at the bottom, either a flat or a mid-terrace. Not these, must have the best, a
Mar 14, 2005
Steve although I think that young parents should have the sense to look after their child, can't blame the child for being unruley if the parent hasn't instilled right and wrong. However I do not park in either the parent/toddler spaces or the disabled spaces out of courtesy and respect. If the parent cannot cope with the shopping and child(ren) then he/she should reorganise their schedule to either shop as a two parent famity or arrange a babysitter to look after the child when shopping. As I previously said my wife and I managed to shop and raise two healthy children without any problems so why can't a parent do it nowadays. How did my parents manage with four children all within three years and without a car, where there was the high pram and all the groceries to be manhandled back home from town?

Regarding my wife and self on the health front we appear to be fitter now having bothe retired and relaxed although the syndrome she has will never go. I feel so well nowadays that I feel I am taking blood pressure tablets under false pretences as all our worries seem to have eased considerably. Thank you for asking and hopefully you and your wife will enjoy many more years of reasonable activity and enjoyment out of caravanning.
May 29, 2007
Colin how would you feel if it was your grandchild? How would you feel if your divorced daughter had been shopping after picking the child up from school, He/she, highley excited runs out in front of a taxi (know,n for tearing around the car park) and bang! game over?

As for stay at home mothers, i was not afforded that luxury. I got divorced from my two timeing rat of an exhusband, who i might add, quickly dissapeared with his new bit of stuff, when my girls were 9 and 6.

Rather than be a burden on the tax payer and state, I got off my backside and found myself a job. I had a house to keep and two growing kids. I was pretty lucky as i come from a large family, so my kids were NEVER left alone. My children have turned out a lot better than some who come from homes where mum has always stayed at home, So LB no comparison really.

Colin When i was a single parent i could have done with one of the parent and child spaces, but as a child has to under 5 i never got one?

How old is your grandchild?
Mar 14, 2005
My grandchildren are 13 an 11 and both now in Bryntirion Comprehensive School. My daughter has always worked and when married she and/or her husband would do the shopping and the children were cared for. She now shops either in the evening or at weekends when the children are either with us or with their father. Thankfully the children have always had a secure home to turn to be it with either parent or with us. The circumstances you were in when you became a single parent was similar to many others. The difference being was that you looked after the children and brought them up knowing how to behave and knowing right from wrong. Also you stated there was always some one available withinn a caring family to look after them when necesssity dictated. In other words, although you had a home and family to cater for, your children came first, and probably as a caring parent always will come first.


Nov 12, 2009
Thanks for your kind thoughts, Colin.

I can understand what you're saying, my (ex) wife and myself brought up three sons without any problems. I always insisted when they were small that they hold onto their mothers or my hand, but small children can catch you out if you're not careful. You dont see many kids holding their parents hand nowadays for some reason. Its good to hear that you are feeling well but for Goodness sake please dont make the stupid mistake that I made. This is a little off topic but by the time I was 50 I had suffered 2 heart attacks, the later one a bit nasty. Obviously I had to pack in lorry driving and when I started to feel a bit better nobody fancied employing me, so I went on a couple of college courses and took up painting and decorating which I'd had an interest in for years. By this time I was divorced so I threw body and soul into it and ended up with a little one man buissiness as in property maintenance. I teamed up with another guy who was a Dulux approved decorator and between us we could do pretty much anything and the work flooded in. I felt so good that after my CABG (heart bypass) I was back working within two months. Still with me ?

I felt so fit that I neglected to take all of the tablets that I was supposed to and I was too busy to get them anyway.

Then I had a major stroke.

It turns out that my condition is hereditary but neither the doctors or myself knew about it at the time but if I'd have taken those tablets.........

On a brighternote if I hadn't had the stroke I would not have discovered the joys of caravanning cos I was too busy to use the caravan then. Thats how I ended up with a blue badge ( he says, scrambling desperately to get back on topic before everyone falls asleep)

So Colin...., Keep taking the Tablets:0
Mar 14, 2005
Apparantly TIAs are hiredity and my father had seven between the ages of 70 and 89, the last being the cause of his passing away at 90 years of age as he was too weak to fight it. My mother was 92 years of age when she passed away so I am hoping that I can look forward to many years of active life yet. However thank God we cannot tell the future but hindsight is another marvellous thing to have.
May 29, 2007
Transient Ischemic Attack or mini strokes can also be a warning for a bigger one. It is sometimes your bodys way of telling you to be good! So Colin i will be watching your shopping basket next time your in, just to make sure you don't have anything naughty!
Mar 14, 2005
Diane I have not used added salt to my food for many years, likewise I gave up sugar in my tea and on breakfast cerial but unfortunately there is both salt and sugar in many of our every day products. However we do need a certain amount of both in our diet. I also walk around the bottom half of the village every morning for my daily paper from the Texaco garage on the main road. On a fine warm day I have often walked into Bridgend and back rather than take the car or the bus - approx. 2 miles each way. It is one thing I miss with the dog is going for a walk. To walk around the village at my age on my own one could be mistaken as a patient from the mental hospital.
Mar 14, 2005
Transient Ischemic Attack or mini strokes can also be a warning for a bigger one. It is sometimes your bodys way of telling you to be good! So Colin i will be watching your shopping basket next time your in, just to make sure you don't have anything naughty!
such as ?.......
May 29, 2007
Surely Disbabled Parking is a parking bay that has been blocked.

Is it not, Parking for the Disabled

Now thats funny! lol


Nov 12, 2009
Transient Ischemic Attack or mini strokes can also be a warning for a bigger one. It is sometimes your bodys way of telling you to be good! So Colin i will be watching your shopping basket next time your in, just to make sure you don't have anything naughty!
Diane I think I had one of those TIA thingys about a month before the stroke. I used to be in a rock/ blues band, burning the candle at both ends as usual, and at the pub that we were playing were a few bikers. I only drank soft drinks because of driving and playing the music right and on the way home in the car I had double vision. this lasted all night and was frightening but I thought that one of those B%$$
Mar 14, 2005
Years ago they used to comapare the pet with its owner eg Sir Winstone Churchill with his pet dog. I will now say no more Diane. hehehehe


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