Colin how would you feel if it was your grandchild? How would you feel if your divorced daughter had been shopping after picking the child up from school, He/she, highley excited runs out in front of a taxi (know,n for tearing around the car park) and bang! game over?
As for stay at home mothers, i was not afforded that luxury. I got divorced from my two timeing rat of an exhusband, who i might add, quickly dissapeared with his new bit of stuff, when my girls were 9 and 6.
Rather than be a burden on the tax payer and state, I got off my backside and found myself a job. I had a house to keep and two growing kids. I was pretty lucky as i come from a large family, so my kids were NEVER left alone. My children have turned out a lot better than some who come from homes where mum has always stayed at home, So LB no comparison really.
Colin When i was a single parent i could have done with one of the parent and child spaces, but as a child has to under 5 i never got one?
How old is your grandchild?